Hi, I'm new to d20 system and would like to know 2 simple things, I wasted some time by now searching and trying to figure out how to do it, but I couldn't. When we fill a Caracter Sheet (5e shaped to be more precise), we have the option to create an ability, that can be easily accessed via token, and we can fill actions to be automated rolled when we click Action/Cast/Attack/Save/etc. 1º If I fill a NPC sheet, and create the "Dagger" action for a kobold, when I click the action button he will roll his attack with its dice damage and any relevant information I inserted there. But to do that I MUST open his charater sheet and click on that particular button. Cant I simply make a shortcut of that action button on his tokens, like placing it on the ability tab or something? I also realized that I can move that action button if I hold the left mouse button, can I do anything usefull with that or it is just the way buttons act on the roll20? 2º When I use the built in Macro Actions from the Caracter Sheet, I noticed that all the d20 rolls are rolled twice, unless it is an Advantage or Disadvantage Roll, I can't see why it rolls the dice twice. Any way to change that? I understand that if the player have neither, I just pick the first result, but in terms of gameplay it is a bit weird to see a bunch of dices being rolled on the table, specially if we use the 3D dice rolling. If a player make 1 attack and it may crit for 2d4 for example, in a single attack the action macro rolls 3d4 and 2d20 dices, the player and the DM dont even know what dices are actually being used, forcing us to wait to see the chat result since the table roll doesn't make any sense, if there are any way to make simple rolls like 1d20 to hit and its regular damage or roll the crit dices only when it is actually a crit hit? Thanks for your time, I'm really enjoyng using the roll20, only the laggy that happens when we close some windows that still bothers me a bit but I intend in buying the Mentor subscribe soon so I can make better improvements to my table, good job in using HTML5 and keep up the good work.