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Jukebox Playlists stop playing for players

My players and I are having an issue in our game where the playlist we're using continues to play on my end (as the GM) but seems to stop on their end. From what we can determine it seems to happen when the tracks try to switch. This means that I must occassionally stop-start the playlist in order for their clients to "realise" that tracks should be playing.
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
Before we dive into the guts of the issue, we're going to need your group to do a few things for us, things that sometimes fix issues for users before more extensive troubleshooting is needed. Can your players please follow Steps 1-3 of our Solving Technical Issues checklist (confirm you're using the latest non-beta version of Firefox or Chrome, turn off all extensions, addons, and anti-virus, and clear the cache) to see if one of those components is causing the problem? We can only help if we can recreate the issue, so it is important that each step is followed. If doing that fixes the issue, just let us know. Otherwise, move on to Step 4 , and we'll need all that information from each of the players experiencing the issue to further assist you.
I didn't see this to get the group to do things in our session last night but I took it upon myself to attempt to recreate the issue. Creating a new "Test" account I logged into the game as GM in one browser, the Test player in another. All extensions were disabled in both browsers, the caches and cookies cleared. With the GM in Chrome, the player in Firefox, the issue didn't seem to present itself; I had music playing for near an hour and it didn't stop. The event normally occurs every 20 minutes or so. It is worth highlighting that this time isn't consistent, nor does it stop for all players at the same time; some will still have music playing whilst it has stopped for others, etc. With the GM in Firefox, the player in Chrome (which mirrors most of my players as they use Chrome) the issue appeared once again. Attached are the logs from the player side (Chrome) and the GM side (Firefox). A quick glance indicates that the music seems to have stopped when something on the player's side attempted to happen twice in a row (assuming "-JzzbwB3uy_2sEXMSmwf" is a reference of some description?), an event that the GM side doesn't seem to care about. After that, the music wasn't playing at all on the player's side and continues to not do so until I stop-start as the GM, or they refresh the page. Hopefully this is useful and, if any other information is needed, let me know.
## PLAYER SIDE LOG ## Navigated to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' https://* https://* https://* <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> https://* <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> https://* <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> https://* https://* https://* https://* https://* <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>". Either the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash ('sha256-sMxpdF6nDIIKfhiwILnfI0Wl-MKoVcXU4rbSjVA7COA='), or a nonce ('nonce-...') is required to enable inline execution. Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' https://* https://* https://* <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> https://* <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> https://* <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> https://* https://* https://* https://* https://* <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>". Either the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash ('sha256-C5YNbbSDMtE6nUAc_oefTPBOxP7pLoGm7wOrPntkt3Y='), or a nonce ('nonce-...') is required to enable inline execution. 70 TOUCH SUPPORTED: false USING WEBGL ACCELERATION... WEBGL STARTUP SUCCESS select Switch mode to select Initializing new dice engine with randomness... Using random entropy Compiling sheet... Found rolltemplate: 5eDefault Finding sheet rolls... window resize Final set zoom! UPDATE GL SIZE! Final set zoom! tuts loaded Mixed Content: The page at '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. Final page load. Auth'ed. Go post auth! initial setup Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzUZlD77m47Bj8C1rn -JzzbNM1Iuf7v3opDnQG PLAYING TRACK Got players value... joining game... Player -JyD_oFd9Qr8z22sGMgJ is offline... Player -JyEY-LJPlQuTZO_wYwq is offline... Player -JyEYdfoOGJ4Y5VQYlGk is offline... Player -JyE_ZMqQ29pyxw3uefm is offline... Player -JyEqhZR5BbYE6Vk8skW is offline... Player -JyF5u9XBP-f1WRVX9oL is offline... Player -JzfVpJIBOBlKJIjfB1g is offline... Player -K-N8i29ncpD1c-X92wQ is offline... 