Love your map work, GP. I've been using the Swamp maps in my game sessions for the past 3 weeks. If I could request / suggest one thing I wish was added in your Swamp sets, I would really like a just-plain-grass-all-the-way, and a just-plain-water-all-the-way, tiles matching your textures and colors. This would help with tiling where I need to add extended borders and areas beyond the edge of your map squares, and I don't want to add more land features. Not sure if the same idea would apply to Aquatic ruins (it would probably be a full square of just-plain-ocean-floor no walls), but I plan to try that set in the near future as the party will go adventuring underwater next, after the swamp adventure. Just wanted to provide this feedback/idea as a request for future sets. In summary I think the idea is: Include a generic plain no-feature background map tile in the matching style with your themed map sets. Kind of a no-man's-land, or a DMZ (demilitarized zone), or just a generic Background tile that's on-theme. Thanks again for making all this great, game-ready art.