Hey, I use The Aaron's ammo script to handle ammunition tracking - got it all set up and it's working great for characters, but now I want to use it for mooks. I've got a "hirelings" character sheet set up as a mook with a rollable table token and variable hitpoints so that, when the party hires men-at-arms, I can just pull out a couple tokens, rename the tokens, and poof! instant meatshields. However, for those that have missile weapons, I want to use the script to track their ammo, but it seems that it changes the attribute on the character sheet. How can I make this script work for me in this instance? I had thought maybe use bar3 for example (right now it's set up as movement, but that can be changed) to keep track of arrows. That would make it pull from the token, but I tried it and it didn't work. Here's the macro I'm using now: /em @{selected|token_name} attacks!
==a bunch of stuff to roll the attack, which doesn't matter here==
!ammo @{selected|token_id} arrows -1 The sheet has an attribute "arrows." Then, to recover ammo: /em @{selected|token_name} recovers arrows...
!ammo @{selected|token_id} arrows [[ceil(?{Shots fired?|1} * (1d21+39) /100) ]] This just gives a random percentage (40-60%) of fired arrows as recoverable. What do I need to make this work on a token level, rather than from the character sheet?