1 1 Deferred finish joining... Firebase Online I think I should be first? FIRST PLAYER: -K-N8i29ncpD1c-X92wQ Full load page! Full load page! Full load page! Full load page! Full load page! Full load page! Full load page! Full load page! We have 13 pages Refresh Journal List! Search took 5ms handle page changes false Scan for new plays! Mixed Content: The page at '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure video '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. Do refresh link cache! FIREBASE WARNING: on() or once() for /campaign-1007739-piD1zQq9_VyHEdufNgdmtw/hand-blobs/-K-4Smuh2an6KzRZv86j/notes failed: Error: permission_denied: Client doesn't have permission to access the desired data. FIREBASE WARNING: on() or once() for /campaign-1007739-piD1zQq9_VyHEdufNgdmtw/hand-blobs/-K-4T002OMjsIQ93c5Lf/notes failed: Error: permission_denied: Client doesn't have permission to access the desired data. init active page! activate page! FULLY ACTIVATE VIEWS FOR PAGE. Graphics: 1 Paths: 5 Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Reorder by ZORDER Refresh Journal List! Search took 4ms Updating character sheet values Reorder by ZORDER Updating character sheet values Updating character sheet values initiatlizing video chat Connecting to WebRTC Updating character sheet values setting src Updating character sheet values Updating character sheet values Updating character sheet values Updating character sheet values Cols: 2 Rows: 2 Took 1ms to generate cache. Updating character sheet values Updating character sheet values Updating character sheet values Connected to session Someone just connected. It's us? Adding myself before -K-N8i29ncpD1c-X92wQ Someone just connected. Not us, increasing active connections. Begin publishing! initializing publisher GET  net::ERR_INVALID_URL Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzfzyUDCIWbspW0tLa -K--15-ihSWf4BqlcyPP PLAYING TRACK Scan for new plays! Mixed Content: The page at '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure video '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. Access allowed! Final set zoom! UPDATE GL SIZE! Final set zoom! window resize Final set zoom! UPDATE GL SIZE! Final set zoom! window resize Final set zoom! UPDATE GL SIZE! Final set zoom! stream created Subscribe to streams! Heard playingplaylist change to false False, returning Scan for new plays! Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzfzyUDCIWbspW0tLa -K--sqeoYiq16sx52yi1 PLAYING TRACK Scan for new plays! Mixed Content: The page at '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure video '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzUZlD77m47Bj8C1rn -JzzdkM1YOx6btu68iOh PLAYING TRACK Scan for new plays! Mixed Content: The page at '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure video '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzUZlD77m47Bj8C1rn -JzzbnjWL79iWk_hDVgU PLAYING TRACK FIREBASE WARNING: update at /campaign-1007739-piD1zQq9_VyHEdufNgdmtw/jukeboxplaylist/-JzzdkM1YOx6btu68iOh failed: permission_denied Scan for new plays! Mixed Content: The page at '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure video '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzUZlD77m47Bj8C1rn -Jzzc-Lby8W3nrlwCSfw PLAYING TRACK FIREBASE WARNING: update at /campaign-1007739-piD1zQq9_VyHEdufNgdmtw/jukeboxplaylist/-JzzbnjWL79iWk_hDVgU failed: permission_denied Scan for new plays! Mixed Content: The page at '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure video '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzUZlD77m47Bj8C1rn -JzzcKcEG-0S4jZJlUWX PLAYING TRACK FIREBASE WARNING: update at /campaign-1007739-piD1zQq9_VyHEdufNgdmtw/jukeboxplaylist/-Jzzc-Lby8W3nrlwCSfw failed: permission_denied Scan for new plays! Mixed Content: The page at '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure video '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. Scan for new plays! Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzUZlD77m47Bj8C1rn -K--59c7Igv3_6cmcWbt PLAYING TRACK FIREBASE WARNING: update at /campaign-1007739-piD1zQq9_VyHEdufNgdmtw/jukeboxplaylist/-JzzcKcEG-0S4jZJlUWX failed: permission_denied Scan for new plays! Mixed Content: The page at '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure video '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. Scan for new plays! Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzUZlD77m47Bj8C1rn -Jzz_lKXkOpMY76O8ISF PLAYING TRACK FIREBASE WARNING: update at /campaign-1007739-piD1zQq9_VyHEdufNgdmtw/jukeboxplaylist/-K--59c7Igv3_6cmcWbt failed: permission_denied Scan for new plays! Mixed Content: The page at '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure video '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. Scan for new plays! Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzUZlD77m47Bj8C1rn -JzzdHFDFA_ZNQ2ts-13 PLAYING TRACK FIREBASE WARNING: update at /campaign-1007739-piD1zQq9_VyHEdufNgdmtw/jukeboxplaylist/-Jzz_lKXkOpMY76O8ISF failed: permission_denied Scan for new plays! Mixed Content: The page at '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure video '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. Scan for new plays! Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzUZlD77m47Bj8C1rn -JzzbwB3uy_2sEXMSmwf PLAYING TRACK FIREBASE WARNING: update at /campaign-1007739-piD1zQq9_VyHEdufNgdmtw/jukeboxplaylist/-JzzdHFDFA_ZNQ2ts-13 failed: permission_denied Scan for new plays! Mixed Content: The page at '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure video '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. Scan for new plays! Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzUZlD77m47Bj8C1rn -JzzbwB3uy_2sEXMSmwf PLAYING TRACK FIREBASE WARNING: update at /campaign-1007739-piD1zQq9_VyHEdufNgdmtw/jukeboxplaylist/-JzzbwB3uy_2sEXMSmwf failed: permission_denied Scan for new plays! Scan for new plays! Scan for new plays! Scan for new plays!
