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D&D Next Playtest - Interest Check

I was up and looking at the D&D Next Playtest Packet and was wondering if anyone would like to join me in a playtest session? Might be a one-time thing, might end up recurring. We would start off playing the caves of chaos and then eventually transfer into the other two adventures, with the possibility of random encounters to test your mettle. Preset characters are not allowed, but using the new character creation guidelines to make your character is. I will be able to DM a game each week for about 2 hours around 12:00pm to 3:00pm (CST [GMT -6]). I would like to have a serious group that is interested in long-term gaming, but okay with me having to drop the campaign early. If I do end up having to drop it, I will probably bring it back in a few months afterwards. Standard Array for Character Creation (15,14,13,12,10,8). No DM changes to char creation, but some to adventures for spice. Standard rules. Standard Races. Standard Classes.
I would potentially be interested in giving it a go. What day of the week would you be wanting to run it on (I could probably do MTW)?
The actual day I will be running is sort of in the swing still... I am waiting to see who has what day open and then I will be choosing the day most available to the group. I know for sure that I will not be running on the weekends, but the day I run would be on a weekday.
KS Backer
Marketplace Creator
I'd be interested as well. I have a generally open availability.
doing one now. it's not bad, but not enough meat & potatoes to last more than a few sessions. It'll be nice to see how future updates to the playtest materials go, though.
lol Meat and po-ta-toes, you say? I actually have added in my own little storyline to the Caves of Chaos adventure to make it semi-original. ^_^
hey, id like to join if you still need players. Ive been wanting to try 5e since they announced the open playtest, but never really found a group.
Okay, then... we have 3 people interested? One more and we can get it started. I'll send out the links when the fourth shows his face.
The forth has showed up. Hey, this sounds good. I'm pretty experienced 3.5, but I havent tried Next yet. I'm good any day besides Sunday. That's when i DM at the same basic time.
Okay, the group has been set up! I will send out player links and all that jazz in a bit... does everyone have access to a Skype account? We would use it for OOC chatter and whatnot and IC chatter and dice rolling would be handled by Roll20's built in Chat.
Should a day get picked first, before worrying about all the other stuff? You may need to get more players if we all aren't available at the same time.
i might be interested depending on what time you're planning to play (and if there's space)
i use skype, i sent my details for it to nathan.
@Canso: Considering you all have stated that any day of the week (besides specific days) are available, I am going to decide that we will play on Tuesday at 1:00pm CST (GMT -6), since it works best for me. @ravensshade: You can play. I've ran for five people before and it works well. @Brendan: I have received this and am in the process of adding you.
tuesday? that's perfect.. ravensshade is also my skype name
If you have a skype account, please let me know your skype name through PM or by posting it here so I can add you on Skype and give all of you the same player link.
well my dwarf fighter is nearly finished... i think
The group is completed and I have four players on skype. I will run for no more than five characters, so if anyone else wishes to join, send me a message with your Skype ID so I can add you. First come, First served.
If anyone else wanted some sort of digital character sheet, I started making a Gdocs version (no formulas or anything and it looks ugly in a few parts). Feel free to take a copy of it: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
oh canso i just used a text document bug i guess that works
i just used Adobe Acrobat with typewriter tool to write on the pdf character sheet from the playtest pack. Heres what i was thinking of playing <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Edit: im not sure i worked out the HP properly, 6hp for a fighter just seams way too low… (just looked again, i was suposed to add my con mod, but 8 still seams low)
ah 2 fighters? and isn't fighter starting hp like 10? yes yes it is
yeah, i really liked the look of the fighter mechanic, seams like it can become very versatile.
makes them feel a bit like a cross between 4e and the 3.5 warblade class also.. i'm not sure.. it says starting hp for fighters is 10.. but dwarves get bumped up one hit die so.. do i start of with 12? (before constitution modifier <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> my dwarf using that spreadsheet
Okay, as a dwarf, the d10 hit point dice becomes a d12. Also, you gain 1 hp each level, meaning it is 1d12+1+your constitution modifier.
well then my char sheet is done also if you got the skype of 4 people maybe make the skype group?
Well, hopefully this is created somewhat correctly <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
The group has been made. After I get a reply from all members to ensure I added the right ones to the group, then I will give out the player link in Skype.