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Astrogator's Log: Gevaudan "Gev" Cannagrrh


Edited 1447003009
This post serves as a gallery and in-character logbook of Senior Scout Gevaudan "Gev" Cannagrrh. Short replies are welcome. Else, your mileage may vary. Being date 0XX-1105: This one, being Senior Scout Gevaudan Cannagrrh, sets personal account and recordings of experiences as employee of Artemis Mercenary Corporation. Journalism is good-thought, since no other Equals present. Just gentlemen to this one's thinking. Simple start first. Originating in DZUERONGVOE ( Gvurrdon 1413), this Scout, after four tours as Courier set out to find his place in the galaxy. Working passage as pilot or Astrogator, (or both - being the good months), in Society of Equals (VSEq) patrol navy led rimward until KFOLAELL ( Gvurrdon 1421). Nothing special except credit account growth. Ample starting funds is good-thought at the time, yes? A pause for image-capture: Even better, this one found short-term employment after three jumps of Astrogation duty as working passage. Is law that after three jumps, must be hired on. Lucky to be flying in Jump-3 merchant fleet ship of Gvaeknoks (TR: Wonderworkers), full employment and touring beyond borders of the Society of Equals. Got Jump-3, yes? Needed new horizons and experiences, is thinking in hindsight. Many jumps later on corporate contracts, ways parted and found working passage on a liner pointed rimward again. Entered Human space of Imperium at Dentus ( Spinward Marches 2201) all in same year. This one found himself in Imperial space, not because of need for employment, but rather because of the pilgrimage to MENORB ( Spinward Marches 1803). Six-year festival pilgrimage was that year to MENORB, making traffic very difficult for many pilots. Not ready for influx, many pilots balk at such crowded jump points, starports and orbital approaches. Perhaps for thee, but not this one. Working passage aboard a Subsidized Liner named Aetheraghar, this one was called forward to bridge to take helm and final approach to skydock. Captain almost olive green under his fur as this one very neatly slid the Aetheraghar into a docking berth. S'okay though. Ship's doctor caught him before hitting head on console before collapsing to floor. Despite swarms of ships of all size and classes, the liner fit nice and sweet, five-by-five into a berth. Another picture, yes? After that week, this one took up the adventuring philosophy of Runetha Brotherhood. Thou heard of it? No matter. Just ancestor emulation of adventurer-hero, Runetha Saetedz 817-866, who led a full life as adventurer/pirate/scout with many good and heroic deeds to end on MENORB, a complete soul. Never had this one celebrated before back in the Society of Equals, the stars of birthplace. After such observation, celebration, this one joined the Brotherhood, finding no fault with beliefs in doing heroic endeavors, Aid of all True Heroes, and support of Runetha Brotherhood above all other wastes of time. Is good to have life-path, yes? Can't go around being just an Equal all the time. Rise up and live life fully as they say. Aetheraghar liner, five jumps later, found Regina ( Spinward Marches 1910) and downloaded advertisement seeking mercenary employees for small-time Artemis Mercenary Company. Is good-thought, this one felt, to work for merc group instead of Human government or navy. So, transmission of education transcript and resume (patrols, corporate trader, liner is good work experience, yes?) Elated was this one when call returned, Human-gentleman Colonel Lloyd Robertson sends invite to interview. Parted ways with Aetheraghar captain. Good run. With memories. Following shuttle to Company Guildhall, greeted by Artemis employee and other applicants. Seeing no Pilots or Astrogators, was thinking have good chances with proper placement. Meeting room full of Humans and one other Vargr by name of Captain Panzor. No time to talk as both interview and first mission briefing! In one gathering to boot! This Company not wasting time, this one discovered. Pilot-Astrogator needed on Free Trader Artemis , merc vessel. No-brainer for this one. First mission: track down a strange and alien vessel spotted in Keng ( Spinward Marches 2405), investigate dereliction and conduct boarding action with away team. If is All-Green, lay claim to ship gone dark. Exciting to find unknowns in Imperial space, was this one's good-thought. Thee too? Imperial Date XXX-11XX: Two months of jumps and getting to know crew and specialists of Free Trader Artemis, on journey to Keng. Spending most time on bridge to kill time by running simulations in Astrogation hard jumps practice. Humans look at Vargr funny when this one not thinking of where he was going after bath-shower. Ship's image-capture posted over all boards that day. Ha-ha, very funny. Free laugh on this one. Had nose in star charts and best route, so bite a tail, all of you. Who is flying this crate? This one. Keng system was clean of bogeys upon jumping in. This one scanned and found the alien craft. All agreed to an approach from aft with predictors locked-on. Take no chances with aliens, yes? Ship's doctor with Captain Panzor, (him built like a battle-tank that one), took Raft over to lowest iris airlock. Unable to enter, continued to aft-facing cargo bay doors. With his great strength, Capt. Panzor forced the door causing jetting air depressurize. Slight shock surprise, but no harm, no foul, yes? Once inside cargo bay, away team called in technical team, meaning this one and three others. The group entered and explored the ship, named Annic Nova, was later learned. Huge solar sails, all power dark and strange configuation. Bridge on lowest deck. Stupid and useless Astrogation 'sextant' under dome on Deck 3 found. Tobacco found in cargo hold. Might roll a "fat one" after mission success. Team dropped this Pilot-Astrogator in front of children's wall entertainment screen for rest of mission to use Translator software in hopes of learning the alien language with computer assist. What? No linguist? So much for exciting boarding action. Plunk down and watched silly tee-vee for hours as Translator software assimilated new language. Slow going, but someone had to do it. This one. An hour later, lights came on when another tech team member push the Big Red Button somewhere. With dead alien bodies piled in a stateroom, Col. Robertson was radioed to initiate claims transmission over derelict AnnicNova. This one will be one to re-label all signs, buttons and controls into Human language. Then how to get a ship with no maneuver drive home is big dilemma next. Tow tender is a guess. More later.... Imperial Date 19X-1105: Five long and ripe weeks this one spent in vacc suit, cleaning, translating, labeling, refueling, coordinating and leading away team aboard Annic Nova. Being in mission command felt good though. No person was hurt, contaminated, sickened, injured or too stressed. Rotated duties this one did to keep tensions low. Others helpful in tasks. This one helped like a Steward to clean the ship, vacc suits and general sterilization. Is tedious work, yes? Better than fighting for survival with aliens or other nasties. Using Translator software, on board remote terminal device, ship's mainframe, team was successful in full systems re-install and restart. Solar power collected until capacitors full. Discovered vessel has Jump-2 and Jump-3 drives in same hull. Is very useful. But, like bad trader, has no maneuver drive save for two docking Pinnaces to push Annic Nova in-system or out to safe jump points. Two large laser turrets make defensible boat. Unique aboard ship is solar sail energy collectors. Lower tech, but useful when no refuel bases or gas giants in-system. No scoops nor fuel purification plant needed. In the end, many trade-offs in this class of vessel. Team learns that vessel was very old Vilani colonization craft, but needed Zhodani components for complete systems configuration. Odd. No matter. Gentleman Colonel Lloyd Robertson made good on salvage claim. Annic Nova now registered property of Artemis Mercenary Corporation. Perhaps we use as resupply vessel or refuel vessel by converting cargo for extra fuel and refueling conduits, yes? Not much good for else save personnel transport. Never put this ship in a fight. Not worth losing special solar energy collector. Perhaps upgrade or add new maneuver drive and sacrifice Pinnaces. All will go into report to AMC is good-thought. Side note: Feel good-confident to alpha for salvage operation. Perhaps garner new charisma as team leader for aerospace ops, yes? Looking, this one, for new opportunities to shine. Of course, Captain Panzor best for ground-pounder alpha position. Navy does flying, grunts does fighting. Scope of practice, yes? All seems well in this new employment as Pilot-Astrogator for Artemis Mercenary Corp. Bath-shower time. Then pop a bottle of Vilnaf to celebrate. More later...
U can haz idiosyncratic grammar! Yus! Thanks for incorporating my thoughts on the sextant. XD We'll see if there's any real point to it, but I remain skeptical. :)
Supplemental Entry: This one now three months in Artemis Mercenary Corp. Bylaws for positions of Pilot and Navigator says pay 75% of each position. This being good-lucrative pay and looking forward to more space ops with company. Next stop Yorbund, ( Spinward Marches 2303) to drydock Annic Nova. Gentleman Col. Robertson seems knowing of more tasks ahead. Yorbund natural choice for keeping new ship hush-hush. What ace is he hiding?