## GM SIDE LOG ## 09:54:54.044 Finding sheet rolls... app.js:43:7290 09:54:54.454 window resize app.js:44:15564 09:54:54.461 Final set zoom! app.js:30:25049 09:54:54.469 UPDATE GL SIZE! app.js:30:5833 09:54:54.472 Final set zoom! app.js:30:25049 09:54:54.481 tuts loaded tutorial_tips.js:7:2 09:54:55.877 Final page load. app.js:36:8743 09:54:55.977 Refresh jukebox List! app.js:44:20037 09:54:56.391 Scan for new plays! app.js:36:6254 09:54:56.566 Auth'ed. app.js:35:21777 09:54:56.567 Go post auth! app.js:35:21974 09:54:56.752 initial setup app.js:35:22119 09:54:56.755 Refresh jukebox List! app.js:44:20037 09:54:56.921 Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzUZlD77m47Bj8C1rn app.js:36:7590 09:54:56.921 -JzzbNM1Iuf7v3opDnQG app.js:36:8284 09:54:56.921 PLAYING TRACK app.js:36:8329 09:54:56.923 Refresh jukebox List! app.js:44:20037 09:54:57.260 Refresh Journal List! app.js:42:22885 09:54:57.261 refershing page listings! app.js:38:22401 09:54:57.291 Got players value... app.js:35:22361 09:54:57.298 joining game... app.js:35:28839 09:54:57.303 Refresh jukebox List! app.js:44:20037 09:54:57.491 Player -JyD_oFd9Qr8z22sGMgJ is offline... app.js:34:3728 09:54:57.500 1 app.js:34:11193 09:54:57.500 1 app.js:44:19490 09:54:57.501 Player -JyEY-LJPlQuTZO_wYwq is offline... app.js:34:3728 09:54:57.502 Player -JyEYdfoOGJ4Y5VQYlGk is offline... app.js:34:3728 09:54:57.503 Player -JyE_ZMqQ29pyxw3uefm is offline... app.js:34:3728 09:54:57.504 Player -JyEqhZR5BbYE6Vk8skW is offline... app.js:34:3728 09:54:57.505 Player -JyF5u9XBP-f1WRVX9oL is offline... app.js:34:3728 09:54:57.506 Player -JzfVpJIBOBlKJIjfB1g is offline... app.js:34:3728 09:54:57.506 I think I should be first? app.js:34:4243 09:54:57.507 FIRST PLAYER: -K-N8i29ncpD1c-X92wQ app.js:34:4319 09:54:57.562 Deferred finish joining... app.js:35:28929 09:54:57.565 Firebase Online app.js:29:20385 09:54:57.567 Adding myself before -K-N8i29ncpD1c-X92wQ app.js:34:4594 09:54:57.729 Full load page! app.js:33:11787 09:54:57.966 We have 13 pages app.js:35:23164 09:54:58.004 handle page changes app.js:35:23704 09:54:58.004 false app.js:35:23785 09:54:58.239 Scan for new plays! app.js:36:6254 09:54:58.248 refershing page listings! app.js:38:22401 09:54:58.426 init active page! app.js:35:27840 09:54:58.426 activate page! app.js:33:13949 09:54:58.426 FULLY ACTIVATE VIEWS FOR PAGE. app.js:33:14181 09:54:58.428 Do refresh link cache! app.js:32:6356 09:54:58.589 Graphics: 1 app.js:33:13128 09:54:58.589 Paths: 5 app.js:33:13324 09:54:58.608 Refresh Journal List! app.js:42:22885 09:54:58.670 Search took 62ms app.js:42:21737 09:54:58.672 refershing page listings! app.js:38:22401 09:54:59.213 initiatlizing video chat app.js:42:8594 09:54:59.216 Connecting to WebRTC app.js:42:9112 09:54:59.223 Refresh jukebox List! app.js:44:20037 09:54:59.462 Reorder by ZORDER app.js:33:16793 09:54:59.471 Updating character sheet values app.js:36:26200 09:54:59.969 "Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>" app.js:32:28398 09:55:00.031 Reorder by ZORDER app.js:33:16793 09:55:00.035 setting src app.js:32:28559 09:55:00.104 Cols: 2 Rows: 2 app.js:28:27632 09:55:00.105 Took 1ms to generate cache. app.js:28:28308 09:55:00.596 Connected to session app.js:42:10706 09:55:00.597 Someone just connected. app.js:42:12014 09:55:00.597 Not us, increasing active connections. app.js:42:12141 09:55:00.597 Begin publishing! app.js:42:12323 09:55:00.597 initializing publisher app.js:42:11106 09:55:00.609 Someone just connected. app.js:42:12014 09:55:00.609 It's us? app.js:42:12116 09:55:08.322 0 app.js:44:19490 09:55:08.822 Scan for new plays! app.js:36:6254 09:55:14.029 Unable to find jukebox item! app.js:36:2614 09:55:14.030 Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzfzyUDCIWbspW0tLa app.js:36:7590 09:55:14.037 -K--15-ihSWf4BqlcyPP app.js:36:8284 09:55:14.037 PLAYING TRACK app.js:36:8329 09:55:14.039 Refresh jukebox List! app.js:44:20037 09:55:14.280 END SEARCH app.js:36:2976 09:55:14.342 Refresh jukebox List! app.js:44:20037 09:55:14.596 Scan for new plays! app.js:36:6254 09:55:48.118 stream created app.js:42:13097 09:55:48.120 Subscribe to streams! app.js:42:13276 09:56:29.637 Access allowed! app.js:42:11810 09:56:30.646 Final set zoom! app.js:30:25049 09:56:30.672 UPDATE GL SIZE! app.js:30:5833 09:56:30.672 Final set zoom! app.js:30:25049 09:56:30.785 window resize app.js:44:15564 09:56:30.792 Final set zoom! app.js:30:25049 09:56:30.799 UPDATE GL SIZE! app.js:30:5833 