Hey All, I'm starting to get into in-person tabletop gaming, and I was wondering if someone would be able to help me with an API script idea to aid in using Roll20 for in-person games. The plan is to run everything off of my laptop, with one screen logged in as the GM, and another screen logged in playing as a player, under the same account (I already tried using 2 accounts, but it's not very stable). For general exploring of the map, I'm planning on using a "Party" token, so they can move together as a group. But for combat, I'll use individual tokens for each player. What I'd like to have happen is whoever's turn it is, you can only see what that player sees. When I advance the Initiative tracker, it would automatically switch the sight to the next player's token. If it is a mob's turn, all of the PC token's sights are turned on, so everyone at the table can see what's happening. I already use TokenMod in my campaign, if that makes editing tokens easier. I also realize that having a preset list of tokens that the script will track might mean those tokens will have to be written into the script, that's fine, as long as it's not difficult to update that list. I'm guessing that it would be easiest to have the script toggle the "Has Sight" option, instead of changing the light radius and dim, since that might be different for each token. Though that would make it difficult for the DM to ctrl-L to see what that token sees. -Andrew