General Summon monster macro not working... this is what it is like. &{template:DnD35Attack} {{name=@{selected|token_name} }} {{npcflag=true}} {{subtags=attacks with a @{selected|weapon7name} }} {{npcflag=true}} {{fullattackflag=[[d1]] }} {{attack1= @{selected|weapon7name} attack [[1d20+ ?{hit mod|1}[hit mod] ]] Crit confirm1 [[1d20+?{hit mod|1} [hit mod] ]] poison [[?{poison|d4}]] DC [[?{DC|15}]] }} And this is what I want it to be, &{template:DnD35Attack} {{name=@{selected|token_name} }} {{npcflag=true}} {{subtags=attacks with a @{selected|weapon7name} }} {{npcflag=true}} {{fullattackflag=[[d1]] }} {{attack1= @{selected|weapon7name} attack [[1d20+ ?{hit mod|1}[hit mod] ]] Crit confirm1 [[1d20+?{hit mod|1} [hit mod] ]] poison [[?{poison|d4}]] DC [[?{DC|15}]] affecting [[?{status|dex}]] }} the first works fine, but when I add the second it won't show up, almost like I am asking to much of the macro. so any help I could get would be appreciated, and an explanation on why its not working or why I am messing up. Oh yea the normal, sorry if I am repeating a post, but don't see it. so PLEASE HELP! my friend is tearing out her chest hairs trying to figgure this out.