09:56:30.799 Final set zoom! app.js:30:25049 09:57:19.751 Unable to find jukebox item! app.js:36:2614 09:57:19.751 Heard playingplaylist change to false app.js:36:7590 09:57:19.751 False, returning app.js:36:7652 09:57:19.758 Refresh jukebox List! app.js:44:20037 09:57:19.986 END SEARCH app.js:36:2976 09:57:20.062 Refresh jukebox List! app.js:44:20037 09:57:20.294 Scan for new plays! app.js:36:6254 09:57:20.985 Unable to find jukebox item! app.js:36:2614 09:57:20.986 Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzfzyUDCIWbspW0tLa app.js:36:7590 09:57:20.986 -K--sqeoYiq16sx52yi1 app.js:36:8284 09:57:20.987 PLAYING TRACK app.js:36:8329 09:57:20.988 Refresh jukebox List! app.js:44:20037 09:57:21.183 END SEARCH app.js:36:2976 09:57:21.288 Refresh jukebox List! app.js:44:20037 09:57:21.511 Scan for new plays! app.js:36:6254 09:57:26.951 Unable to find jukebox item! app.js:36:2614 09:57:26.953 Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzUZlD77m47Bj8C1rn app.js:36:7590 09:57:26.957 -JzzdkM1YOx6btu68iOh app.js:36:8284 09:57:26.957 PLAYING TRACK app.js:36:8329 09:57:26.958 Refresh jukebox List! app.js:44:20037 09:57:27.160 END SEARCH app.js:36:2976 09:57:27.200 Refresh jukebox List! app.js:44:20037 09:57:27.457 Scan for new plays! app.js:36:6254 10:01:08.580 Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzUZlD77m47Bj8C1rn app.js:36:7590 10:01:08.582 -JzzbnjWL79iWk_hDVgU app.js:36:8284 10:01:08.582 PLAYING TRACK app.js:36:8329 10:01:08.685 Refresh jukebox List! app.js:44:20037 10:01:09.112 Scan for new plays! app.js:36:6254 10:01:56.917 Refresh jukebox List! app.js:44:20037 10:03:49.960 Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzUZlD77m47Bj8C1rn app.js:36:7590 10:03:49.961 -Jzzc-Lby8W3nrlwCSfw app.js:36:8284 10:03:49.961 PLAYING TRACK app.js:36:8329 10:03:50.065 Refresh jukebox List! app.js:44:20037 10:03:50.461 Scan for new plays! app.js:36:6254 10:06:42.066 Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzUZlD77m47Bj8C1rn app.js:36:7590 10:06:42.068 -JzzcKcEG-0S4jZJlUWX app.js:36:8284 10:06:42.068 PLAYING TRACK app.js:36:8329 10:06:42.171 Refresh jukebox List! app.js:44:20037 10:06:42.570 Scan for new plays! app.js:36:6254 10:10:42.580 Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzUZlD77m47Bj8C1rn app.js:36:7590 10:10:42.582 -K--59c7Igv3_6cmcWbt app.js:36:8284 10:10:42.582 PLAYING TRACK app.js:36:8329 10:10:42.685 Refresh jukebox List! app.js:44:20037 10:10:43.082 Scan for new plays! app.js:36:6254 10:15:13.913 Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzUZlD77m47Bj8C1rn app.js:36:7590 10:15:13.914 -Jzz_lKXkOpMY76O8ISF app.js:36:8284 10:15:13.914 PLAYING TRACK app.js:36:8329 10:15:14.018 Refresh jukebox List! app.js:44:20037 10:15:14.415 Scan for new plays! app.js:36:6254 10:20:44.952 Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzUZlD77m47Bj8C1rn app.js:36:7590 10:20:44.954 -JzzdHFDFA_ZNQ2ts-13 app.js:36:8284 10:20:44.954 PLAYING TRACK app.js:36:8329 10:20:45.057 Refresh jukebox List! app.js:44:20037 10:20:45.469 Scan for new plays! app.js:36:6254 10:23:29.351 Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzUZlD77m47Bj8C1rn app.js:36:7590 10:23:29.353 -JzzbwB3uy_2sEXMSmwf app.js:36:8284 10:23:29.353 PLAYING TRACK app.js:36:8329 10:23:29.458 Refresh jukebox List! app.js:44:20037 10:23:29.856 Scan for new plays! app.js:36:6254 10:26:05.342 Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzUZlD77m47Bj8C1rn app.js:36:7590 10:26:05.344 -JzzbwB3uy_2sEXMSmwf app.js:36:8284 10:26:05.344 PLAYING TRACK app.js:36:8329 10:26:05.449 Refresh jukebox List! app.js:44:20037 10:26:05.846 Scan for new plays! app.js:36:6254 10:28:09.235 0.5184 app.js:44:19490 10:28:09.738 Scan for new plays! app.js:36:6254 10:28:11.034 0.34809999999999997 app.js:44:19490 10:28:11.535 Scan for new plays! app.js:36:6254 10:28:15.607 0 app.js:44:19490 10:28:16.109 Scan for new plays! app.js:36:6254 10:28:41.095 Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzUZlD77m47Bj8C1rn app.js:36:7590 10:28:41.097 -JzzfvTQi5hT7MYuEJV6 app.js:36:8284 10:28:41.097 PLAYING TRACK app.js:36:8329 10:28:41.200 Refresh jukebox List! app.js:44:20037 10:28:41.598 Scan for new plays! app.js:36:6254 10:30:26.565 Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzUZlD77m47Bj8C1rn app.js:36:7590 10:30:26.567 -JzzclphUx8MESoT8mNl app.js:36:8284 10:30:26.568 PLAYING TRACK app.js:36:8329 10:30:26.672 Refresh jukebox List! app.js:44:20037 10:30:27.070 Scan for new plays! app.js:36:6254 