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[Discussion] sendChat("player|-ABC123"...) and controlling GM

Stephen S.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Anyone played around with this much? I do a lot of scripts which only should have one person controlling the script or part of a script.
Stephen S.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
checkOwnerName = function(players,ownerId) { var whoToTest = _.where(players, {id: ownerId})[0].get('displayname').split(' ')[0]; return _.chain(players).map(function(p){ return p.get('displayname').split(' ')[0]; }).filter(function(n){ return n === whoToTest; }).value().length === 1; }, refreshData = function() { var players = findObjs({type: 'player'}), ownerId = _.find(_.pluck(players,'id'),playerIsGM); if ( undefined === ownerId ){ chatOutput.Input({ action: 'alert', type: 'Halt', text: '<b>Script Halted.</b> Script halted. State failed to initialize due to <b>no GM</b> being found.' }); } if( !checkOwnerName(players,ownerId) ) { chatOutput.Input({ action: 'alert', type: 'Halt', text: '<b>Script Halted.</b> Script halted. State failed to initialize due to <b>GMs not having unique names.<b>' }); } //more stuff },
Stephen S.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
That sample code above is to find GMs with unique names.... but now I guess I can work more of the ids. 
Stephen S.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Well, I clearly didn't understand this update and its not quite what I hoped for. Was hoping you could target the listener based on ID. Still quoted names is better than it was.

Edited 1439248924
I still target display name (except for instances of a GM check). I might migrate over to player id. I'm curious if there will ever be universal id support; at least in the checking and verifying of things.

Edited 1439251701
Stephen S.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Yeah. The wrinkle is you can still have named that are not distinct and you cannot programmatically change them (read only.) You can test for it.... but might have to halt a script until that name conflict was addressed.