Greg B. said: Ziechael said: Gives me a great idea for some easily applicable settings for my players, coupled with OldSchoolChris' API button menu this is certainly going to reduce my day-job output for today ;) LOL! I think you're going to beat me to it Ziechael, but I hope you'll share. :) Of course i'll share, it's what Roll20 is all about =D This is what i've come up with so far (it's set to the vision system for 3.5 but could be tweaked for most systems, its also arranged in the most commonly used for my campaign): please note the html code for | is needed to set the radius since using a pure | would break the query !token-mod --set ?{Vision|Torch,light_radius|40 light_dimradius|20 light_hassight|yes light_losangle|360|Lantern,light_radius|30 light_dimradius|15 light_hassight|yes light_losangle|360|Bullseye Lantern,light_radius|120 light_dimradius|60 light_losangle|60 light_hassight|yes|Hooded Lantern,light_radius|60 light_dimradius|30 light_hassight|yes light_losangle|360|Sunrod,light_radius|60 light_dimradius|30 light_hassight|yes light_losangle|360|Candle,light_radius|5 light_dimradius|0 light_hassight|yes light_losangle|360|No light source,light_radius|10 light_dimradius|-10 light_hassight|yes light_losangle|360|Blinded,light_hassight|no light_losangle|360}
It isn't quite perfect yet, i've yet to get the -10 for no light source to play nice, it just -10 from the current value rather than set the value to -10 and i can't seem to get it to do otherwise (Aaron?), also for some reason setting the line of sight angle to 360 just turns it off (Aaron?). Once those bugs are worked out i'll edit this post with the updated version... it's currently unusable due to the line of sight issue but i don't have any more time to spend on it right now :( Once i've got that figured i'll be building one to apply certain statuses easily, then some others for the features i use often, then shoving all of them into a menu using API buttons... adding that as a macro to my macro bar and my work will be complete ;)