10:32:16.922 0.2025 app.js:44:19490 10:32:17.425 Scan for new plays! app.js:36:6254 10:32:28.984 0.7055999999999999 app.js:44:19490 10:32:29.486 Scan for new plays! app.js:36:6254 10:33:35.179 Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzUZlD77m47Bj8C1rn app.js:36:7590 10:33:35.184 -JzzcKcEG-0S4jZJlUWX app.js:36:8284 10:33:35.185 PLAYING TRACK app.js:36:8329 10:33:35.307 Refresh jukebox List! app.js:44:20037 10:33:35.696 Scan for new plays! app.js:36:6254 10:35:09.833 activate page! app.js:33:13949 10:35:09.835 FULLY ACTIVATE VIEWS FOR PAGE. app.js:33:14181 10:35:09.847 Unexpected end of file while searching for colour. from DOM 10:35:28.915 window resize app.js:44:15564 10:35:28.924 Final set zoom! app.js:30:25049 10:35:28.981 UPDATE GL SIZE! app.js:30:5833 10:35:28.982 Final set zoom! app.js:30:25049 10:35:32.096 OPTIONS XHR <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 82ms] 10:35:32.187 POST XHR <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 82ms] 10:35:50.083 OPTIONS XHR <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 80ms] 10:35:50.173 POST XHR <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 82ms] 10:36:02.105 OPTIONS XHR <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 81ms] 10:36:02.201 POST XHR <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 81ms] 10:36:20.083 OPTIONS XHR <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 80ms] 10:36:20.211 POST XHR <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 81ms] 10:36:29.162 window resize app.js:44:15564 10:36:29.176 Final set zoom! app.js:30:25049 10:36:29.184 UPDATE GL SIZE! app.js:30:5833 10:36:29.185 Final set zoom! app.js:30:25049 10:36:32.110 OPTIONS XHR <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 81ms] 10:36:32.200 POST XHR <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 81ms] 10:36:50.089 OPTIONS XHR <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 86ms] 10:36:50.183 POST XHR <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 81ms] 10:37:02.112 OPTIONS XHR <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 81ms] 10:37:02.253 POST XHR <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 81ms] 10:37:20.133 OPTIONS XHR <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 85ms] 10:37:20.268 POST XHR <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 81ms] 10:37:32.114 OPTIONS XHR <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 80ms] 10:37:32.204 POST XHR <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 81ms] 10:37:35.037 Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzUZlD77m47Bj8C1rn app.js:36:7590 10:37:35.040 -Jzza00Rg3pepLG2iZQ_ app.js:36:8284 10:37:35.041 PLAYING TRACK app.js:36:8329 10:37:35.160 Refresh jukebox List! app.js:44:20037 10:37:35.542 Scan for new plays! app.js:36:6254 10:37:35.557 Loading mixed (insecure) display content "<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>" on a secure page[Learn More] editor 10:37:35.561 GET <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> [HTTP/2.0 200 OK 55ms] 10:37:35.567 GET <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> [Mixed Content] [HTTP/1.1 302 Found 98ms] 10:37:35.804 GET <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> [HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content 1601ms] 10:37:50.143 OPTIONS XHR <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 83ms] 10:37:50.354 POST XHR <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 81ms] 10:38:02.120 OPTIONS XHR <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 80ms] 10:38:02.339 POST XHR <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 82ms]
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
Thank you for the logs, they'll help the devs when they chew on this :)
Hi James, Sorry for the delay on getting to this. I will try to replicate this on my end and work on fixing it once I can successfully replicate this.
Hi, I had the same problem last thursday with my players. It worked well for one but at least two of them had the music stopping every 5-20 minutes. On the GM side, it worked nicely without problem.
Hi. I'm also experiencing this, but for me it's on the GM side, it happened pretty irregularly. Also when I started to play the music it wouldn't start for me for 1-2 minutes while it worked for everyone else so I'm thinking it might be a connection issue (for me). I'm trying to replicate it now, as soon as I have a result I'll paste a consol log.
