So as the title implies, I have 4 players currently playing Rise of the Runelords, using Pathfinder. This is a very, very heavily edited and re-mixed campaign with tons of extra content and padding, all for the purposes of crafting a more elaborate story for the players to engage with. Currently, the current chapter is so heavily modified that even a DM who's run it before can't recognize it, so the game is safe for people familiar with the plot.
Who We Are: We are a group of players, the longest of which have been playing continuously for about a year now. Not including missed weeks and sessions where we've done other one-shots and things, we've played about 37 sessions of Runelords so far. Everyone in this group is easy to get along with, and we would love to have someone outgoing and engaging to help add to the roleplay dynamic. Not really looking for someone to play a silent-type or fade into the background.
Our game is very much a roleplay-centric campaign. No hack-and-slash here, as we've been no stranger to going 3 or 4 sessions without seeing any sort of combat at all. Here it's about character and story. Players don't deal with XP, and all non-physical skill checks like Knowledge, Perception, Bluff, are all rolled blind so only the DM sees the result. We don't let metagaming drive player action.
What To Expect: This is where things get tricky. The party is currently level 5. We are basically right in the middle of Book 2. This is an ongoing campaign, so people expecting to start from level 1 and see the story develop from the beginning probably have left by now. But, if the concept intrigues you, and you don't mind trying to wrap your head around a bit of a brain-twisting plot, you'll find a solid game here. We communicate through Skype voice, so a mic is required.
I'm looking for someone with solid attendance capabilities, so this is gonna have to mean no people on European time, or other non-US timezones. I don't want to discriminate, but I've had too many people in other games around GMT insist that they will show up, despite the game being 6 in the morning on a Sunday for them, and it really has not worked yet. 10PM EST on Fridays is our time slot. It's awkward, but it's the one we've got.
Please, please do not send me a message with your character concept, even if you have one. We'll get around to that, it's just not the first thing I want to read.
I know an ongoing game is less appealing, but it's worth a shot because my players have been asking for a reliable 5th for a while now. So send me a PM if you think we might be able to do business, and I'll be happy to talk things over.
Who We Are: We are a group of players, the longest of which have been playing continuously for about a year now. Not including missed weeks and sessions where we've done other one-shots and things, we've played about 37 sessions of Runelords so far. Everyone in this group is easy to get along with, and we would love to have someone outgoing and engaging to help add to the roleplay dynamic. Not really looking for someone to play a silent-type or fade into the background.
Our game is very much a roleplay-centric campaign. No hack-and-slash here, as we've been no stranger to going 3 or 4 sessions without seeing any sort of combat at all. Here it's about character and story. Players don't deal with XP, and all non-physical skill checks like Knowledge, Perception, Bluff, are all rolled blind so only the DM sees the result. We don't let metagaming drive player action.
What To Expect: This is where things get tricky. The party is currently level 5. We are basically right in the middle of Book 2. This is an ongoing campaign, so people expecting to start from level 1 and see the story develop from the beginning probably have left by now. But, if the concept intrigues you, and you don't mind trying to wrap your head around a bit of a brain-twisting plot, you'll find a solid game here. We communicate through Skype voice, so a mic is required.
I'm looking for someone with solid attendance capabilities, so this is gonna have to mean no people on European time, or other non-US timezones. I don't want to discriminate, but I've had too many people in other games around GMT insist that they will show up, despite the game being 6 in the morning on a Sunday for them, and it really has not worked yet. 10PM EST on Fridays is our time slot. It's awkward, but it's the one we've got.
Please, please do not send me a message with your character concept, even if you have one. We'll get around to that, it's just not the first thing I want to read.
I know an ongoing game is less appealing, but it's worth a shot because my players have been asking for a reliable 5th for a while now. So send me a PM if you think we might be able to do business, and I'll be happy to talk things over.