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[LFP] [Dresden Files] First Time GM looking for a few players for DFRPG Mini-Campaign

Welp, after playing RPGs for many years, I've finally been bitten by the GM bug. I'm looking to find a few players to join me in a Dresden Files RPG mini-campaign. The game will start off as a one-shot. If things go well, I expect the campaign to run for an additional 3-5 sessions. New players are encouraged to apply, as are players who are unfamiliar with Dresden Files and the DFRPG. We will be using Roll20 and Skype to play.

What is Dresden Files/DFRPG?
The Dresden Files is a book series written by Jim Butcher. It follows a modern day Wizard Private Investigator named Harry Dresden. The DFRPG takes place in the Dresden Files "universe" where Wizards, Vampires, Were-beings, the Fae, and much more exists. Of course, society is blatantly ignorant of this fact, and most people rationalize away any experiences with the Supernatural.

Please be aware that this game will not be starting for at least 3 weeks from this initial post. I need the time to familiarize myself with Roll20 (as a GM), and get a better understanding of the system itself. We may have a "Session 0" sometime before that to do Character and City creation.
The game will likely take place on a weeknight, with a start time of 9:30PM Eastern. Which day of the week will be figured out once I'm able to compare player availability to my own.

What do I need to do?
I'd like any player who are interested in playing to reply here and answer the following questions in the reply:
1) How familiar are you with the Dresden Files(books, TV Show, etc)?
2) How familiar are you with the Dresden Files RPG? FATE/FAE system? Roll20?
3) Do you have any concepts for a character that you would be interested in playing?
4) Since DFRPG takes place in the "real world," we would need to pick a real city for our campaign to be based around. Please pick 3 major cities that you think would work well for our campaign.
5) What days are you usually free?
If they had a D20 Dresden I would be all too happy to play with you :(
July 03 (9 years ago)

Edited July 03 (9 years ago)
1) I've seen the whole TV show and read most of the books (I only just got around to getting my hands on a copy of Skin Game, and will be reading it shortly)
2) Very experienced with Roll20. I own the Fate Core and Fate Accelerated books and have read them, but have regrettably never played them. Not much experience in the DFRPG specifically, though I have a PDF somewhere on my computer.
3) Not at the moment, since I'm writing this at midnight and am tired, but I'm sure I'll come up with something looking at the character options. EDIT: After checking my PDF, I'm starting to get the inklings of an idea for a Focused Practitioner: a Chromamancer, someone with color-altering magic.
4) Washington D.C.; Las Vegas, Nevada; New Orleans, Louisiana
5) Should be free every weeknight unless something changes.
July 03 (9 years ago)

Edited July 03 (9 years ago)
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
*squee squee squee* *BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCE*

I vaguely remember the TV show. I have read and own every single Dresden novel and short story I could get my hands on.
2) I need to go buy the DFRPG. I'm aware that FATE & FAE exist. I've played in multiple Roll20 games and I have GMed a longterm game here for more than a year now.
3) I have no character concepts at this point in time, I would need to read the system rules to have firm concepts. Certainly a mage of some kind. If it's placed in NOLA I want to do some sort of voodoo girl! ^_^ A good-guy necromancer (speaks to loved ones for ghosts) possibly. Edit: I've read a good chunk of the first book, and I'm seriously contemplating a werecat with a minor talent for seeing/speaking with ghosts. I'll poke at some other concepts too to bring to a Session Zero.
4) I echo the New Orleans, LA request, voodoo is SO MUCH FUN; San Jose, CA; Seattle, WA
5) For a 9:30pm Eastern game, I am available Mondays and Tuesdays, with a faint preference for Tuesdays. (I just had these days open up, so I'm wildly excited to be able to apply for this game as I'd been sad I couldn't apply when i first saw this listing.)

July 03 (9 years ago)
Hello, my name is Matt Snow. I was hoping this post was for playing Pathfinder, it doesn't say which game you're playing.

1) How familiar are you with the Dresden Files(books, TV Show, etc)?
Not at all, before a minute or so of googling.

2) How familiar are you with the Dresden Files RPG? FATE/FAE system? Roll20?
I'm very familiar with Roll20, since I've DM'ed three campaigns now; one still going strong after nearly a year.