Edited 1436913691
Imperial Date 1XX-1105: Though this one frowns at loss of such unique vessel, Artemis Mercenary Corporation by quorum chose to sell the Annic Nova via Broker and Trader at Kinorb (Spinward Marches 2202) and its A-rating starport. Rich, retired, Imperial nobles of Kinorb purchase the antique and unique ship for over 300 million Imperial Credits. Is good deal, maybe? This one thinks two jumpdrives, solar sails, extensive cargo and self-sustaining hydroponics sections made for much higher sell price, yes? Ah well. Goodbyes said to the alien ship before AMC signed over bill of sale to local collectors. Deed swapped with Credits payment. So, okay. Is good-income this one's share of sale of Annic Nova derelict, alien craft. Prolly best, yes? Watching bank account jump to over 15 million Credits is dizzying to this one. Rest of AMC similar in reaction. They act like cubs in candy shop. Dragged along for shopping trip, this one. Using hand computer, many possibilities as menus flashed by. Purchase after purchase en route to AMC Guildhall on D'Ganzio (Spinward Marches 1920), though some purchases need high-tech, surgical implantation. Cybernetics. At first, this one was leery of being cut on by Human doctors for augments. Is violation of flesh, some might say. Watched AMC employee endure many modifications of cybernetic augments. Not for this one! Well.....maybe just some simple stuff. Mind augments, cybernetic expert jack for helping with Astrogation, is good-thought, yes? Oooh, and this one! Software wafers for jack. Okay-okay. Not get carried away, self. Bought new 'laptop' Specialized Computer/5, optimized for intelligent interface, intellect, expert Astrogation/3 to watch back when running jump coordinates and cross-checks. Pilot/3 software too. Okay, is good-thought purchases and not so nervous to toss Credits around. Messaged Col. Robertson and rest of Artemis Mercenary Corporation. Corp needs money for new purchase of 400-ton Mercenary cruiser. Purchased, this one did, three of 100 available shares in new vessel to help pay for new ship. This one gets to fly new cruiser! Smell that "new ship" aroma, yes? Not smell like sweaty Humans who bathe in water-cyber-oil baths. Sat in Pilot's acceleration couch. First one to do so after removing plastic covers. Dreamy feels. Manual controls virginal, like sex with, never mind. Astrogation boards clean and ready for interface with new laptop. Now, how to lay claim to bridge? Fuzzy dice? Vargr colors or patterns? This one flipping through schemes and patterns simulated on hand computer. Is like cub in candy shop, heh. Four hardpoints on vessel will need Gunners, but that be Col. Robertson's bag o' marbles to fill. "Navy does flyin', marines do the dyin'," is how old quote goes? More to come.... Imperial Date 1XX-1105: To date, very few Vargr allow Humanati Imperials perform surgery on them. Thee might know this one's surprise of stats when waking up from augmentation surgery in orbit above D'Ganzio world, yes? Took commemorative image-capture...

Edited 1437419817
090-1107 Imperial Calendar: Near one year since sale of Annic Nova alien starship. Hair grown back in, good-relief too. Artemis Mercenary Corporation has been good to house this one as minimal jobs of past months. Hearing news of tensions and nefarious actions here in Spinward Marches. This one spent time reading brochures and training. Putting on weight, yes? Is what happens sitting in front of bridge console running simulations, eating, rinse and repeat. In the evening this day, this one treated to shock. Sister - and now Knight - Dame Qithka Cannagrrh stepped into hangar of Artemis, wanting to hire AMC. Dressed well and of high charisma rank, sister accompanied by an Unequal in her pay and strange, hi-tech robot. She works for news media magazine now, she said. Robot, - designate 'Witness' - is her recording agent on loan from Kfou Uzangou (means White Fangs to humies). Records her every action. She saw me but kept her high-and-mighty superior charisma and spoke with commander of AMC, Gentleman Colonel Lloyd Robertson and staff hacker Larzamonte Charoux. Needs dragon-hunters to escort her to surface of Wypoc ( Spinward Marches 2011), she said. Wypoc. With help from Charoux, she opened dossier on job offer. Wypoc dangerous mainworld, safari hunts, acid rains, silicate sandstorms, domed cities and Amber Zone. This one's jaw hit the floor at sister's brazen rise as a Knight of the Society of Equals. Well, 'Knight' is humie's term. Blooded-fang is same rank to Knight back home. So, not much to different titles. Meh. Sister Qithka says we needed to haul hazardous environment vacc suits she purchased and need dragon-hunters as cover for the real scoop. This caught everyone's attention. Seems Sister was digging into Imperial history and learned of Psionic Suppression and Empress Paula II. Empress sent out 65 Suppression Orders (designate SO's) to shut down all Imperial Psionic Institutes on evidence of Zhodani taint and corruption in the Institutes. Hundreds of years old this news, but news to this one, yes? The Dame wants to disguise as news reporter covering a safari of dragon-hunters while sniffing out secret Institute that was relocated from Regina system to Wypoc mainworld in supposed compliance with SO. So, yes, Regina Institute dismantled. Sister thinks, or has clues, that Regina Institute moved all materials to research station deep in dangerous wilds of Wypoc. Wants AMC to help her find the Institute so she can take image-capture for expose on next episode of her news. Propaganda this one thinks, but said nothing. AMC took job, even with weirdo attendant lady passing out crystal - how is said - tarot cards and drinking tea. Beyond this one, for such strange middle-age Unequal. Score 1 MCr all up front. Sister's magazine truly wants to dig deep, this one thinks. Witness backs sister up with shiny black transfer card. What has my sister gotten involved with? Jumping to Regina before Wypoc led to more clues. Old Psionic Institute found, but little more than kiosk with technician (asleep) at desk. Sniffing out more clues and hush-talk says Imperial Navy ships its own construction gear on naval ships rather than hiring companies to do the same. Flight registry, normal-looking, says destination: Wypoc. What could Navy work on with all that stuff? AMC ferrets out high-probability chance that gear is for remote, secret Psionic Institute. No true proof, but willing to go along, thinks this one. Jumping to Wypoc shows nightmare world of all clouds, acid storms, lightning, torrential rains, high winds and silicate sandstorms. Definite signal to 180-about and tack home, yes? No says job. Domed cities cover starport. All connected by - get this - "hamster tubes". Landing at Wypoc Starport, miserable E-rating, Artemis gets instant acid neutralizing bath. All crew and personnel in vacc suits, Haz-environ suits, battle dress, combat gear.....anything to keep nasty, corrosive rain off. But all under cover of dome-town, so safe thus far. Safari before AMC had bad luck and their leader got leg chomped off for trying to hide using camouflage tech. Buddies say dreaded Wypoc dragon sees straight through stealth tech. How, this one wondered. Hotel, Vilani cuisine restaurant and Wypoc Dragon Steakhouse only startown places to sink teeth into. Learn dragon meat not tasty at all and requires heavy spices to make better. AMC decided to rent armored Air/Raft out to suspicious grid learned by Gentlmen Robertson, Gerald, Charoux and others. Suited up, armed "to the teeth?", the safari began. Grid clear on top of hill. LZ safe as parking was snap. Good weather that day according to planetary weather-sat update. Is finestkind, this outing, thinks this one. AMC makes a do and recons downhill. Nasty sword-beak ptero-Flyers, (designate Swoopers), try to impale their prey. Critters. Easy to shoot down with pistols, lasers, even this one's shotgun. Lucky shot when Charoux charged by a Swooper, this one felled it. Not very proud, but survival, neh? Deep pools of acid, tall crags of melty rock and a metal box is detected near bottom of hill. Drone's movement activated box to open to reveal a computer, computer cable line to a.....someone said it was Multiple Independent Re-entry Vehicle, (designate MIRV). A nuke. A nuke! Then holographic image plays above computer. Face of an anti-Imperial, Ine Givar terrorist tells us to pray to our divinities for next five minutes. AMC panics. Can all run back to Air/Raft and make it to minimum safe distance? Is "pocket nuke" says our demolitions expert. Low-yield, tactical, battlefield nuke. Not taking chances, pedal to the metal, yes? Charoux and Panzor decide to disarm. Clank when they walk those two. The two determine that MIRV can be disarmed as it was poor excuse for a terrorist nuke. Ine Givar wants to flatten nearby Psionic Institute and AMC suckers to pull the motion sensor trigger. Like AMC will take that kind of frame-setup. Missed lazer pistol on wires followed up by swipe with barbarian blade cuts line at about 1:21 left on clock. We high-tail it as the clock ticks down to 0:00. No boom. Brave souls those two, yes? But six field lights seen at distance. A bunker entrance out in the wilds could be the Psionic Institute that Sister-Dame is hunting for proof. Gentleman Col. Robertson points out that if bunker is full of psions, AMC needs more Psi-shield Helmets to keep students out of AMC noggins. Is finestkind, the Gentleman Colonel. Decided to mark GPS, high-tail back to town, freshen up, wash up and make foray back to bunker on next day. Act like safari was a bust. No dragon. Some AMC want a shot at first-time recorded dragon hunt.... Nutters.