It happened CLICKED app.js:36:18770 Updating character sheet values app.js:36:26200 Setting up repeating sections took until 4ms app.js:36:27397 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 5ms app.js:36:28328 Querytest took until 6ms app.js:36:28480 Set values took until 21ms app.js:36:30119 Took 22ms app.js:36:30390 CLICKED app.js:36:18770 Updating character sheet values app.js:36:26200 Setting up repeating sections took until 5ms app.js:36:27397 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 6ms app.js:36:28328 Querytest took until 7ms app.js:36:28480 Set values took until 19ms app.js:36:30119 Took 20ms app.js:36:30390 CLICKED app.js:36:18770 Updating character sheet values app.js:36:26200 Setting up repeating sections took until 6ms app.js:36:27397 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 6ms app.js:36:28328 Querytest took until 8ms app.js:36:28480 Set values took until 17ms app.js:36:30119 Took 18ms app.js:36:30390 Updating character sheet values app.js:36:26200 Setting up repeating sections took until 5ms app.js:36:27397 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 6ms app.js:36:28328 Querytest took until 7ms app.js:36:28480 Set values took until 13ms app.js:36:30119 Took 13ms app.js:36:30390 CLICKED app.js:36:18770 Updating character sheet values app.js:36:26200 Setting up repeating sections took until 5ms app.js:36:27397 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 5ms app.js:36:28328 Querytest took until 6ms app.js:36:28480 Set values took until 12ms app.js:36:30119 Took 12ms app.js:36:30390 CLICKED app.js:36:18770 Updating character sheet values app.js:36:26200 Setting up repeating sections took until 5ms app.js:36:27397 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 5ms app.js:36:28328 Querytest took until 7ms app.js:36:28480 Set values took until 11ms app.js:36:30119 Took 12ms app.js:36:30390 CLICKED app.js:36:18770 Updating character sheet values app.js:36:26200 Setting up repeating sections took until 4ms app.js:36:27397 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 4ms app.js:36:28328 Querytest took until 5ms app.js:36:28480 Set values took until 13ms app.js:36:30119 Took 14ms app.js:36:30390 CLICKED app.js:36:18770 Updating character sheet values app.js:36:26200 Setting up repeating sections took until 4ms app.js:36:27397 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 5ms app.js:36:28328 Querytest took until 6ms app.js:36:28480 Set values took until 20ms app.js:36:30119 Took 21ms app.js:36:30390 CLICKED app.js:36:18770 Updating character sheet values app.js:36:26200 Setting up repeating sections took until 4ms app.js:36:27397 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 4ms app.js:36:28328 Querytest took until 6ms app.js:36:28480 Set values took until 25ms app.js:36:30119 Took 26ms app.js:36:30390 Updating character sheet values app.js:36:26200 Setting up repeating sections took until 4ms app.js:36:27397 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 5ms app.js:36:28328 Querytest took until 7ms app.js:36:28480 Set values took until 10ms app.js:36:30119 Took 10ms app.js:36:30390 Updating character sheet values app.js:36:26200 Setting up repeating sections took until 4ms app.js:36:27397 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 5ms app.js:36:28328 Querytest took until 6ms app.js:36:28480 Set values took until 10ms app.js:36:30119 Took 10ms app.js:36:30390 CLICKED app.js:36:18770 Updating character sheet values app.js:36:26200 Setting up repeating sections took until 6ms app.js:36:27397 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 7ms app.js:36:28328 Querytest took until 8ms app.js:36:28480 Set values took until 19ms app.js:36:30119 Took 19ms app.js:36:30390 Updating character sheet values app.js:36:26200 Setting up repeating sections took until 6ms app.js:36:27397 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 7ms app.js:36:28328 Querytest took until 8ms app.js:36:28480 Set values took until 11ms app.js:36:30119 Took 11ms app.js:36:30390 CLICKED app.js:36:18770 Updating character sheet values app.js:36:26200 Setting up repeating sections took until 4ms app.js:36:27397 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 4ms app.js:36:28328 Querytest took until 5ms app.js:36:28480 Set values took until 13ms app.js:36:30119 Took 13ms app.js:36:30390 CLICKED app.js:36:18770 Updating character sheet values app.js:36:26200 Setting up repeating sections took until 4ms app.js:36:27397 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 4ms app.js:36:28328 Querytest took until 5ms app.js:36:28480 Set values took until 7ms app.js:36:30119 Took 8ms app.js:36:30390 CLICKED app.js:36:18770 Updating character sheet values app.js:36:26200 Setting up repeating sections took until 35ms app.js:36:27397 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 36ms app.js:36:28328 Querytest took until 38ms app.js:36:28480 Set values took until 84ms app.js:36:30119 Took 87ms app.js:36:30390 CLICKED app.js:36:18770 Updating character sheet values app.js:36:26200 Setting up repeating sections took until 8ms app.js:36:27397 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 9ms app.js:36:28328 Querytest took until 10ms app.js:36:28480 Set values took until 14ms app.js:36:30119 Took 14ms app.js:36:30390 CLICKED app.js:36:18770 Updating character sheet values app.js:36:26200 Setting up repeating sections took until 4ms app.js:36:27397 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 4ms app.js:36:28328 Querytest took until 5ms app.js:36:28480 Set values took until 7ms app.js:36:30119 Took 7ms app.js:36:30390 CLICKED app.js:36:18770 Updating character sheet values app.js:36:26200 Setting up repeating sections took until 5ms app.js:36:27397 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 6ms app.js:36:28328 Querytest took until 7ms app.js:36:28480 Set values took until 10ms app.js:36:30119 Took 10ms app.js:36:30390 CLICKED app.js:36:18770 Updating character sheet values app.js:36:26200 Setting up repeating sections took until 7ms app.js:36:27397 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 8ms app.js:36:28328 Querytest took until 9ms app.js:36:28480 Set values took until 36ms app.js:36:30119 Took 37ms app.js:36:30390 