3) Do you have any concepts for a character that you would be interested in playing?
Well, since we've got 3 weeks to prep, I'd like to put more thought into it than this. I haven't had the fortune to play a caster in any games. I'm looking to meet a new group of players.

4) Pick 3 major cities that you think would work well for our campaign.
All the cities you mentioned were in the US, is that a restriction?...
~Kansas City, MO

5) What days are you usually free?
I'm hopefully going to have a new job by then, so I'll request whatever day I need off annually.

The best way to get a hold of me is on Skype, so add me there. "Karma.Asimo"
Thank you to those that have expressed interest so far. I will likely be sending out PMs over the weekend to potential players.
Matt, we will be using the Dresden Files RPG, which is based on the FATE system. Also, I didn't personally mention any cities so there may be a bit of confusion there. I would prefer to keep it in the US though.

Also, no rush on the character concepts. Just threw it in there in case someone did have one in mind.

Still taking more player applications!
Still looking!
This sounds cool! I'm a little shaky on the FATE system, but I can always review the book.

1) How familiar are you with the Dresden Files(books, TV Show, etc)?
I've read the series and have seen the TV show (though it's been awhile on that one).
2) How familiar are you with the Dresden Files RPG? FATE/FAE system? Roll20?
I'm not familiar with the Dresden Files RPG. I have read through the FATE Accelerated book, though I haven't played more than a one-shot or two with the system. Concerning Roll20, I've played in multiple sessions and games, and have started poking around with the GM side of things.
3) Do you have any concepts for a character that you would be interested in playing?
Not yet... I'll have to take a look at the book first and get an idea of some options. I may be tempted to go for a plain ol' human... but we'll see.
4) Since DFRPG takes place in the "real world," we would need to pick a real city for our campaign to be based around. Please pick 3 major cities that you think would work well for our campaign.
Seattle, WA; Boulder, CO; Las Vegas, NV
5) What days are you usually free?
Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, and (for a month or two) Tuesdays.
July 06 (9 years ago)
Do you mind if I throw my hat in the ring? I am unfamiliar with the Fate system itself... but given enough time and something to study, I'm sure I could learn it to an acceptable level.

How familiar are you with the Dresden Files(books, TV Show, etc)?
I've watched the entire tv series a couple of times, and I've been trying to get a copy of the books for a good while now.

How familiar are you with the Dresden Files RPG? FATE/FAE system? Roll20?
Dresden Files rpg... I've heard of it, Fate... completely honest.. just about the same level as the Dresden files rpg, R20 on the other hand I am familiar with. I've played many games here... mostly one or three shots, but of a good amount.

3) Do you have any concepts for a character that you would be interested in playing?
As for concepts, if I was chosen to play, I'd need to see what the rules allow... but after that I should have a good few ideas.

Since DFRPG takes place in the "real world," we would need to pick a real city for our campaign to be based around. Please pick 3 major cities that you think would work well for our campaign.
1. Miami
2. Seattle
3. Boston
5) What days are you usually free?
Most days other than Monday's and Tuesdays in the evening..
July 06 (9 years ago)

Edited July 06 (9 years ago)
I'd love to join in if you're still accepting players. The Dresdenverse is one of my favorites.

1) How familiar are you with the Dresden Files(books, TV Show, etc)?
Very familiar-- I've read all the books multiple times over, and I've watched the TV show.

2) How familiar are you with the Dresden Files RPG? FATE/FAE system? Roll20?
I've read through but not played the Dresden RPG. I've played FATE games before and enjoyed them. I've used Roll20 before as well.

3) Do you have any concepts for a character that you would be interested in playing?
I'm not sure what sort of game you'd like to run, but I think I'd enjoy playing a Wizard/Warden of the White Council, a White Court vampire, a hedge mage, or even a vanilla human who's recently been introduced to the magical world.

4) Since DFRPG takes place in the "real world," we would need to pick a real city for our campaign to be based around. Please pick 3 major cities that you think would work well for our campaign.
I'm a fan of Seattle and Chicago, as I've been to both cities; we might also try Los Angeles.

5) What days are you usually free?

