I always feel awkward making these kinds of posts, but you can't find what you're looking for if you aren't willing to ask. Hi, my name is Matt, and I've been feeling the itch to play something in the modern fantasy or superhero genre recently. Sadly, I just can never really find something that fits into my schedule through the LFG section. The important information: My timezone is PST and my available days are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday currently, with Thursday being the least optimal choice. I can make most times on those days as long as they aren't in the middle of the night. Systems that I have played previously and/or I am interested in playing include: Scion, Mutants and Masterminds, Dresden Files (FATE), Monster of the Week, Monsterhearts and ICONS. I am not limited to these by any means, but I figure listing them is a good enough place to start. Anywho... cheers and thanks for your time. Hopefully something can come of this post, aside from my abject embarrassment.