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How does 3.5 D&D work??

I've played 3rd edition D&D but never 3.5. will the 3rd edition players handbook be okay or do I need to find the players handbook for 3.5?
Wrong place to ask.... however, if your looking to play a 3.0 game, you should be able to use on of the 3.5 charactersheets just fine still... there are a few major changes between 3.0 and 3.5 but none of them should make a significant differenct when it comes to the charactersheet. Most of the changes are just differences in mechancics of certain actions, and rulings on how certain things interact... none of which impact how the charactersheets work. If you are looking to play 3.5 however, then you will want to look into accuiring a 3.5 handbook. Roll20 is not the place to discuss the mechanics of rule systems. But I hope this information will help.
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As Chell rightly states, this is off-topic for the Roll20 forums according to the Code of Conduct Intended Use clause. As Chell has also answered your question with plenty of detail i'll now close this post and move it to the off-topic forum. It is worth noting that 3.5 has an Open Game Licence so all of the rules are out there somewhere for free. This thread is off-topic for our site. When you signed up for Roll20 you agreed to abide by our Code of Conduct and this post violates the Intended Use section of the code. Since this is a question about D&D 3.5, you’d be better served utilising a specialised site such as <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>.