Every day after 5:00pm Pacific time.
Sigil this is Mike R from facebook

How familiar are you with the Dresden Files(books, TV Show, etc)?
Watched the show through once an ok effort but could have been better. Avid reader of the series and the short stories re read them usually at least once.
2) How familiar are you with the Dresden Files RPG? FATE/FAE system? Roll20?
Not very familiar but will immediately buy the book if I'm in. Have lots of time to read it I'm on disability for at least 6 weeks.
3) Do you have any concepts for a character that you would be interested in playing?
I would play a complete normal with military skills. 1) A Marine recon vet of Iraq whose girlfriend/unborn child was killed while deployed and he's exposed to spooky trying or during avenging them. 2) A Navy Corpsman or Marine Chaplain who becomes a store front pastor and learns of the spooky defending someone from his flock. Either character could have potential to gain magical abilities especially the Chaplain but I'd prefer not.
Since DFRPG takes place in the "real world," we would need to pick a real city for our campaign to be based around. Please pick 3 major cities that you think would work well for our campaign.
You seem to have picked Seattle which I'm way cool with loved the setting as a Shadowrun GM and player. I'd like to learn about/play in Atlanta, Miami or my own home area NYC.
5) What days are you usually free?
Free for next 6 weeks on disability after that free after 630 pm eastern.

If no room in this session please keep me in mind as an alternate.
1) How familiar are you with the Dresden Files(books, TV Show, etc)?
Read all the books except the Bigfoot stories, watched half the tv show.
2) How familiar are you with the Dresden Files RPG? FATE/FAE system? Roll20?
I played and gmed both, and have been using roll20 for over two years now I think.
3) Do you have any concepts for a character that you would be interested in playing?
Going to get to that...
4) Since DFRPG takes place in the "real world," we would need to pick a real city for our campaign to be based around. Please pick 3 major cities that you think would work well for our campaign.
I'm Canadian, so Vancouver, Winnipeg, Calgary?
5) What days are you usually free? That varies, so instead I volunteer to assist with creating characters. Which is why I don't have a character concept. I'm just offering to help.
July 09 (9 years ago)

Edited July 09 (9 years ago)
1) I haven't seen the show. I've read the 15 books and Side Jobs a few times now.

2) I've played the Dresden File RPG once and read over the two books. I'm only as experience with FATE as I am with the Dresden Files RPG. Roll20 I've been using for several months now as a DM.

3) Were-form (wolf or fox in particular), or Emissary of Power (either serving some sort of spirit, or as a non-changeling scion). Of course I'm not particularly set on any one concept and quite happy to see how the city works out and the game you want to run before deciding on one.

4) - Sydney
- Chicago (...I actually thought of this because of World of Darkness, completely missing it's Dresden's city. >.> )
- New York
...Yeah I'm Australian, I don't know what cities in America would actually be interesting. XD

5) Currently any time, and so long as I know which day in advance I can be pretty flexible.
July 09 (9 years ago)

Edited July 13 (9 years ago)
1) Yes, I own the DVD's of the show, and am up to date on the books.
2) Also yes, I have ran a campaign using the Dresden Files system it was quite fun.
3) a Fae of winter that is coming to learn what humanity is about.
4) Humm.. Chicago (Of Course..), New Orleans, London
5) Any weeknight is good other then Monday & Thursday.
July 09 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

Sigil, since you seem to be expecting some familiarity with the setting, I would recommend talking about what point in the timeline the game is taking place. (For example, someone might be interested in the Fellowship of St. Giles, but that doesn't really work if the story is set after the events of Changes.)

It may also be helpful to know whether Paranet Papers (released last month) is in use, as PP updates a few of the game's rules (sponsored magic and soulfire, in particular).

Well plenty of interest I see, but what the hey.

