Hello Roll20, I've been a big fan of Roll20 since I joined six months ago, as it has really helped me get back into tabletop RPGs for the first time in years, letting me find people who can play from the comfort of my own home anywhere in the world. However, once I caught the tabletop bug, I got into another form of playing tabletops - play by posts (PBP). While Roll20 makes it convenient to set up a game time and adhere to it, PBP gives the freedom to continuously play a game at any time, meaning I can perform a move, give a roll or write up an RP moment on my phone during my work break. However, most PBP venues are surprisingly lacking in tools and infrastructure, and also are very hard to find games for (especially for people to stay consistent). Given that all the tools for administering a game as well as finding groups are in place, would it make sense for Roll20 to try and develop a tool to work with PBP games? I'd like to know people's thoughts on this (if it hasn't been discussed ad nauseam before).