Hi scripters! Could I get a little help? I've seen that there is an importing script for monster stat blocks for Pathfinder, and I was wondering if someone would like to create one for me for OSRIC. It would be worth about a month of Supporter to about a month of Mentor, depending on how much time it would save me. Here is an example image of a monster entry in the OSRIC rules: And the text, copied and pasted from the rules PDF: Bugbear Frequency: Uncommon No. Encountered: 6d6 Size: Large (7 ft tall) Move: 90 ft Armour Class: 5 Hit Dice: 3+1 Attacks: 1 Damage: 2d4 or by weapon Special Attacks: Surprise on a 1-3 on 1d6 Special Defences: None Magic Resistance: Standard Lair Probability: 25% Intelligence: Low to average Alignment: Chaotic evil Level/XP: 3/135+4/hp Bugbears tend to form bands and live near goblins, a distant relative. Although bugbears have 60 ft infravision, they can live both above and below ground. Bugbears are quite stealthy and surprise at 50%; and a “hear noise” roll will not detect them. Bugbears use a variety of weapons usually gathered from fallen opponents. These include axes, morning stars, hammers, swords, spears and missile weapons. Bugbear hunting parties (12+ creatures) always have a leader who fights as a 4 Hit Dice creature. (AC 4, 22-25 hp, and do 2d8+1 damage) Within the lair there will be a chieftain and sub-chief as well as females and young. The chief is also a 4 Hit Dice creature with the following stats: (AC 3, 28-30 hp, 2d8+2 damage). The sub-chief fights as a leader. If absolutely necessary, females fight as hobgoblins and young fight as kobolds. Each are equal in number to 50% of the male population. Bugbears speak hobgoblin and goblin as well as chaotic evil and their own cursed speech. Treasure: 4d6 silver, 2d4 gold for individuals; 1d8×1,000 cp, 1d3×1,000 gp, 1d8 gems (30% chance), 1d4 jewellery (20% chance), miscellaneous magic weapon (10% chance).