Edited 1457398950
170-1107 Imperial Calendar:   Looking back, this one feels Artemis Mercenary Corporation has heart, if no causes.  'Safari' team returned to hunting grounds to investigate remote bunker and confirm it secret Psionic Institute of Lanth subsector/Spinward Marches.  Much debate and much more re-negotiate with this one's impatient elder sister.  After initial probe of Gentleman Sergei, now a cyborg kill-man-bot, Dame Qithka and her Witness, interview and tour began.  Nice and welcoming folk, even if surprised to see strangers.  Explained the bunker protects against Wypoc weather, dragons and from orbital surveys.   Met with Dr. Melchior, psion Administrator and chief physician.  Liason Killian, she of the Imperial Navy.  Professor Isis, a Zhodani who escaped their Happiness Matrix to immigrate to Imperial space.  Caught up in secret Institute and instructs under strict house arrest.  Even man-cubs of sufficient charisma allowed to test mental potential.   Then, after tour, team learns that AMC's snooping in Regina set off red flags and that a Captain of the Institute is due back any minute.  With a full storm outside bunker, is like between rock and a sticky situation.  So, team makes tracks fast.  Good thing too, as head honcho is a psion too. Just as air/raft pulls out of weather shelter garage and avoid spotted by Capt. Gestapo, Zhodani Prof. Isis pops, er - teleports - into vehicle cabin with a heavy fall to floor.  Guns out and pointed at her, she explain she want new job away from Imperial entanglements.  Gentleman Colonel Robertson, give her a hand up and says welcome aboard .  What a corporation!  Imperials, not-Imperials, Equals, Zhodani and robots.  Like thy salad bar. But at edge of system, Artemis learns of strange events happen around Spinward Marches.  Make jump-tracks is finestkind back to D'Ganzio to deposit pay from Kfan Uzangou magazine.  Hope sister leaves for home soon.  Or will prelude to war make Travellers find bolt-hole?  This one hope homeland not involved.  Imperials tough bunch.

Edited 1438608285
Imperial calendar 190-1107:   War.  Over system nets and through new-found precognitive power of sister-Dame's assistant, Uthka Varzeekh.  She some kind of Vargr fortune-teller all right.  Weird but finestkind we learn when AMC finds the woman on the floor of the galley.  Warned AMC early of Sword Worlds war fleets jump into D'Ganzio.  War.  Sword Worlds versus Third Imperium definitely not AMC's fight but Gentleman Gerald is loyal to home polity, so a token space battle is given.  All hands on deck!  Gentleman Col. Robertson called words of encouragement.  Gentleman Gerald spruced up power and maneuver engines.  Gentleman Sergei called the shots fired.  This one did the flying and emergency jump astrogation.  Gentleman Nylus was on Sensors.  Gentleman Larzamonte on Comms, getting intel and battle orders from local Imperial Fleet.   'Tis scary to fight in space when intel says D'Ganzio outnumbered 3 to 1 against Sword Worlds fleet.  Will reinforcements arrive in time?  AMC thinks not, so strategic withdrawal and pickup of Artemis' Saytr  from drydock indicated.  Instead of hiding in den in the surface mountains, AMC makes a do for Ivendo ( Spinward Marches 2319).  And not too soon.  Just before jump, both merc vessels saw XBoat station and tender on edge of system get demolished by Sword World capital ships.  No news in or out of D'Ganzio now.  But also learned is that local Imperium fleet will hold out by playing guerilla warfare.  Sword Worlders can't stay in D'Ganzio forever, right?  More worlds to invade than just D'Ganzio.  AMC also got intel that Arba and Lanth ( Spinward Marches 1721 and 1719 in turn) also hit just before D'Ganzio.  Where are they targeting next?  Where are the other response fleets from Third Imperium?  Message upon arrival at Ivendo:  Imperium denies landing at Ylaven, Sonthert and Victoria deep in the Lanth Abyss.  No landing of any kind, says they.   Sister having a field day with her magazine's news robot.  Spent entire space battle talking and reporting to her Witness.  Uthka Varzeekh slept through it all.  Wish that was me, yes?  War.  Make a do.  Two jumps later and into Ivendo, more Spinward Marches news:  Travellers' Aid Society declared all Spinward Marches an Amber Zone due to war.  Sword Worlders attack Lanth subsector.  Zhodani Consulate attack Jewell and Regina subsectors.  Then three fleets of Vargr, from 40th Squadron and Kforuzeng mega-corsairs group.  Kinorb and Yorbund hit.  Who is next?
Imperial calenar 206-1107:  Four tasks in one system, in one day!   Make a do, yes?  Artemis Mercenary Corporation returned to D'Ganzio to deliver transport-needy mercenaries from Skull ( Spinward Marches 2420).  Marked five battlefield locations upon jump in-system.  Decided to cherrypick best finds later when cargo emptied of jarheads. Hot drop in the blazing silhouette of desert world sun.  Jumpers and nutters all of them to perform High Altitude Low Opening skydive with parachutes, grav belts and all gear carried.  Finestkind?  Sword Worlders responded with two fighters patrolling.  AMC makes them eat hot light and kick-in-teeth missiles.   Then drop troop modules for pickup left on the dunes in trade for jettisoned medical modules from orbit.  Use maneuver drives to blow off dune sand before loading.  D'Ganzio resistance troops very happy when AMC brings home the needed medical supplies.  Retrieved troop modules.  Deliver mail and lift for orbit. Gentleman Charoux scans for fleet positions and records ongoing battle for D'Ganzio space.  Satisfies mission of Forward Observation and intel gathering.  Artemis' Satyr and Artemis burn for battlegrounds.  Gentlemen Sergei and Gerald go EVA to do starship surgery to loot prize systems before AMC transmits locations of battlegrounds to company designate Spinward Salvage.   Twenty-four hours of tense work, yet AMC score more than 1MCr of pay.  Some combat.  A tense moment for Skull mercs.  But make a do.  Get paid.  Go home, yes?

Edited 1447003108
Imperial calendar  234-1107:   Sister chewing on this one's tail after concert on Regina ( Spinward Marches 1910).  Was almost arrested after concert.  Why?  Because home empire, Society of Equals had to join the war, is why.  Not proud.  Not even in Equal Scouts anymore. But some human veteran of opening moves upon Regina sees insignia on this one's vacc suit and remembers Equal heraldry with anger.  Calls coppers on this one, they do inquiry, find this one an Equal.  Thinking spy , but Artemis gets pulled over anyway.  Almost in handcuffs when Gentleman Robertson and Gentleman Larzamonte step in and pull some weight.  Say this one their  Equal Vargr and nothing to do with now so-called Fifth Frontier War.  Make a do, right?  Finestkind, work like a boss.  Free to go upon papers check.  So when Sister-Dame hears whole story, comes to chew on tail.  Alone in quarters finally to type catch-up.  Owe an Equal debt, this one, yes? New ship, sold old 200dT and 300dT for shiny 800dT Mercenary Cruiser.  Gentleman Andronokov gave name:   Ares.   Had to ask library computer about name.  Some humie Greek Myth God of ancient Terra, says it.  Seems to fit.  Liked the 300dT stretched Far Trader, but new Cruiser has Jump-3, is finestkind.  Bigger stateroom too.  Might wear on this one, yes? Time for another image-capture:

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Imperium Calendar 364-1107:   This one still itchy from surgery at Highport Boughene.  Nasty, cruel humies use that insidious adhesive bandages.  Pulls painfully on fur.  Glad to shower again now that Augments fully grown into subdermal armor of finestkind.  Do Swordworlders build such inaccurate ships?  First truly innacurate jump caused by flickering of lanthanum coils.  Gentleman Gerald in Engineering had to make a do to keep Ares  from slipping off track in time arc.  But Runetha bless the ship with luck that not too far off course.  Landed in parsec (2203) empty of world.  Had to re-calibrate to search nearest stars to plot new course to Beck's World (Spinward Marches 2204) for refueling.  Good-lucky that there was fuel left to limp to a gas giant for skimming.  Got Cutter #1 to make a do and finish first.  Later, this one accosted by two females late one night on the bridge.  Thought was alone with all crew asleep.  Cinnamon and Nutmeg, dressed in Sylk intimate wear came onto bridge and tag-teamed this one.  Saying only a desire to explain panet behavior, but girls did so much more.  Don't tell anyone.  This one liked Nutmeg's shoulder rubs and scritches.  Felt good on itchy recent surgery.  Then booted out of bridge by Gentlmen Crow and Robertson.  "Get a room for that," was told.  Girls giggled and took further activities to this one's stateroom.  Rest is too private.  TMI, yes?  Next day, elder Sister-Dame smells Cinnamon on this one and tries to chew on tail again.  "Playing with Julian bitches not allowed".  Not Equal.  Been too long gone from Society of Equals for elitism and Sister should know that by now.  With new training in Infighting and new armor augments, this one no longer a pushover.  Tossed Dame  out on tail this time.

