Session 3: Plot, Storywriting, NPCs Date: Thursday, July 2nd, 2015 Time: 2:00 PM PDT - 4:00 PM PDT, up to 5:00 PDT for Q&A Teachers: Benson Y., Askren, ComplacentBadger Players: 6 / 6 (Chimiboy, Alex A, Nicklas W., Dana K., John A., Ben A.) Backup List: Giancarlo S., Jhon, Oden Sissaris,Stefan I.,Greg A., Ryan S., Luis V., Elidien, Hurp D., Bryce M., The Storyteller, William h., Anthony M. Hiya everyone! I'm Benson aka Toothless, and I run the Dungeon Master League here on Roll20, a small community of both new and veteran DMs working to improve their craft. Every once in a while I run a DML session, where we get together and train more toward different fields of DMing, such as improv, using Roll20, finding and working with players, and more. In this session, we'll be covering the colossal task in writing out and creating an epic adventure for your party. I'll be using my own experience as well as esteemed premade adventure modules and the experience of other DMs to help me along with this. If you have lots of experience writing out full-fledged campaigns, and have some tips to offer or can even make it to the session, shoot me a PM or post here! For those of you attending, you may want to bring some notes of YOUR campaign that you're running or want to run, so we all here can give you tips and ideas to make it better. Don't worry if you're completely new at tabletop! If you have even the slightest interest and an open schedule, attend! We will also have spectator slots open as well as hopefully a recorded video of the session. If you have any questions, you're more than welcome to ask. ^^ Thanks!