Sorry folks -- I've been busy as hell with school... To answer your question on the table, I made some custom PowerCode mark-up that allows me to add tables. Here is the custom mark-up I add (but keep in mind, this is so very unpolished, just so I could make it work): .replace(/\~\T(.*?)\~\T/g, "<table width='85%' align='center'>$1</table>")
.replace(/\~\O(.*?)\~\O/g, "<tr>$1</tr>")
.replace(/\~\D([0-9]{2})(.*?)\~\D([0-9]{2})/g, "<td style='font-size: 12px; border: 1px dotted; padding: 2px; width: $1%;'>$2</td>")
.replace(/\~\D\L(.*?)\~\D\L/g, "<td style='font-size: 12px; text-align: left; border: 1px dotted; padding: 2px; width: 33.33%;'>$1</td>")
.replace(/\~\D\R(.*?)\~\D\R/g, "<td style='font-size: 12px; text-align: right; border: 1px dotted; padding: 2px; width: 33.33%;'>$1</td>")
.replace(/\~\D\C(.*?)\~\D\C/g, "<td style='font-size: 12px; text-align: center; border: 1px dotted; padding: 2px; width: 33.33%;'>$1</td>")
.replace(/\~\D\S([0-9]{1})(.*?)\~\D\S([0-9]{1})/g, "<td colspan=$1 style='font-size: 12px; text-align: left; border: 1px dotted; padding: 2px;'>$2</td>")
.replace(/\~\H([0-9]{1})(.*?)\~\H([0-9]{1})/g, "<th colspan=$1 style='font-size: 14px; text-align: center; border: 1px dotted; padding: 2px;'>$2</th>")
Each markup serves its own purpose, and I just haven't had the time to remove all the redundancies to make it easier to use. Then, for the PowerCard macro itself, I have this (Edit: Forgot this stupid thing replaces HTML code): !power {{
--name|@{selected|character_name}’s Spell Book
--leftsub|Prepare Per Day
--rightsub|[[ [txt] @{selected|spells_prepared_druid} +0d0]]
--!Spell Slots|~C ~T ~O ~H3 **$$#cf0000|~$8|Spell Slots~$ $$** ~H3 ~O ~O ~D33 ~$8|Level~$ ~D33 ~D33 ~$8|Used~$ ~D33 ~D33 ~$8|Remaining~$ ~D33 ~O ~O ~D33 ~$8|1~$ ~D33 ~D33 ~$8|[[ [txt] @{selected|spell_slots_l1} +0d0 ]]~$ ~D33 ~D33 ~$8|[[ [txt] 4 - @{selected|spell_slots_l1} +0d0 ]]~$ ~D33 ~O ~O ~D33 ~$8|2~$ ~D33 ~D33 ~$8|[[ [txt] @{selected|spell_slots_l2} +0d0 ]]~$ ~D33 ~D33 ~$8|[[ [txt] 3 - @{selected|spell_slots_l2} +0d0 ]]~$ ~D33 ~O ~O ~D33 ~$8|3~$ ~D33 ~D33 ~$8|[[ [txt] @{selected|spell_slots_l3} +0d0 ]]~$ ~D33 ~D33 ~$8|[[ [txt] 3 - @{selected|spell_slots_l3} +0d0 ]]~$ ~D33 ~O ~O ~D33 ~$8|4~$ ~D33 ~D33 ~$8|[[ [txt] @{selected|spell_slots_l4} +0d0 ]]~$ ~D33 ~D33 ~$8|[[ [txt] 3 - @{selected|spell_slots_l4} +0d0 ]]~$ ~D33 ~O ~O ~D33 ~$8|5~$ ~D33 ~D33 ~$8|[[ [txt] @{selected|spell_slots_l5} +0d0 ]]~$ ~D33 ~D33 ~$8|[[ [txt] 2 - @{selected|spell_slots_l5} +0d0 ]]~$ ~D33 ~O ~T ~C
--!Cantrips|~C ~$8|$$#fff|Cantrips$$~$ ~C ~~~
~$6| ~C [**@{selected|repeating_spellbookcantrip_0_spellname}**](!
;@;{selected|repeating_spellbookcantrip_4_customspellmacro}) ~C ~$
--!1 Level|~C ~$8|$$#fff|Level 1$$~$ ~C ~~~
~$6| ~C [**@{selected|repeating_spellbooklevel1_3_spellname}**](!
;@;{selected|repeating_spellbooklevel1_6_customspellmacro}) ~C ~$
--!2 Level|~C ~$8|$$#fff|Level 2$$~$ ~C ~~~
~$6| ~C [**@{selected|repeating_spellbooklevel2_9_spellname}**](!
;@;{selected|repeating_spellbooklevel2_22_customspellmacro}) ~C ~$
--!3 Level|~C ~$8|$$#fff|Level 3$$~$ ~C ~~~
~$6| ~C [**@{selected|repeating_spellbooklevel3_0_spellname}**](!
;@;{selected|repeating_spellbooklevel3_17_customspellmacro}) ~C ~$
--!4 Level|~C ~$8|$$#fff|Level 4$$~$ ~C ~~~
~$6| ~C [**@{selected|repeating_spellbooklevel4_0_spellname}**](!
;@;{selected|repeating_spellbooklevel4_15_customspellmacro}) ~C ~$
--!5 Level|~C ~$8|$$#fff|Level 5$$~$ ~C ~~~
~$6| ~C [**@{selected|repeating_spellbooklevel5_2_spellname}**](!
;@;{selected|repeating_spellbooklevel5_12_customspellmacro}) ~C ~$
Yes, I know there is a LOT of stuff that may look whacked out at first (especially in the Spell Slots table field), but it does work fine. Right now, I only have it giving me to level 5 spells because that's the highest level my Druid has. Normally, I'd have it calculate spell slots remaining using [[ [txt] @{selected|spell_slots_l5_max} - @{selected|spell_slots_l5} +0d0 ]] , but for whatever reason, Max is always being pulled in as 0... so I hardcoded the numbers into there for now. I also chose to add the overall macro formatting to the Spell Book itself, in the Custom Spell Macro field, while I figure out something else. Also, the markup for areas like this: ~$8|$$#fff|Level 5$$~$ (specifically ~$8| ..... ~$) refer to some other custom markup I added some time ago to change the size of the font for whatever is within the tags. That allowed me to have variable text sizes: .replace(/\~\$([0-9]{1}|[0-9]{2})\|(.*?)\~\$/g, "<span style='font-size: $1pt;'>$2</span>"