If you're interested in D&D/Fantasy genre specifically, the rules for D&D 3.5 edition and Pathfinder (which essentially builds off of the D&D rules) are both free online (D&D 3.5: <a href="http://www.d20srd.org/" rel="nofollow">http://www.d20srd.org/</a> Pathfinder: <a href="http://paizo.com/prd/" rel="nofollow">http://paizo.com/prd/</a> ). You don't need a "board" for either of those games, actually, so the rules on those two websites are all you need to play them. Some people prefer to own actual dice to roll, but Roll20 provides a built in dice roller function so you don't even need those. There are tons of different kinds of RPG games out there, however, and there are some others that offer their rules sets for free. Often the easiest thing to do is decide what genre you would prefer to play -- sci-fi, fantasy, cyberpunk etc. -- and ask about systems of that type. Everyone has their own preferences, so I have no doubt you'll get lots of suggestions. :)