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Imperium Calendar 006-1108:   First everest starship combat and this one flying the big dog in the fight.  Gentleman Robertson in office yakking smack with enemy Captain Maarg. Cutter #1 evacuated band, Sister Dame and company.  Cutter #2 had Gentleman Sergei and roughnecks to siege enemy vessel.  Robertson comes out and says he wants Maarg turned to bacon.  Then Maarg's ship, designate Dirge, Fire missiles first.  No warning.  No delay.  His 400 dT cruiser  (really a lightweight escort if this one asked), played Long range beams over Ares.  Eight minutes of exchange later, Dirge a breakup of hulk falling out of low orbit.   Paint barely scratch.  But Maarg and crew escape to Paya surface in Ship's Boat.  Guess what?  Then Imperial 154th Battle Rider Squadron jumps in from front lines for repairs.  Snarls everything, comms, sensors, traffic, docking priority.  Bleh.  Highport grounded for a week.  Artemis corporation decide to move onward to Aramis to drop off band.  Betting Sister Dame thinks finestkind them leaving us.
Imperium Calendar 190-1108: Runetha, been too long since last entry.  Finish Yori mission after letting go Hot & Spicy band.  Will miss Cinnamon.  Yori science extraction finestkind.  Hit the news even.  Nasty surprise when Prof. Isis call to bridge, security breach in Armory.  Six Darrian adult clones-litter twins found sleep-a-deep.  Charoux like nuke-angry.  Later, ASS arrive Rimward Mora for 3 week damage refit, (ref. Kfourzeng story from Sister-Dame) , Isis and even Uthka epiphany how Ares security breach.   Teleportation and Clairvoyance, which they call Jaunt and Sight.   Psionics.  ASS suspect Captain Tightpants-Maarg. Mora party post lawmaking session, hostessed by Duchess of Mora.  This one never seen live orch- orchestra before.  Sister-Dame having field day interviews with plenty of big-wigs.  Forced to dance with Sister-Dame when Colonel and Duchess cut rug.  Feh.  Not this one's sport.  Even old, Gentleman-Professor dance better.  Uthka drowning in four blend tea.  She drag this one outside when word circle round:  Maarg at party with Duke of Regina.  Snap!  Made tracks back to Highport hotel.  Meeting next morning.  Gentleman Robertson lay down mission from his Duchess.  Secret pickup and drop-off of war effort gear and technicians from Trin to Glisten.  Used gift of Large Freighter to make a do.  Two weeks later ASS refit, upgrades and freighter staffed for depart Mora.  Finestkind?
"Snap"? Gev must be picking up on some Solomani slang...

Edited 1457399803
Imperial Calendar 333-1108:   Zounds and Runetha watch over this one!  Depart Glisten ( Spinward Marches 2036) in Hermes .  For test and maiden voyage of Pukhara-class finestkind scout for experiment of aa Nantu Y.  Was sitting in helm chair when Prof. Zi-rimen made connect the Ancients crystal and frame.  Power flowed and it glowed softly as ship's plant barely registered.  Sitting on dash of Astrogation board, connect to it and ship's computer, aa Nantu Y did nothing but glow.  Capt. Crow report from Engineering station, aa Nantu Y in readiness and online, but inactive.  Quite the dashboard ornament, neh?  Beats bobble-head female Corsair, yes? Outbound, Hermes make a do for Overnale ( Spinward Marches 1937).  Jump calculations lock-on and then Astrogation board goes wonky.  Gibberish all over display.  Took extra hour to run Translator program to get under control.  Translation: Enter Optional Astrogation Vector > Puzzled but Prof. says leave alone for first jump.  So vessel makes jump to Overnale with all eyes on device and telemetry.  160 hours later, Hermes  arrive at Overnale and make a do for Gas Giant topping off tanks.  See orbital weather station over Gas Giant.  Skimmed finestkind in under two hours. Back at 100 diameter jump point, Prof. suggests jump to Windsor ( Spinward Marches 1935) as primary  jump vector.  S'okay, this one worked up vector calculation.  Then Prof. says wait. Enter Optional Astrogation Vector > Prof. then suggest extra calculations for return to Glisten.  Eyebrows up, but used the sidekick 'gator laptop to work it up finestkind with double-check and all Green lights, yes?  Crow report all Green in Engineering. Punch Commit on Astrogation board and into jumpspace.  All same as before.  An hour into jumpspace, all gray outside viewports.  Normal jump with all lights green.  Then Prof. says Commit to Re-Vector.  Grit teeth as reach for <Enter> button.  Runetha guide Hermes .   Button press and aa Nantu Y becomes great, white-out, make bridge all-white with color spots in this one's eyes.  Ouch.  Others surprised as reaching for goggles in pouch on HEV suit.  Charoux check Sensors and find weirdness.  Crow double-take look at fuel reserves.  Prof. recording all telemetry and status. Hermes  with help of aa Nantu Y, erect second jump bubble, bridge still all-white.  Second bubble from lanthanum field overriding first bubble vector to Winsor.  Astrogation board say confirmed re-vector to Glisten.  Unable to tell for sure.  Stay all-white bright and dazzling through jumpspace.  Crow think-say that ship might burn Jump-3 worth fuel on arrival.  All wait and see.  Bridge stay too bright to crash asleep.  Had to go sleep in bunk. Ship fall out of jumpspace and Charoux on top of Sensors.  Stars right and Astrogation confirm, Hermes  in Glisten.  Crow surprise to find only Jump-2 fuel use instead of 3!  Re-vector cost only initial fuel expenditure.  Prof. postu-....guess that Jump-1 re-vector to Jump-2+ (within Jump Drive limits, Runetha hold us to it), might be possible in theory.  For another time says all.  Make a do for Glisten Traffic Control and dock at Highport in the planetoids.  What a trip!  Final diagnostics on ship all Green.  Strange aa undamaged says Prof.  He goes into hiding in laboratory for 48 hours, take meals only and no interruptions! This one found and ate two Flamebroiled Death at Astroburgers to calm nerves.  Dame-Sister stakeout Ares laboratory until Prof. emerge all weird face. Ch-ch-check thy Charisma, yes?

Edited 1457399978
Forgot to check date on Imperium Calendar:  Bowman system.  Garrison Highport Station over Alpha, moon of Bowman Prime Gas Giant.   Ares  meant to put into Highport, dock to refuel, restock consumables (note to self:  need new toothbrush).  But Runetha had more in stock for Artemis Security Services.  Highport fail respond three times.  Uh-oh.  Not good standard operations, thinks the Gentlemen Robertson and Charoux.  Just welcome recording-brochure of lady Governor of station.  Ships present.  Still no strangeness on Sensors. Gentleman Crow thinks something up, so all gear up for worst-case scenario, (whatever that is).  Each to their own quarters to get armed and armored.  Image-capture just in case... Then Ares docks outside on external gangway.  On hangar deck #3, ASS ambushed by....Sword Worlders!  Space Norse on Titan-drug no less!  Firefight through blast door.  Then tap Swordie  comms thanks to Gentleman Charoux and Prof. Zi-rimen.   Swordies  have a nuke on station called Ragnarok , right where three mission targets are.   Ares  need consumables, mission Patron needs illegal Vargr pelts, and station survivors at upper spire Market deck.  No elevators nor stairs, ASS goes EVA outside station to enter from airlocks at Market deck. Firefight again!  This time leader of Swordies toting a minigun!  A Runetha-curse minigun.  Enemy platoon feature a witch of a Psion who knock Gentleman Col. Robertson on his BattleDress rump with her mind-punch.  Then this one spots surviving station Governess and visiting Darrian male capture-prisoner near security post on deck.   (Now, no tell anyone.  This one take a good, hot moment to get bearing on security station.  All eyes on ASS.  ASS eyes on Swordies.   So this one jaunt  over to Governess and play hero for damsel in distress.  Then pop back to alley where this one start, only with lady in arms.  Real hero, yes?  Turns out later, saving lady means no salvage rights as no vessels listed as derelicts and default to system Traffic Control.  Hmm.  Hero or scavenger?  Runetha bless this one.) But ASS turn in gold stars for away team action.  Get free berthing, boarding, meals, Governess thanks and Contact, refueling and drydock discounts forever!  Yay!  Light at end of tunnel even if this one caught two bullet-grazes in firefight.  Lots of bullet-dents on BattleDress of Gentlemen Col, Crow, Charoux and robots.  Meh.  Battle scars equal coolness under fire.  Mark of greatness, yes?  Finestkind.

