Time: 4:30 PM PST Duration: 30 minutes - 1 hour Character Level: 3 Players: 1 / 5 (Greg B.) Hiya everyone! I've had this idea jingling around in my head for some time now, and I want to playtest it out. It's relatively simple, yet can prove to be very, VERY difficult in the heat of combat. You have 6 seconds to state their action and their movement. If your action is not said at the end of your 6 seconds, in-game, your character "freezes up", and your turn is skipped. If you are saying your action and your 6 seconds expires, you will only do your actions/movements up to that point, even if you could've done more. You can ask the DM to clarify your environment (in-game expressed by your character looking around), but it still expends your time. Players can call a "Hold" to pause combat to discuss game rules/spell rulings only. We'll hop in to the campaign and play through a scenario or two, and then you guys can offer advice on how to make it better or any criticisms about it. Be warned new players, as this IS a harder game mode, it will be much more difficult to survive than regular tabletop combat. Thanks!