The only style of the inline rolls you can do are for Crit, failures and for the 'important' boxes when you have a crit and failure in the same roll. Just change ".sheet-rolltemplate-attack" to the name of the template you're using and modify the following CSS to change the style. The one below is for the default look (yellow boxes with the green, red and blue borders respectively). .sheet-rolltemplate-attack .inlinerollresult { display: inline-block; min-width: 1.5em; text-align: center; border: 2px solid rgba(167, 168, 170,1); /*Cool Gray 6 C*/}
.sheet-rolltemplate-attack .inlinerollresult.fullcrit { border: 2px solid #3FB315;}
.sheet-rolltemplate-attack .inlinerollresult.fullfail { border: 2px solid #B31515;}
.sheet-rolltemplate-attack .inlinerollresult.importantroll { border: 2px solid #4A57ED;}