1) I watched some of the show but didn't finish the whole season, I prefer the books. I have them all, read them all, also listened to the audiobook versions (James Marsters is an amazing narrator for the audiobooks), all the way through Skin Game, as well as Side Jobs.
2) I've played a one shot session of Fate a few years back, listened to some people play on a podcast more recently. I read though never played the Dresden Files RPG.
3) A concept that occurs to me is a lawyer whose business is primarily dealing with estate and bureaucratic crap for supernatural entities. Arranging things so a 300 year old wizard has an up to date state issued ID and their civil assets aren't seized, that their property taxes are paid on time so their home and properties are safe and legal. What sort of being he is would be determined by the game's power level.
4) I'll echo Seattle seems interesting and if nothing else The Rain would be an ever present Aspect, Minneapolis/St. Paul makes for an interesting dichotomy. or down to the other end of the Mississippi for New Orleans.
5) Sun-Thursdays are all good for me. Honestly, I'd like to keep my Friday and Saturday nights free.
I've read every book and seen all the shows. But I've never played the game. The only rpg I have experience with is D&D 5e
so if someone can explain the rules I'll catch on eventually but if you still have room Id love to join
September 14 (9 years ago)

Edited September 14 (9 years ago)
1) How familiar are you with the Dresden Files(books, TV Show, etc)?
I have read all the books as well as the comics and watched the show
2) How familiar are you with the Dresden Files RPG? FATE/FAE system? Roll20?
Very familiar with all 3. I have run a few Dresden files games myself both in RL and Roll20. Been wanting to be a player of the game for a while. 
3) Do you have any concepts for a character that you would be interested in playing?
I have always been partial to Sorcerers and Changlings myself. Usualy with the same concept of a street thief. 
4) Since DFRPG takes place in the "real world," we would need to pick a real city for our campaign to be based around. Please pick 3 major cities that you think would work well for our campaign.
Austin is always a good city to work with, Chicago is well known for Dresden, and New York would be a big enough city to seperate it into several areas of control. 
5) What days are you usually free?
During the weekends I am free generaly after 6PM CST. I have little time on the weekends unfortunatly. 
September 21 (9 years ago)
1) How familiar are you with the Dresden Files(books, TV Show, etc)?
I watched the show a long time ago, and have read all the books multiple times. I also have read all the short stories and all the comics (though I could easily have missed recent releases.)

2) How familiar are you with the Dresden Files RPG? FATE/FAE system? Roll20?
I own the DFRPG books and have GMed a short campaign for my IRL gaming group. I've been a player in one game of FATE. I've GM'ed one game on Roll20 and have played in about 5 Roll20 campaigns of various systems.

3) Do you have any concepts for a character that you would be interested in playing?
I have three ideas, each for a different power level.
1- An Arsonist-turned-Fireman who is only dimly aware of the supernatural and very prejudiced against non-humans. Has more than few screws loose but has a charming, wholesome social mask.
2- a happy-go-lucky changeling who can easily open gateways to the Nevernever and traverse the worlds, but doesn't know much about Earth but is curious to find out more about her father's people.
3- a scholarly jewish mage specializing in golem crafting, with a bloodline dating back to the ancient Rephaim giants that both empowers him and makes him smell delicious to all the horrible monsters of the world, especially his own long-dead giant ancestors...

4) Since DFRPG takes place in the "real world," we would need to pick a real city for our campaign to be based around. Please pick 3 major cities that you think would work well for our campaign.
To be honest I don't know much about any real cities, so I'd just be throwing out random names without any good reasoning behind them. I'd be fine with using the example Baltimore setting from the book or having a collaborative fictional city created by the group, or a real city other players would be interested in.

5) What days are you usually free?
My weekdays are unavailable but NIGHTS should all be fair game. Anything past 7PM Rocky Mountain Time or ideally even later should work for me 99% of the time.
September 22 (9 years ago)
I see there is a lot of interest but I would soooo love to play this game

How familiar are you with the Dresden Files(books, TV Show, etc)? I have read the books through to changes, read the comics and short stories up to changes. I have watched the tv show, tho its a poor representation of dresden
2) How familiar are you with the Dresden Files RPG? FATE/FAE system? Roll20? I was to be in a dresden files game previously but it fell through. Ive been playing on roll 20 for a while
3) Do you have any concepts for a character that you would be interested in playing? Id be interested in playing a young wizard who has only just come into her power and is coming to terms with what being a wizard is all about
4) Since DFRPG takes place in the "real world," we would need to pick a real city for our campaign to be based around. Please pick 3 major cities that you think would work well for our campaign. Id be fine with any city, being australian i dont really know any american cities past what i see from tv
5) What days are you usually free? any days
September 22 (9 years ago)
You guys, this posting is a month old.