Hi everyone, I'm trying to make a drop down macro for my players to use when casting spells. So far most of them work, until I try to add the one for Sacred Flame. I'm not understanding why it doesn't work, because it seems when I'm adding the part about the spell DC is the part that stops it from working. I've tried going step by step, literally adding word for word and symbol (or HTML character replacement) by symbol, and when I add the closing "}" for the DC part that's when it shuts down and won't even show the template for Sacred Flame. Here is the code I'm working with so far, the bold and italicized portion is the area where it is messing up: &{template:default} {{name= Spell}} {{Action= ***@{selected|token_name}*** casts ?{What spell would you like to cast?|Guiding Bolt, &{template:default} {{name= Guiding Bolt, 1 Action, 120', 1 round, Evocation}} {{Components= V, S}} {{Action= There is a bright light that streaks through the sky to the target.}} {{Attack vs AC= [[d20+@{Spell Cleric}]]}} {{Damage= [[4d6]] Radiant}} {{Effect= Target has a dim glittering light surrounding it. Next attack roll to this target has Advantage.}} {{Upgradable= 1d6 extra per level over 1st}}|Inflict Wounds, &#amp;{template:default} {{name= Inflict Wounds, 1 Action, Touch, Instant, Necromancy}} {{Components= V, S}} {{Action= Says, "This is going to hurt!"}} {{Attack vs AC= [[d20+@{Spell Cleric}]]}} {{Damage= [[3d10]] Necrotic}} {{Effect= }} {{Upgradable= 1d10 extra per level over 1st}}|Sacred Flame, &{template:default} {{name= Sacred Flame, 1 Action, 60', Instant, Evocation}} {{Components= V, S}} {{Action= mumbles a few words!}} {{Target= Enemy target.}} {{DC= DEX [[@{Spell DC Cleric}]]}} {{Failed Save= [[1d8]] Radiant}} {{Successful Save= Take no damage!}} {{Effect= Flame-like radiance descends on the target! The target gains no benefit from cover for this saving throw.}} {{Upgradable= Add 1d8 at 5th level, 11th level, and 17th level.}}|Spell 2, **What's this**}}} Any help with this would be appreciated, Thanks everyone.