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[Recruitment OPEN] [D&D 4e] [Sunday] DM needs 1-2 more players!

Hello, Ragnarok here! I'm DMing a campaign that is short-staffed of PCs. One or two will be needed on sunday for a game that starts at 1 and occurs every weekend at the same day/time. The campaign will be long-term. Good roleplayers needed, but newblies are accepted. Hark, thy Ranger sings of a prophecy foretold! Heroes, a group of many, shall delve beneath the earth to search for power and gold! From the frosthelm Mountains to the Dagger Shores, these unlikely of teammates will harbor no hate for one another as they work together! An evil most ancient stirs the crypts of Eridol, a horde of orcs rises to the east! Word spreads like wildfire of a new tyrant named Rhazzadh rising from the frigid wastes of the Forgotten Seas! Grab thy swords and 'quip thy daggers! Ready thy spells and fletch thy arrows! Many a hero will be born these days! -- Chanter's words upon the streets of Rysol, City of Dawn.
I maybe interested if you could give me some more information. What roles are needed, what kind of setting is the campaign set in, What are the character creation rules, What timezone are you playing in, and any other information you think would be relevant.
Timezone: CST Roles needed: Unknown. We will be gathering 1 hour prior to the game to discuss such things. Character Creation Rules: Standard 28 point-buy. No race/class restrictions. Some race/class combinations can be denied via DM consent or via player vote if the combination proves to be too powerful. Campaign Setting: The campaign takes place in a land called Elysium, on the shores of the Whitevane River in a city-stated named Rysol . Most of the combat will be taking place outside of Rysol, while most of the NPC dialogue and roleplay situations will be taken care of in the safety of the city. Nobility: Currently, no nobility is eligible for play, but later on one might be capable of joining the ranks of a noble house as a guard or informant. Factions: There are three factions so far. The Magus Clan, the Wolf-brethren and the Slayer's Covenant. More information on these will be released later in the game. Obsidian Portal: All players will need to create an Obsidian Portal account for the campaign. The campaign page is  here  and will be consistently updated as play goes on. NPCs will appear in the OP Wiki's when they are met and places will be added as well. Communication: Play will be done visually through Roll20. Skype will be used for voice chat unless a player has a better suggestion. Journalism will not be in Roll20. Please refer to the Obsidian Portal link above for the campaign page, which will be used for journal keeping and PC sheets. Anything I missed? Let me know.
I'm interested I have sum of the books. I'm experienced but not with 4th Ive dabbled that's it. but im very new to the site so i need to know how to go about filling out a charter sheet and other things
Ya sounds fun. Im in. Edit: Ok I think i sent you a message on Obsidian. Never used Obsidian, any reason why you are using it? Just book keeping mostly? 
Character sheets will be created within Obsidian Portal, which can be found  here . We will not be entering the characters until the day of the game, but if you want to rough up a character sheet before hand, you can. Just be aware that you may be asked to fulfill a different role in the party if you do so. Eric R.: Expect a Private Message from me tomorrow morning. I'm using Obsidian Portal because of the ease of access to GM info. It makes it easier to homebrew a campaign with such features.
I'm a complete and total noob, but if you are in need of another and don't mind showing me the ropes I'm interested. I own and have played through the 4e basic book.
i played growing up, but am getting back into things as an adult now.  i'd love to try it out.  i'm a dedicated and serious role player when playing, just might need a refresher on the rules. 
Apologies to you both. Campaign links have been sent out to the first six who have asked to join. If you did not get one, there is no room left.