CLICKED app.js:36:18770 Updating character sheet values app.js:36:26200 Setting up repeating sections took until 7ms app.js:36:27397 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 7ms app.js:36:28328 Querytest took until 8ms app.js:36:28480 Set values took until 13ms app.js:36:30119 Took 13ms app.js:36:30390 CLICKED app.js:36:18770 Updating character sheet values app.js:36:26200 Setting up repeating sections took until 5ms app.js:36:27397 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 5ms app.js:36:28328 Querytest took until 6ms app.js:36:28480 Set values took until 13ms app.js:36:30119 Took 14ms app.js:36:30390 CLICKED app.js:36:18770 Updating character sheet values app.js:36:26200 Setting up repeating sections took until 5ms app.js:36:27397 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 5ms app.js:36:28328 Querytest took until 7ms app.js:36:28480 Set values took until 16ms app.js:36:30119 Took 17ms app.js:36:30390 CLICKED app.js:36:18770 Updating character sheet values app.js:36:26200 Setting up repeating sections took until 3ms app.js:36:27397 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 4ms app.js:36:28328 Querytest took until 4ms app.js:36:28480 Set values took until 8ms app.js:36:30119 Took 8ms app.js:36:30390 Updating character sheet values app.js:36:26200 Setting up repeating sections took until 73ms app.js:36:27397 Finding list of dirty attributes took until 81ms app.js:36:28328 Querytest took until 83ms app.js:36:28480 Set values took until 139ms app.js:36:30119 Took 140ms app.js:36:30390 Media resource <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>?... could not be decoded. editor window resize app.js:44:15564 Final set zoom! app.js:30:25049 Array [ 1388.8297872340427, 528.1914893617021 ] app.js:30:25425 UPDATE GL SIZE! app.js:30:5833 Final set zoom! app.js:30:25049 Array [ 1388.8297872340427, 528.1914893617021 ] app.js:30:25425 UPDATE GL SIZE! app.js:30:5833 Debounced init page! app.js:30:24490 init active page! app.js:35:27840 refershing page listings! app.js:38:22401
This issue also presented itself when using "Repeat" on the playlist, rather than "Shuffle". Assuming it may be an issue with shuffling, I decided to try playing with repeat last session but it kept stopping for a number of players still (all on Chrome, no extensions, or only Adblock).
--PLAYER LOG WHEN ON REPEAT-- Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' https://* https://* https://* <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> https://* <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> https://* <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> https://* https://* https://* https://* https://* <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>". Either the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash ('sha256-Qa6e3XwiSU3e6x4lJrD9Wi4-tejcPNAFGarzPZFj6vU='), or a nonce ('nonce-...') is required to enable inline execution. Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' https://* https://* https://* <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> https://* <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> https://* <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> https://* https://* https://* https://* https://* <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>". Either the 'unsafe-inline' keyword, a hash ('sha256-v19duySXMwXd3zUU660hZgcRTRW_BoLT6eLuziV0Xdk='), or a nonce ('nonce-...') is required to enable inline execution. 70 TOUCH SUPPORTED: false USING WEBGL ACCELERATION... WEBGL STARTUP SUCCESS select Switch mode to select Initializing new dice engine with randomness... Using random entropy Compiling sheet... Found rolltemplate: 5eDefault Finding sheet rolls... window resize Final set zoom! UPDATE GL SIZE! Final set zoom! tuts loaded Mixed Content: The page at '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. Final page load. Auth'ed. Go post auth! initial setup Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzfzyUDCIWbspW0tLa -K--sfJEnqq7S1kSa-ST PLAYING TRACK Got players value... joining game... I think I should be first? FIRST PLAYER: -JyD_oFd9Qr8z22sGMgJ Player -JyEY-LJPlQuTZO_wYwq is offline... Player -JyEYdfoOGJ4Y5VQYlGk is offline... Player -JyE_ZMqQ29pyxw3uefm is offline... Player -JyEqhZR5BbYE6Vk8skW is offline... Player -JyF5u9XBP-f1WRVX9oL is offline... Player -JzfVpJIBOBlKJIjfB1g is offline... Player -K-N8i29ncpD1c-X92wQ is offline... 1 1 Deferred finish joining... Firebase Online Full load page! Full load page! Full load page! Full load page! Full load page! Full load page! Full load page! Full load page! Full load page! We have 14 pages Refresh Journal List! Search took 4ms handle page changes false Scan for new plays! Mixed Content: The page at '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure video '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. init active page! activate page! FULLY ACTIVATE VIEWS FOR PAGE. Mixed Content: The page at '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. Graphics: 32 Paths: 56 new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! new caster! Do refresh link cache! Reorder by ZORDER FIREBASE WARNING: on() or once() for /campaign-1007739-piD1zQq9_VyHEdufNgdmtw/hand-blobs/-K-4Smuh2an6KzRZv86j/notes failed: Error: permission_denied: Client doesn't have permission to access the desired data. Refresh Journal List! Search took 3ms FIREBASE WARNING: on() or once() for /campaign-1007739-piD1zQq9_VyHEdufNgdmtw/hand-blobs/-K-4T002OMjsIQ93c5Lf/notes failed: Error: permission_denied: Client doesn't have permission to access the desired data. initiatlizing video chat Connecting to WebRTC Mixed Content: The page at '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. Updating character sheet values Updating character sheet values Updating character sheet values Updating character sheet values Updating character sheet values Updating character sheet values Updating character sheet values Updating character sheet values Updating character sheet values Updating character sheet values Updating character sheet values Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Reorder by ZORDER Reorder by ZORDER Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Mixed Content: The