I'm DMing and starting a new [West Marches](http://arsludi.lamemage.com/index.php/78/grand-experiments-west-marches/) style campaign.
The sessions will happen usually from 9-12 PST/PDT.
It will take place in the Forgotten Realms setting (to reuse the pantheon and certain lore) but on a unknown and more wild continent. The current frontier is the rebuilt town of Disangis (Last Stone in the old tongue), a place where many have gathered to make fortunes or change their fate. Your character has come to make a name for themselves and see what adventure lies beyond the frontier.
The sessions will happen usually from 9-12 PST/PDT.
It will take place in the Forgotten Realms setting (to reuse the pantheon and certain lore) but on a unknown and more wild continent. The current frontier is the rebuilt town of Disangis (Last Stone in the old tongue), a place where many have gathered to make fortunes or change their fate. Your character has come to make a name for themselves and see what adventure lies beyond the frontier.