Greetings, Me and a small crew play Godlike, the game of Superheroes in WW2, and due to some players falling out, we require two more to pick up their guns. We play every Sunday and Wednesday at 5pm EST, and use Skype. For those who are unaware, Godlike is run on a d10 system. And because modern war is not based around melee combat, certain skills have been combined and others expanded. Now, instead of Strength Constitution Wisdom Intelligence Wisdom Charisma, we have Body Brains Coordination Senses Cool Command. Strength and Con are turned into one stat, Wisdom is split between Brains, Cool, Senses. Dex is now Coordination, and Charisma is two stats, Cool and Command. In addition, we do not play on a grid, because characters do no have a 5ft range of death anymore. So instead we play by feet/inches. For a game that prioritizes ranged fighting, you'll find that these changes were fantastic. In our previous campaign, we played a small team of american paratroopers who were captured, escaped from prison, and saved a bunch of other people on the way home. Iconic Enemies? How about a super fast Nazi that can hit you with a hundred punches a second! Or maybe the Zed Sniper, who would destroy your defenses and shoot you in the head! This time, were in Soviet Russia, playing the leaders of a resistance group trying to get Nazi`s out of Stalingrad. Current members of the party are: Kiril the Iron Maiden, and Vlad the Glass. If you are interested in joining, please post your interest, and then send me a Private Message. If you have any inquaries, I can handle them below. Stay Frosty -J