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PDF Integration for Roll20

Hello everyone,  I asked Riley about this a few years ago, he said it was on the schedule to be implemented, but I guess it fell between the seats, so I'll ask again here and see if it can gain some traction. I would love to see PDF integration into the interface somehow. The journal tab would be great.  Why It's Important In addition to character sheets, tokens, and various handouts, a DM has to run the adventure itself. Often times either from a book or a digital PDF. Think of Lost Mines of Phandelver , Princes of Apocalypse , or even the old school Dungeon PDFs that WotC used to produce for DnDI subscribers.  Having a PDF in game would make it a lot easier to consolidate resources into the Roll20 interface. Everything a DM needs is right there in the interface and it's one less thing to physically keep track of. Also, when making a base version of campaign, it could be copied along with all the other assets of the campaign.  Real World Example of Use Currently, I run up to 3 versions of the same campaign with three different sets of players. To start, I build a base version of the campaign. I upload all my maps, apply dynamic lighting, input (or copy) monster stats blocks and NPC stat sheets, create blank player character sheets and all my various handouts for quests and items. I assign audio (which still needs folders btw), and put any last minute touches on it.  Then I copy the campaign and rename it (Lost Mines 1, Lost Mines 2, etc.) Then I post up in LFG that I'm looking for players, and I build my groups and invite them to the separate campaigns. Once each group starts playing, the campaign takes on a life of its own. Every group of players is different, so the campaign adjust to their play style. Adding PDF integration would simply add to this level of functionality.  Additionally, it can be used as another tool to disseminate information and custom content to players.  PDFs are generally, I say generally, pretty small in file size. I'm not sure how the programming would work, but I believe it would be far simpler than mixing Fog of War and Dynamic Lighting as Nolan and Riley have both pointed out that that could be very difficult.  Quick Recap Enhanced and Efficient DM organization Enhance player experience Further consolidation of the Roll20 interface Please vote for PDF integration into the Roll20 interface. Along with folders for the Jukebox, it's a very minor add that would really round out the organization and dissemination of information and content within the game, enhance DMing organization and player experience simultaneously, with very minimal lifting on the part of the Devs. Thank you so much for reading my suggestion. Please vote for it! Best,  Jake(DM)
Actually PDF are generally pretty very really large in file size, especially the ones with graphics. I'm not saying this idea is bad, but I don't think we'll see it any time soon. Plus implementing pdf display is not easy, it requires either flash or some rather heavyweight javascript. For the time being I use copy&pasting text and screenshots from pdfs for images. It works pretty good for me in GNU/Linux - in Okular I can easily select (drag with right mouse button) and copy or save any part of a pdf.
Hey Cyber Killer,  I know most people aren't, but I am in fact rather well trained with Adobe products. I'm very capable of extracting and creating PDFs that are quite small in file size, but don't lose any of their ability to be searched through. While I trust that your comment is made with all good intentions, I'd rather hear it from the Devs themselves. Riley and I have spoke about this a few years ago, so I know it's possible. This Suggestion is simply meant as a reminder to him.  If you'd like, I'd be more than happy to offer an Asset Maximizing video tutorial to show Roll20 users how to get the most out of programs like Photoshop and Acrobat so that we all can make great quality assets, with very small file sizes, quick loading times and no lack of quality. If you're interested, let me know or PM me. :D Best, Jake(DM)
I would really love this as an option
Marketplace Creator
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