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Nested Inline roll on mobile app fails when it is in an input's value

Sheet Author
API Scripter
Hey guys, back with another one. Easy reproduction path on this I have an input: <input class="sheet-ability-modifier sheet-no-spin" type="number" name="attr_dexterity_mod" value="[[floor((@{dexterity}-10)/2)]]" disabled="disabled"> I have a roll: [[ d20 + @{selected|dexterity_mod}]] The roll works perfectly fine on desktop and and shows all the values in the result. On mobile it breaks with the typical Syntax error: Expected "(", ".", "abs(" If it is part of a roll template it looks like the result that Greg has posted on my character sheet thread . Thanks for looking into this!
Stephen Koontz
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By mobile app, do you mean the Table for Tablet supporter functionality or the Roll20 for iPad or Android?
Sheet Author
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I mean the roll20 app. The guy who posted it tested it on some kind of tablet. I verified it the roll20 app on my android phone (still works).
Stephen Koontz
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Mark, I just tested this from my iPad without issue. We'll need more information.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I have just re-confirmed that the reproduction path breaks on the android version of the App. Input on the journal <input class="sheet-ability-modifier sheet-no-spin" type="number" name="attr_dexterity_mod" value="[[floor((@{dexterity}-10)/2)]]" disabled="disabled"> Roll: [[@{dakra|dexterity_mod}]] Character is named dakra.
We are looking into this issue now. I'll update here when we have fixed it.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Thanks Ryan! :)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Bumping as this was brought up again. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Let me know if you need anything further.
We are busy with the current push on the next update but it is still on our radar. Nothing needed from your end for now. Sorry for no fix yet.

Edited 1433884002
Sheet Author
API Scripter
No worries - just wanted to check on the status for those asking. Thanks.
This will be fixed in the new mobile update coming out this week. Thanks!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Awesome to hear, thanks Riley!
Riley D. said: This will be fixed in the new mobile update coming out this week. Thanks! Yay! I shall be looking forward to it.
Riley D. said: This will be fixed in the new mobile update coming out this week. Thanks! No updates this week, will it be released next week or is there still hope for the weekend?
We usually don't push out changes during the weekend but I'll check to see what the word on that update is.
Ryan H. said: We usually don't push out changes during the weekend but I'll check to see what the word on that update is. Thanks Ryan.
Ryan H. said: We usually don't push out changes during the weekend but I'll check to see what the word on that update is. Checking in Ryan, any update on the "update"?
Hi Greg B. The new update should be live for Android and should be live for Apple soon- we are waiting on their approval process. The new version numbers are 1.1.0 .
Ryan H. said: Hi Greg B. The new update should be live for Android and should be live for Apple soon- we are waiting on their approval process. The new version numbers are 1.1.0 . Cool, thanks.