Hello everyone, Our group has been running this D&D 5th edition campaign for a few weeks now. We are playing a sandbox style Monster / Bounty Hunter style campaign (Think Witcher 3). (Subject to Changed based on tonight's game) It's a homebrew setting with a custom Pantheon, use of magic is very restricted, (think Full Metal Alchemist / Wheel of Time / Dragon Age, etc...) Magic Items are rare, the undead are mostly rumors. Alchemy is prevelant. The main country is called Seven Kings and aside from the magic restriction, it's a fairly standard High Fantasy setting with humans making up most of the population, but it's easy enough to find the other races too. Ideally, character creation will be done on TS, just so we are there to answer any setting or rule questions that may come up. There are a few things about this campaign that people should be aware of: The combats are fairly difficult. Our DM will kill your character for stupid mistakes; however getting killed requires a pretty big mistake - or repeat mistakes. That's not to say we won't mind teaching someone how to play the game, but understand we've almost had a couple player deaths and a Total Party Kill already, and we had to play smart to stay alive. If you are new and you like to play games tactically then you will probably fit. Also we use Lingering wounds that is "slightly deadlier" than some versions you may be used to. Roleplaying is a thing. We roleplay. We use Teamspeak to talk, roll20 to play. Characters stats are rolled using roll20. We use inventory weights but are not asshats about it. If you have a character concept, make sure the character has a reason for wanting to be with a group. I don't want to have to go through a mini-rp game of "lets try to get your character to come along for whatever reason." We currently have 1 DM, and 2 Active Players with a 3rd player MIA for the time being. Our ideal group setup is 4 active players and 1 DM. If the DM is busy or can't show for a evening then I have been cleared to act as DM for a session just to keep us from having a missed week. If you are interested, make a post. Games are Tuesday starting around 6:00pm EST Thank You everyone for reading. If you have any questions feel free to ask Edit: Our currently group makeup is: Sydney - Wizard (Evo)4/ Cleric (Tempest)1: This is my character and currently the "Tank" of the party. I would prefer to move to a nuke / support role. Kelsier - Rogue 4 (Sin) Single Target DPS character. Player is currently MIA. Valender - Bard 4 (Lore) Support and Controller The character you make will begin at level 1.