Edited 1457400061
011-1109 Imperium Calendar:   Artemis arrive at Darrian to pull into drydock.  Limping in rather.  Took heavy beating from pirates and Corsair.  25+ weeks in drydock and significant bank withdrawal.  Learn that Darrian no likey Augments.  Thinking is crutch.  Any port in a storm says this one.  So, having to order out and take a jump-taxi over to Laberv.  But first, Sister-Dame has annual holoshoot with her Witness.  This one likes good swimsuit issue in magazine, but bleh - when it is this one's sister on camera.  Still, Sister, Uthka, Isis (the girls) drag this one along for 'security' down to nearest big-surf beach for fashion model of one dTon of beach wear and accessories.  Most of day taking watch over girls play dress-up.  Still Darrian females not bad on eyes down the shoreline, yes?   Eventually take off for Laberv for some Augments to allow direct cyber-link to Ares' systems, helm, Astrogation, and even turrets.  Still can't control all at one time, but pretty damn Runetha-fast.  Make a do, right?   Overheard ASS deliver a baby, help Exile-fugitive get arrested, even help a Darrian-Aslan unit commander link with local Darrian troops for joint maneuvers.  Vilani merchant visiting Darrian gave Isis a hard time, so heard that she left him in her lanthanum-water vapor by jaunting away from disgruntled Imp.  Finestkind.  Though this one might have punched him first then jaunted.  Maybe hoping Isis tell jerk-face to bite a tail before dust-off. Sad to hear Gentleman Colonel Lloyd Robertson mustering out and retiring from Artemis Security Services.  But the war vet gotta settle down somewhere.  Darrian a good-thought, humble opinion.  Promises to send a few postcards from retirement bungalow with Isis.  She younger, but willing to make life easy for the Gentleman Colonel.  But each to their own, yes?  He promised to stay a Contact, tap once per year says Colonel - Advocate and Admin stuff.  Hang up his Battle Dress and get a tan. Laying in surg-recovery post Augments on Laberv as this one types this entry.  Heard a nurse-rumor that Crow was here on Laberv just before this one.  As soon as discharged, may sniff him down and compare Augments, yes?  Make a do.
For the record, no , you did not hear we turned in a Special Arm file; not unless they put it on the News, anyway, which they wouldn't . Charoux, ever the professional, and wanting to impress potential clients, wouldn't have given that away... not until the crew was asking why we suddenly had a contract from the Special Arm, anyway. XD
*Chuckles*  Very well and as you wish, TT.  I'll retract that clause.  Indeed, Charoux would not have let out such information that easily being that he's an Agent.  Equally so, Gevaudan is on a Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell about his recent training and use of psionics thanks to the onboard Instructors, (which we just lost Isis and Uthka cannot do it alone).

Edited 1457400356
070-1109 Imperium calendar:   Does more cybernetic and bio-Augmentations mean shorter fuses for patient and those around him?  Finding Crow in the body of Rorrean psychic.  Had a tough time believing such possible until Crow rattled off the battle at Garrison Station in Bowman system.  (Crow knows cuz of his tactical cybernetics that this one was train by Isis and Uthka.)  Helped him recover his gear at the hotel.  Then make tracks on next flight to catch up to Crow's body inhabited by the body-thief.   A meetup near the Ares yielded station-wide security lockdown as three space elfs in Guard armor and Gauss rifle try to arrest Crow.  Three-way standoff until Crow says to this one, "Gev, stand down and lower your weapon."  Hmph.  Station police lucky still medicated after own Augment surgery, so not 100%.  Lockdown stop all traffic so ASS use station cameras to find Crow's body staggering around.  Learnt later that the low-Tech Rorrean psychic not having good time in Crow's cyber-Augment body. Dame-Sister sees this one, new bio-and cybernetics and barks up a storm.  Had to take Infighting belowdecks and hammer out attitudes.  This one's body.  This one's life.  Sister can bite a tail, preferably her own. New ship's Doctor Simone and Professor Zi-rimen calmly walk up to Crow's body and jab him with a cocktail of sleepiness.  Then Crow goes up and undoes the mind-swappy trade and gets own body back.  Make a do. Days later, ASS undertake to charter Darrian Far Trader Kedak  to find derelict Darrian pre-Maghiz  Far Trader designate Toph-ni.   Professor almost went home, but do a 180 when hear of ancient vessel and data-info to be retreived.  Ship salvage might be finestkind since TL 16 Darrian.  This one asked to Astrogate to empty parsec to find drifting derelict.  Time to test new ship integrations, so jack in and run 'Gator laptop to jump precise path of drifting ship. Pull up finestkind to dark Toph-ni.   Outer hull melty from Maghiz EMP and solar blast.  Find entire hold of Darrian mail containers, each loaded to the ears with ancient news, data and stuff.  Library of ancient times, says stunned Professor Zi-rimen.  Vast importance to recovering Darrians.  Spent time transferring containers over to Kedak .  On derelict, ship's systems slagged, but ASS find jacked-out wafers from each workstation with small mini-logs to make puzzle of plight of ship.   Seems Toph-ni  was inbound to Darrian when its star flare and kill everyone aboard.  But Astrogator report on wafer says it was either ride solar wave or jump inside 100 Diameters and on not-good jump conditions.  Become cooked and ride the waves or be atomized through jumpspace.  Best of two choices but all die anyway to save ship and cargo.  Posthoumus hero, this one thinks. Towing maneuvers later, Toph-ni turn around, re-vector, but still unable to repair anything.  Museum piece to be collected later.  Plant signal beacon on ship instead with long-burn battery.  Then leave with enough knick-knacks to prove ASS found derelict for Darrian's to purchase for history salvage.  Jump home in Kedak. So, ASS avoid moral swerve in handing over data-info containers to wrong peeps:  Zhodani nearby tried through middle-elf to bribe for the cargo:  5MCr non-nego.  To blazes with that!  Darrians never forgive ASS for such a blunder this one thinks.  Good call on mission tickets after all.  ASS get accolades.  Charoux gets an Airplant from pacifist Darrian sect of life-huggers.  Meh.  Who is this one to judge? Darrian Torpedo goes off in spacedock, nearly killing Professor and Uthka both rushed to Ares infirmary for treatment by new Dr. Simone.  Finestkind.  Uthka need extra day to heal.  Who dropped a bomb while unloading?  Oh.  Dead guy.

Edited 1449595250
Imperium Calendar 070-1109:   Neh, 'bout time ASS (Now AG, short for Artemis Group ) off-load aa-....the thing we don't know Runetha about to local Darrian sub-corp of big corp of Special Arm of Darrian Government.  Runetha Saetedz, make a do!  Gentlemen Crow, Meson, Charoux spent two full days barking over price of the rock .  Lotsa barking on day 2, yes?  But pricetag say Prof. Z must leave AS-  AG (must think silver ), and go with the rock to help buyer.  Say goodbyes to old Prof.  Dance better than this one, must remember.   But score 50.4 MCr for the rock AG never found, never owned, never sold and know nothing about.  Ancients?  Nope.  Know nothing about Ancients except Solomani Hypoth-, hyp-,  Solomani Guess.  Make a do.  Waiting for final payout to this one's account.  Goals and plans this one has.  Finestkind. Ares  repairs continue as another ticket briefing meeting from Gentleman Charoux soon.

Edited 1449944980
Imperium Calendar 071-1109 Getting older, yes?  Time for new image-capture and upload to ship's computer.  Finestkind. Senior Scout Gevaudan Cannagrrh, Captain-Officer of Ares Artemis Group
Gev's looking pretty bad ass --- +1 Charisma

Edited 1451589231
244-1109 Imp:   Artemis Group zip-close Viking Lines ticket, good and tight.  Get paid in time for final payment for 'rock'.  With repairs to Ares  finished plus cross-checks, company ready to depart Darrian after such a vacation and adventures.  Off to Zamine to look into unrest about some religious factions trying to startup the-...theo-.....the-ocracy on that High Population and Industrial world.  Is all good and fine by this one to have a life path, but Darrians seemingly not ready for religion yet.  Too science headed and faith kinda sketchy to space elfs.  But now hear Zamine near jihad and possibly Civil War across already-balkanized planetary archipelago continents.  Artemis to go in, possible hot LZ, and talk some sense into each sect leader's heads.  But this one also hear of Church Of The Chosen Ones.  Vargr supremecists.  Better-than-thou thumpers.  Sister-Dame and this one finally agree that local Bishop of Church makes bad name for all-Vargr.  Hope the thumper is worth use of checked-out TL17 Neural Rifle.  Seems Crow or Charoux will be toting expensive gun if Artemis have need to holy ghost a messiah or two. Have been made Captain of Ares during repairs.  Good.  Allows this one to authorize Integration input/output jacks on Bridge.

