I'm pretty sure that this is not actually possible unfortunately, but maybe someone else has figured out how to make this happen. I have a rollable table of possible random encounters my players could possibly run into, which makes the random encounters in the campaign a lot easier, and when the result is something like 1 tsaalgrend (which is only ever encountered by itself) it's easy to just pull the tsaalgrend character token onto the board and start the encounter. Some of the random encounters though have some flex to them, such as encountering 1d6 thugs. Is there a way to make that 1d6 roll when the rollable table gives it's result. I've tried making the rolls inline rolls in the table, but that just outputs [[1d6]] thugs for example, rather than outputting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 thugs. This obviously is not a huge deal since it's not that much extra work to just type the roll in after the table generates it's result, but it would be nice.