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Copy of cards

I am considering having a deck of cards to reflects expendable resources like healing potions or the use of some class ability like healing or cleric domain abilities in Pathfinder RPG. The thing is, I would have multiple cards of the same type, and would use them up as the gaming day goes by. In order to set that up, I just recreated the ability card 6 times. I think that having the abitlity to copy a card multiple times, on deck creation, would be a time saver. Of course, there would be other ways to do that, but dropping a card on the table to channel positive energy seemed cool. Thanks
I agree that an expanded deck editor would be quite helpful for those of us setting up cards on Roll20, especially for games that use resource cards like Settlers of Catan. Though rather than an option to duplicate a card I think it may work better to have a box next to each type of card where you can input how many copies you would like it the deck.