page at '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Applying filter t {_source: Array[4]} Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Applying filter t {_source: Array[4]} Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Applying filter t {_source: Array[4]} Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Swapping <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... setting src Cols: 5 Rows: 5 Took 125ms to generate cache. Reorder by ZORDER setting src setting src setting src setting src setting src setting src setting src setting src setting src setting src setting src setting src setting src setting src setting src setting src setting src setting src setting src setting src setting src setting src t {_source: Array[4]} t {_source: Array[4]} Connected to session Someone just connected. Not us, increasing active connections. Begin publishing! initializing publisher Someone just connected. It's us? GET  net::ERR_INVALID_URL Access allowed! t {_source: Array[4]} Final set zoom! UPDATE GL SIZE! Final set zoom! window resize Final set zoom! UPDATE GL SIZE! Final set zoom! Mixed Content: The page at '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. setting src Mixed Content: The page at '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. Mixed Content: The page at '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. window resize Final set zoom! UPDATE GL SIZE! Final set zoom! window resize Final set zoom! UPDATE GL SIZE! Final set zoom! new lamp new lamp window resize Final set zoom! UPDATE GL SIZE! Final set zoom! window resize Final set zoom! UPDATE GL SIZE! Final set zoom! new lamp new lamp Heard playingplaylist change to -JzzfzyUDCIWbspW0tLa -K--sqeoYiq16sx52yi1 PLAYING TRACK FIREBASE WARNING: update at /campaign-1007739-piD1zQq9_VyHEdufNgdmtw/jukeboxplaylist/-K--sfJEnqq7S1kSa-ST failed: permission_denied Scan for new plays! Mixed Content: The page at '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure video '<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>'. This content should also be served over HTTPS. Scan for new plays! ---------------------------------------- Failed at this point (seemed to be as the player on the GM side switched to a new track).
Here too, the exact same problem for most of my players.
So, playing around with it a bit more, when in the Repeat rather than Shuffle mode, it seems to fail in the following circumstance: - The GM jukebox is playing a track. - The player jukebox starts up the same track. - The GM jukebox finishes the track BEFORE the player one does; switches to the next track. - The player jukebox stops playing, doesn't start back up. The playlists are run through separately on the player/GM side (i.e. they're not entirely synced, just the ordering of tracks is) which makes this easy to reproduce (for me, anyway!). In particular, it might explain the sporadic timing between failure when on shuffle; I don't know how the ordering works in that mode. It also means that, if the GM leaves music playing and refreshes their page (which restarts the playlist for them and means they'll be going AFTER the players) it doesn't cause it to stop; tested this last night and it seems to be the case. Hopefully that might help the dev team (or other people who want to test it) verify what's happening. Here's what worked to cause the issue for me: Log in as the GM (either in Chrome or Firefox), start a playlist going in repeat mode. Keep this window open. In Chrome, log in as a player before the first track has finished. In the player's window, the track/playlist should start from the very beginning. When the GM window gets to the end of the first track and tries to move on the player window should fail and stop playing music.
I have fully verified this. Thanks for all the work on setting up ways to test this James M. I'll make sure the other devs are aware of this and see if we get them properly synced.&nbsp;
I'm having a similar issue where the jukebox cuts out badly and then stops playing partway through a song. It does this with all tracks and playlists, no matter whether they're on repeat or not.
@Jeremiah N., does this happen if the GM starts the game after everyone has already loaded into the game?
I noticed this problem today after querying my players about music, they told me it stopped playing after a while but figured it was intended. I tested by starting a playlist in the jukebox then switching to a player (using the button in the settings tab). When the playlist is shuffled, the jukebox tends to stop after around ten tracks (tested with a playlist of three short clips). When the playlist is repeat mode, it continues acting as normal indefinitely. I never experienced a drop while the playlist was in this mode. I have a session tomorrow so I'll use repeat and get feedback from players to see if they experience the same thing.
I am having an issue similar to this. I am running Ubuntu 15.04 with the most current Firefox as gm I am trying to play a jukebox sound and I do not hear it, but my players do. Players are a mix of chrome and firefox users. I have installed Chrome for myself and will test it out in November. Our next game.
Music on repeat mode in the session went well, only a single reported drop during a 4hr+ session.

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I tried to change my playlists on repeat instead of shuffled and i had the same issue : on the player side, the music stopped playing (no more music in the currently playing zone) after two or three songs. I'm sorry to say that it render this update rather useless for me at this time.
We are still working on this and are aware of the issues being experienced. I'm sorry that everything isn't in ship-shape condition right now but we will be continueing to work on this. I've had best luck with it if I have music off until everyone is in the game and then starting the music.&nbsp;
FYI I have had a sneaky feeling that some songs will not play in shuffle mode. &nbsp;I can't verify this unfortunately.

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If you could find a specific song &nbsp;this is happening with, that would help us out figure out the issue. I haven't encountered that myself.