Edited 1453223580
Imperium Calendar 249-1109:   Runetha, this one's thigh wound from assassin's portable railgun smarts!  Neoprene brace from Dr. Simone itches too.  Chewing analgesic, time-release gum weird but works!  Perhaps Dr. Simone knew this one won't eat Space Elf med-leaf remedies.  Meh.  Got shot twice by the evil needle-launcher weapon.  Right through forearm too.  Which lead me to next gratitude. Thanks to Hane Meson, Runetha, for stepping in line of fire so this one could limp behind wall.  Repaid him by tending his wounds first, then Larzamonte Charoux.  Did not fully patch self until Air/Raft back to Downport and Cutter #1.  Make a do. Captured that assassin.  Dagne in Vault now, having drinks and interrogating him.  This one wants to march in and throat the bastard.  Him not even a Darrian!  Surgically altered to look Darrian, but smarts of Charoux and Simone spot him walking like non-Darrian.  Fooled this one, but Vargr walk right to begin with.  Humans. Artemis  talk it over in meeting about how to handle current mission ticket.  Who to zap, who to debunk-discredit, who to kidnap, who to deport.  All agreed Neural Rifle bit over top and rather use real assassin weapon instead of turning brains to jelly.  So, next stop to Zamine outback to talk sense into that Blessed Gidjet girl or worse to Archaeologist Lonelik who also ain't a real Darrian.  Finestkind. Artemis crew grows with new hire, Dr. Grim, Imperium field ops doc; added to biggest Hierate Aslan seen in a while.  "Kay" says he is Warrior.  What is eye-ha-tay?  Meh.  Don't speak Aslan.  *chew*chew*chew*chew*chew*chew*chew*chew* Hey, why tongue numb?

Edited 1459892946
Imperial Calendar 255-1109: Another rough day.  Shot again.  Captured Archaeologist Lonelik the Not-Darrian Zhodani mindbender out on a pre- Maghiz  dig.  Six Zhodani operatives.  *ouch*  Make a do.  Dr. Grim patched this one up on flight back up to Ares.   So, now one down and five to go to keep Zamine from brink of civil war over whether world should be the- theo- theocr-..... go to Church and State.   Sister Dame not happy that this one again shot.  Tell her s'okay.  Crow sez, "Gev, we gotta get yew into Combat Armour."  Some truth, yes?  But who makes Vargr Combat Armour on Zamine, neh?  Trying just fly under social radar with civilian HEV, but not enough if Artemis Group  goes in Hot LZ and guns smoking.  Will look into special ordering, finestkind.  Maybe Darrian corps Iro Inc and Zloril Electronics can zip up this one right nice. Speaking of Sister Dame, she gets excellent footage of siege.  Of course her contract with Artemis Group  has to edit out identities, but she deep in thick of it this time with her Witness.  Story and five more to come unless company plays next faction leader smooth operator. Apologies to Dr. Grim.  This one have no intel to his position in the ruins main hall when firing Thumper.  But him in Combat Armour and just toss around a lil.  Make a do.  Charoux later get all coordinate with Darrian battle computer on his bike. Thinking a debate meeting is due for how to deal with Architect Lonelik, Dagne's Torsten Rex Rival and all the other faction leaders needing a vacation from Zamine. *ouch*
Of more immediate concern... who can we trust to turn this captured base over to, so someone doesn't snatch it up while we're not looking?
Our captives need to go into our low berths (on ice). We don't keep slaves on the Ares, even when they're guilty of murder. We can turn them over to our patrons when were settling the bill. We should loot the base and charge a cleanup fee, sell all the loot, then charge a disposal fee.
Does the Ares  have any Low Berths?  Next, Gevaudan isn't a slaver, (yet).  So, it's agreeable that he'd want to dump those we've captured off on the Special Arm, the larger Darrian Confederation or some other Legitimate Authority.  Hane can be our Quartermaster in tallying up the bills, estimatinge sales, Brokering resale after refurbishment.  "Green Light there, Gentleman Hane," says Gev.

Edited 1456969609
Imperial Calendar 257-1109:   Two of six down and four to go of what now seems like religious nuts rolled by Zhodani players, thinking this one.  Met with "Blessed" Gidjet Twotown and core assistants of faction.  Gentleman Charoux have plan to talk Gidjet down and off the playing board by playing her in high-tech board game he would win anyways; to teach her a lesson about biting off more than she can chew.  The girl really can heal!  Seen it with this one own eyes.  But Simone Doctor say, with some assurety, that it a rare and potent form of Awareness: Remote Regeneration  except only by touch.  Oh.  Well, make a do.  But Gidjet's best girl friend, named Rantsbienchival, is really Zhodani and her goons jumped Artemis  right in middle of crowd of patients.  Firefight.  "Rants" waded around backside of house in Zhodani Trooper Battledress and sporting pink-purple, Plasma Rifle!  Big-time energy weapon that can crack Battledress.  But Gentleman Crow whup-up mechagirl in no time using grav-assist charge, swinging  Thuerrghough , tr:  Vargr serrate sword, to her breastplate.  Gauss needles start flying from goons same time two Zhodani Warbots, like two from Lonelik's ruins-bunker that attacked Artemis.   Bodies hit the floor, some ducking, some dying.  Dagne Hel-spawn open up with rotary, Sword Worlder minigun and shredding Warbot with 7.7mm bullet swarms.  House swiss-cheese in seconds.  Dr. Grim's blade toe-to-toe with Zhodani Mindsaber dancing around like party on Mora.  This one made second Warbot eat HEAP shotgun.  Finestkind.  Hane run to laser rifle in Air/raft, to lay down cover beams for Galen to escape yard exodus.  All chaos and lots of blood flying since fleeing bystander family of faith-healing patients in mix on lawn. Runetha, preserve dying fallen.  Minigun sprays, laser beams, gauss needles, plasma misses (fry front chassis of Air/raft), sword fights, such chaos and fear and pain.  Gentleman Charoux hits max-lift of worn grav-belt and reds out in exit.  Blast!  Load wrong grenade rounds and too many bystanders to drop goons!  Stupid Warbot lost onboard Laser Rifle and tried overturning Air/raft.  Not on this one's watch!  Baldy Zhodani takes pot-shot at Galen and then again at Dagne.  This one drops him from behind with HEAP.  Not proud, just doing job.  House ripping to splinters when Dagne shred timbers, emptying minigun.  Fun for her, but hard on looting aftermath.  Suppose Dagne have de-stress issues. Charoux hit, Dagne hit, Crow scratched by Mindsaber from mechagirl.  Puts her down hard, but not two-meters-under.  Need a prisoner from this encounter, yes?  Old man limps back to Air/raft and talks some sense into Hane while last bot scrapped by Dagne.  So much to review via Witness playback.  Simone Doctor, preserver, made off with Gidjet grav-style after hit with gauss needle to arm.  So one prisoner and another leader neutralize.   Artemis on track now that more info on the table?  Make a do.
Imperium Calendar 259-1109:   Artemis Group  and Sister-Dame know to make show of COTCO Bishop Thogferda, debunk his 'miracles'.  This one call out Thogferda on air and demand Thezough, (Infighting Imperials name it) from char-..charlat....pretender.  Him using psionic TK to wow crowd.  So, Artemis  waltz in point with two disruptors, (no tell anyone - spoil this one's Sight and Jaunt too), to make Thezough all-Equal.  But cronies let loose more Zhodani Warbots.  Then Thezough turn deadly since Thogferda nor this one cry - how thee say - 'Uncle'?  Blood in Thogferda eyes.  Saw it.  Despite fields, Thogferda TK me twice.  Runetha!  Him powerful Psion!  Blame Zhodani training, yes?  Caught this one once.  Hurt and grow panty.  Yes, yes, this one out of shape.  'Tis known, okay?  Bit and swallow Combat Drug now that fight no more Thezough.  Mission first, Charisma pride second.  All go slowy as this one feels system leap.  Warbots gain floor and start shooting.  Gentleman Crow downed 'werewolf' girl from strip mall.  Wish had not done that, but what else?  Warbots go crazy-like and shoot everything.  Crowd run for front door.  Crazy everywhere.  Thogferda keep this one attention as teeth sink in.  Mortality sink in, yes?  Make a do.  Then, with magazine Witness recording, Crow yell, "Gev, catch!"  End over end, Thuerrghough, (Vargr serrate sword called), arch through COTCO cathedral hall.  Even with wounds and white pelt red with lifeblood, this one catch handle and swing. Thogferda head come clean off with blind swing.  This one not know swipe would kill outright.  But Thogferda took Thezough too far, say Gentleman Hane.  Agreed.  Capture evidence, capture Zhodani Warbots.  Simone Doctor make off with civilian heavy fighter and spare parts.  Though this one command debunk tab-, still not happy with final outcome.  Roz, the 'werewolf' dead.  Sad face.  Thogferda Faction neutralize, poor recovery.  But mission go forward, finestkind. Finish report while bundle up in Ares  infirmary.  Some days healing say Simone Doctor.  Make a do.

