Hello and thanks for the interest in this Marvel Heroic RPG game! The actual game time is subject to change based on player availablity. I plan to run Breakout, Civil War, and Annihilation, which are the 3 main Events that were released. I figure a total of about 9 sessions of 4-5 hours each. We should finish Breakout in 2 good sessions.You can play in just one or in all three and you can play the same marvel hero for all three or choose to switch it up, for example, play a street level hero, then a mid- level hero and then a cosmic level hero. I will choose the villains according to the heroes you pick so you can fight against your favorite villain or an arch-enemy. My gaming philosophy is mostly about advancing the story, being fair, and saying "yes". Combat turns will move at a good pace. We will only roll when the outcome of your action is in doubt or being resisted by someone or something. I encourage rp'ing so go ahead and let loose! Requirements: You should have some knowledge of Marvel and their characters as well as some experience with Marvel Heroic RPG and Roll20. You should be familiar with the rules and how to make Macros and operate the Roll20 interface. We will be using voice chat so you must have a microphone. We must start on time and end on time with a full complement of players if the group hopes to be successful, anyone signing up will be expected to be on time and be able to play for the entire session. Please have Macros for your attacks done prior to the session. If you don't know how, we can help with that. If you are interested, please post here (or in the Looking for Group page ) and I will send you the link to join. Thanks! Link to the Looking for Game page: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/30634/marvel-he" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/30634/marvel-he</a>...