The next game will be Friday 4-27-2015 at 6pm. I will only be focusing on adventuring into the Palace of the Vampire Queen at this point. The death of Virez, Lord of the Palace and consort of the Vampire Queen, has triggered "the endgame" of the adventure. The group of adventurers must now rescue the Princess of the Urchin Isles and stop the Queen's nefarious plans before their completion. There will likely be no more side-quests at this point, until the Queen is defeated. When this occurs there will be an adventuring interim of (1d6)d6 months in-game where adventurers will go off and do non-DM adventure activities like administering to their lands, constructing fortresses, serving in the army, learning tradeskills, etc. Those who reach level 10 will not be allowed on standard adventures, but may continue activities behind the scenes. I may run an occasional "high-level" adventure for them from time to time; but these would be of exceptional difficulty for exceptional rewards. My plan is to stop running the campaign after we resolve the epilogue of the Palace, and focus on studying for my CPA exam for about 6 to 8 months. John T. has some interest in running a few sessions set in Planet Eris, and I know a few of you could run it too. It is actually fairly easy to get new people into the game, but it gets progressively more difficult to invite new people when the average level of the group is so high and the easier content has already been dealt with. I would open up the campaign to new people, but 1st through 3rd level characters have difficulty finding opportunities to interact in this level of adventure. New lower level adventures or dungeons can easily get new players with some thought, preparation, and adequate advertising. For anyone that needs materials, I can try and share pages I've created in the campaign, and my DM notes. All my notes are stored in either excel (tables) or OneNote. I also need to put pen to paper to finish detailing the Sea Adventure rules; they are easy to learn and adjudicate, but stuff like what ships exist in the world definitely needs to be written out a bit more.