Edited 1456971217
Imperium Calendar 260-1109:   Artemis storm Highport office run by Captain Yllia.  All nicey-nice and soon to ask Yllia to stand down from Hero Vessel Faction please.  Runetha, not count that Yllia knew Gentleman Charoux play-acting his Tad Wellington.  Later find out 'she' hack Gentleman Charoux old files and know him on sight like blood tracker, Vargr hunter.  Then all go dark on battle computer!  Hacked!  Gentlemen Hane, Crow make front door to toss Stun grenades.  This one and Sister-Dame (with Witness) tail Crow in Battle Dress. Later learn from Venerable Galen and Gentleman Charoux, Captain Yllia not fall for ruse, pull her Captain cutlass and ring Galen bell to drop him sleep-a-deep.  But she move and mean to kill Charoux! Lasers, grenades, shotgun, cutlass and claymore as Dagne join battle, screaming like Aesir val-.....valk-  like death angel.  Fighting and advancing on Yllia office where Charoux almost gutted like kraken whale from very fast Yllia.   Then Gentleman Crow bust down door and go toe-to-toe with Captain Yllia.  Runetha!  She move like Combat Drug square-exponent!  Then power on Battle Dress sensors in helmet fail!  Hacked like battle computer!  Crow needs must rip off helmet and face her down.  Clanging weapons off armor and still she not break sweat.  Who is this bitch?!  Crow open her shoulder to opposite hip with Thuerrghough serrate sword. Runetha three times!  Captain Yllia android Darrian lookalike!  Zounds and panic as she not even blink, painless even.  This one give her HEAP.  Shove this one aside with nasty cutlass swipe and try escape into power plant room.  Crow chop her down finally, but android flashy light from chest begin self-destruct countdown!  Yield please?  'Nuff to breach fusion power plant and damage Highport or irradiate whole block!  Everyone run but Crow toss android body under heavy oak desk and bolt.  Big badda boom in office room.  Every office thing destroyed including another seen and recorded pentacle rug like all other Faction leaders.  No mere coincidence, yes?   Pick up pieces and help wounded Galen and Charoux into Air/raft for dust-off.  Make a do.   Later Net announcement:  Psion Pwyll Vaarson Faction down.  Assassination from maybe another Faction?  Do Artemis dirty-work.  Only one Faction left.

Edited 1459892779
Imperial Calendar 300-1109:   Notice of neglect on log.  Here goes:   Artemis  leaving Darrian for Imperium again under ticket of vengeance for death of respectable Gentleman-Colonel Robertson.  Hook-up with Prof. Isis clench the deal to seek revenge against hated Maarg.  Isis offering up to 35MCr, negotiable to hunt Maarg down and hopefully the nuke-assassin responsible.  This all in the moment Isis first contact  Artemis  all teary-eyed.  Seems the assassin miss both humies.  After pickup of the grieving Isis, Ares investigate and decide to vote on taking ticket.  Make a do, right? Hiring of some more combat staff:  a Menorb, Imperium, Vargr, Marine name of Kayleb (Runt) Groughtk and a Flammarion, human, crackshot Marine name of Jeff Scardack.  More guns to point at Maarg, yes?  Finestkind.  Take on a noble, corpy-Imperium guy named Sebastien who is also got beef in death of Col. Robertson.  More, the merrier, this one thinking.  More to point at Maarg.  Turns out, this Gentleman Sebastien also adept at commodities trading.  Hires on as corporation Broker. Now arriving at Flammarion and hear news of Battles over Rhylanor over.  Happy and sad news.  So many deaths on both sides with nothing to show for it.  S'why this one chose the Courier's career instead of shooty-killing occupations. Purchased more chrome on Darrian, but no doctors willing to do the implants.  Darrian morals or somesuch.  Have secretly ask Dr. Simone to perform the task once there's time.  Just mental upgrade, skillsoft neuralworks and a wide menu of skills.  Still in their sterile packaging until Dr. Simone and this one get implanting.  Is what it is.
Because his log device was destroyed in the Bowman meteor storm, this thread is closed until Gev can find alternate outlet.

Edited 1464030828
A report for the Referee on the sibling pair of Pack Cannagrrh. PACK CANNAGRRH A report from the Dzen Aeng Kho (Society of Equals) The pack named Cannagrrh in the original Gvegh racial language is spelled Kannagrrh and only changed as they came into contact with Humaniti and adopted the Galanglic spelling to better present to those Zhodani or Imperium they encountered. It was not a favorable change, but all obeyed the authority of the Pack Alpha at the time. Privately in some families of the Traditionalists branch of the Pack, the original Gvegh spelling is kept as a matter of racial pride so evident in ethnic Gvegh Vargr. The Cannagrrh originate in the Dzen Aeng Kho or Society of Equals. Their pack lineage reaches back to the beginnings of the polity. Their name reaches back to founding brothers, one a Scholar and the second a warlord of the Gvegh Wars prior to the Pact of Gvurrdon . As the Sector differentiated into the various polities that spawned the Society of Equals, the Cannagrrh settled on DZUERONGVOE (Gvurrdon 1413) B664997-C Cx Hi Pr. Their family descendants were split among the educated and scholarly versus the aggressive businessmen and military warlords. Through the history of the Pack, clashes between solidification of assets and aggressive expansion have contributed to various attainments and setbacks that kept them from the highest echelon of Vargr society in the polity. Sunggzur Cannagrrh is the elderly, former Pack Cannagrrh Alpha who abdicated his Equal authority to his daughter of three, the other being Equal brothers Azvarrkhael and Orgorr. Her name is Souegh Cannagrrh and she is the fulcrum between the Scientific Azvarrkhael and the Naval Commander Orgorr. It was this balance between her brothers that led Sunggzur to select her as his successor. Sunggzur saw the wave-form behavior of his and previous generations and opted to try for balance across his three pups. He abdicated in 910 Imperium Calendar. Souegh Cannagrrh, Equal of the Pack has led the families up through the years until 1111 when the Equality War broke out. Both Azvarrkhoel’s and Orgorr’s families are tainted with conscientious objectors to the Equality Test as they felt that it was barbaric to deprive a Vargr citizen of the polity of their canine teeth upon failure of the Test. On the Progressive side of Pack Cannagrrh is found Unequal Kaer. Kaer, a marginalized Prospector who continued wildcatting in the systems of the Dzen Aeng Kho . On Orgorr’s Traditionalist end of the Pack, Unequals Dhueth and Knirr, brother and sister respectively, rebelled against their Equal father and were summarily dismissed from military service when they refused the Test. Since then, they have hired on as Mercenaries and seen some Corsair and Privateer action, redeeming them somewhat in their father’s disapproving eyes. Yet both the Progressive and Traditional sides of Pack Cannagrrh have their Equals who passed the Test. Azvarrkhoel’s Equal daughter, Adhllu is his pride as she graduated at the top of her class as a Scholar (Scientist) and is a Doctor of Genetics who conducts research into Vargr phenotypes and each subspecies’ traits and qualities. Equal Adhllu has a son and two daughters who have not specified their future career interests yet. On Orgorr’s Traditionalist side, only Equal Voellzoen the favored son has risen to Captain a fleet flagship and led several police actions against Corsairs in the Dzen subsector. Voellzoen has three, very young daughters who look up to their father as a hero of the State. At the fulcrum branch of Pack Cannagrrh is Equal and Pack Alpha Souegh who chose the Emissary Career and rose to new heights as a Society of Equals Council advisor. Her two children are Equals Gevaudan, (or originally spelled Ghevodan) and Qithka, (better spelled Khethka). Gevaudan is a Senior Scout mustered of the polity’s Courier corps. Qithka is a Knighted (a “Blooded Fang”) Correspondent Entertainer who promoted from Journalist to Performer for her employer, the Sector-wide magazine Kfan Uzangou , (“White Fangs”). Both are currently en route home, as of 1109, from their field adventuring and correspondence in the Spinward Marches. As to the succession of the position of future Alpha, both the Progressives and Traditionalists of Pack Cannagrrh know they have negative strikes against them in their Unequal children. Thus they have chosen to support either Senior Gevaudan or now Dame Qithka as their sides of the Pack seem to favor. Azvarrkhoel’s Progressives support the Dame Qithka, for while she is neither a Scholar nor an Emissary like her mother, she is peacefully social in her equitable reporting, integrity correspondent and passionate propaganda acting in her true-life dramas through her magazine. In return, Orgorr’s Traditionalists have defaulted to favoring Gevaudan whom they hear is the Captain of an Imperium-built Broadsword-class Mercenary Cruiser and has seen some space and ground actions alongside the Fifth Frontier War even though he was not found on either side of the Outworld Coalition or the Third Imperium. His adventures as told through his sister’s reporting have somewhat endeared Gevaudan to the Traditionalists. It is by advice from daughter Adhllu to her father Azvarrkhoel of the Progressives that they support the Dame for Pack Alpha. Though of lesser Charisma than his sister, to the Traditionalists, clearly Gevaudan is the hero that his newfound religious philosophy dictates; he is their choice for Alpha. When there are two defined suitors to the leadership of Pack Cannagrrh, the racial rite of Infighting is the default means of helping the current Alpha decide between them. Unlike her generation of three siblings, from which she was chosen by elderly Equal Sunggzur, Equal Alpha Souegh must resort to the racial martial arts style of natural weaponry and decide thusly between brother and sister, neither of which foresaw such a brutal pairing now that they have found new connection and relationship, shedding their childish sibling rivalry. Yet the Packs ways are set and Alpha Souegh must someday square them to each other in melee combat as the larger Pack looks on. Gevaudan, cybernetically Augmented to Pilot-Astrogation, has never been a warrior save by his adventuring days in the Artemis Group . Meanwhile the Dame Qithka has frequently initiated Infighting to settle arguments with her younger brother. She has repeatedly been the most vociferous of the pair. Mediagenic and favored by her viewers, the Dame Qithka Cannagrrh is the expected successor to Pack Alpha. Yet the heroic deeds of her younger brother bolster and enliven the Traditionalists who favor Gevaudan. Who will rule the Pack as Alpha may be decided when the two siblings return to the Society of Equals in 1110 or 1111.

