This is a bit of a hack and takes advantage of the system-parser
interpreting any line starting with ! as a call to an installed API
script, and if it can't find a script that makes it happy it silently
discards the line. ?{Macro 1?|!} #test1
?{Macro 2?|!} #test2 I use this for non-API variable multi-targeting. Here's a simple proof of concept macro anyone can immediately try: /me bops ?{Number of targets?|1} target(s) on the nose!
Target 1: @{target|Target1|token_name}
?{target2|!} Target 2: @{target|Target2|token_name}
?{target3|!} Target 3: @{target|Target3|token_name} This macro
will ask you to select three targets, as that is the maximum number of
targets this macro handles. It will then ask you how many targets, for
the benefit of the emote. And then it will bring up prompts for target2
and target3: If you wish to bop them on the nose, remove the ! and
leave the box blank. If you do not wish to bop them on the nose, leave
the ! in the box. And you must be asking, "But what if I want to only
bop 1 person? Who do I click for targets 2 and 3?" and my answer is,
"Click on your own token to pad out the list." Try it out a few times and you'll quickly get the hang of it.