var note = findObjs({ _type: "handout" });
log(note); => [] Either I'm making a very stupid mistake, or that should be returning an array of all of the handout objects. The wiki says... var currentPageGraphics = findObjs({
_pageid: Campaign().get("playerpageid"),
_type: "graphic",
And... _type | "handout" | Can be used to identify the object type or search for the object. Read-only So whatever mistake I'm making is probably a good sign to stop writing code for the day. Any suggestions would be helpful. I even went so far as to check against HoneyBadger's [Script] PowerCards 2 (Thread 2) script on github
lines 330-332: var PowerCard_FormatHandout = findObjs({
_type: "handout",
name: "PowerCard Formats"
I'm stumped.