Edited 1469730164
>>translating from Gvegh 061-1110 IMPERIAL CALENDAR:  Ship’s Captain, a simple Senior Scout Gevaudan Cannagrrh, initiating this Log to journal the voyages of the Far Scout Sixth Horizon ¸ or 6H for short.  On this day, the ship sets off on its first launch from its berthing shipyard in orbit over Lunion ( Spinward Marches 2124).  It is the primary mission of this vessel to observe an archducal decree of banishment upon myself.  Tangent to this is the return of my Sister-Dame Qithka Cannagrrh to our home polity of the Dzen Aeng Kho , or the Society of Equals, in Gvurrdon Sector.  My sibling, her attaché, her robot and I have been touring as passengers and employees of the Artemis Group this past five years.  In one night I have been sent from Lunion to Coreward in exile from the Domain of Deneb, a dismal conclusion to this long series of amazing and worthwhile adventures in the company of Imperials, Zhodani, Imperial Vargr and even a sentient and self-aware android.Why such an end to the tour?  I am banished for the simple fear of the mental disciplines called psionics.  I tested and trained under a clandestine agreement with my instructor and tutor in the evidencing Talents of clairvoyance and teleportation , which in my native tongue I call jaunting and the sight.Only for me, the sight has somehow developed for me an olfactory synesthesia better discussed in person than on some Log.  In the end, this vessel is to continue Coreward from the Third Imperium until it delivers Dame Qithka Cannagrrh to Ouse Faeg ( Gvurrdon 1724) to complete a long-term, High Passage Ticket of wartime field correspondence and journalism for Kfan Uzangou , the magazine my Sister-Dame is employed. The Sixth Horizon is a 200dT Far Scout vessel featuring a reaching Jump-4 capability and a Thrust of 6Gs.  This means it is generally meant for small cargo or VIP Passenger transport.  My Sister-Dame is a “Blooded Fang” and Knight, the same thing really, in both our home polity and in the Third Imperium respectively.  That alone makes the field journalist a very important person.Being her sibling has come in a close second and has been a thorn in my side since 1107.  With her is her eccentric attaché, Uthka Varzeekh, a fortune-teller of a kind.  She has been more accurate than not in the sight and telling forth our adventures in the Marches.  Finally, the magazine’s robot, Witness, a floating titanium ball records everything the Dame does or experiences and comprises our media team.  We journey forth from Lunion with a couple of displacement tons of exotic, Argentill Bourdeaux 1080 from the local Argentill Vineyards.Gifted from his lordship, the Marquis Sebastien Maddox, I hope to make a small profit from their sale either along the way or into Gvurrdon Sector. My crew is myself.  It might sound undermanned, but given that I have been extensively Augmented with two cybernetic Integrators, Starship Systems and Turret Gunnery, I can control almost all the aspects of this vessel from the Bridge, though not simultaneously.  The ‘rig’ has helped me in the past on a previous ship and I hope to keep overhead low as we cruise our way home.  Also aboard are former fellow employees, Larzamonte Charoux and Izek Mazel, two Darrians, in addition to Captain Jacob Crow, who are all on a mission of stealth and secrecy to Lanth Subsector.   I estimate fourteen jumps at four parsecs each to exit the Third Imperium.However, a slight detour to Rhylanor ( Spinward Marches 2716), is in order as it is the nearest Tech Level (TL) 15 system that can service our cybernetic and mission gear needs for their mission.
073-1110 Pannet - Pacing up and down the spine corridor, my Sister-Dame is still acclimating to the smaller ship.  She told me she needed something to do other than take lessons from Uthka who is still brooding in quietus .  Since she was so critical of my cooking, I told her to try her hand at Steward.  Then I happened upon a second idea.  I could make her feel valuable by putting her on Comms.  Using her station and her notoriety, she would call fame, the ship could glide by nosy Imperium checks and searches.  Since we are on a Ducal mission of banishment, she can hopefully curtail any curious or envious desire for our cargo of Argentill Bourdeaux 1080.   081-1110 RHYLANOR - Alcohol abuse!  I heard a crash in the cargo bay.  Entering to inspect the luggage and two cargo modules, I found that two bottles of the exotic Argentill Bourdeaux 1080 had broken.  I spent the better part of an hour sweeping up the glass.  Now the bay has the sweet smell of the wine from Lunion.  Docking at Rhylanor Highport, Captain Crow and Izek Mazel went immediately to the medical wing to select, purchase and undergo further Augmentations and upgrades.  Three days and Izek was released to me to oversee the last leg of his recovery.  Per our "shotgun commute", Crow stayed behind to make further purchases for the mission as Rhylanor has an average Tech Level of 15, Imperial High Stellar.   090-1110 Pirema - An inaccurate jump to Pirema caused us to shoot past the waiting 100D SDBs and took us deep into the system.  Through an hour of Qithka talking down the angry Traffic Control, I was able to use the 6Gs of Thrust to taxi over to a Gas Giant for fuel skimming.  Just as we were finishing the maneuvers a distant radar ping, unidentifiable at 70,000km came into range.  Qithka hailed the moving blip as it closed to 60,000km, but to no answer.  After the third hail and the blip accelerating to 3Gs on an intercept vector, I decided that the closing ping was not official and turned and went full burn to 6Gs and left whoever they were in our wake.  An official vessel or a distressed vessel would have contacted or answered us.  I had no time to ask Uthka if she saw anything, but she was still being silent.  I suspect it has to do with the Darrians still onboard. 097-1110 Wypoc - Izek brought a cold with him from Rhylanor and it took this long for it to infect him and Uthka, but all they came down with after a round of panaceas drugs for everyone was the sniffles.  Dunno about Darrians, but the sniffles can near-blind a Vargr who put more weight in their olfactory sense.  The jump was delayed an hour or so as I kept getting Red Lights in the jump drive virtual board.  I spent a good amount of time in Engineering.  A faulty jump motivator fuse had to be pulled and replaced.  Not expensive, just wasteful of our time.  Once replaced, the lights finally went Green.  I must have looked angry tromping back up to the Bridge in my Tsuenourr Battledress, now that I am training formally in the proper use of the powered armor.  I took a cue from Runt and tried cooking.  No dice.  Was booted from the Galley by Qithka. Wypoc still looks a sickly yellow-orange from final approach.  Storms race across the surface and lightning strikes flash in the upper atmosphere.  Turbulence was rough but not unmanageable to find our assigned Dome B and berth #2. I made quite a few system locals happy as I scored an amazing 200% sale of a single dT of the exotic Argentill Bourdeaux 1080.  I am holding onto the last dT, hopefully for Menorb and a toast to my adventures with the Artemis Group  at the temple to Runetha Saetedz there.  
Putting Qithka on Comms wasn’t such a great idea; we don’t want anyone famous and associated with us giving away our approach.