I've seen some very basic Savage Worlds formulas, such as the simple (1d8! + 1d6!)k1 and some very complicated macros that reference character sheets. One thing I don't like about the emote macros is that I can't see what the actual dice came up as, which is something you often need in Savage Words (rolling a 1 on your Skill Die can have negative effects regardless of your Wild Die, for example). My goal with these macros was to have just a small handful of general macros that everyone uses. I narrowed this down to 6 macros for the players to have in their bar, and an additional 3 for the GM (or players with Extras in their control). I've been using this set of macros for a while, and just tonight polished them up to make them more user friendly. These are great if you're like me and don't like using the built-in Roll20 character sheets and want something that just works out of the box. I make it a very simple readout for my players- 0 is a Success, negatives are a Failure, and any positive number is how many Raises you got. I find this to be easier when counting wounds than having to subtract 1 every time. Just remember the rule that "0 is a Success" and you'll be good. Off track a bit, but a common misread rule in Savage Worlds is that if your target is already Shaken and you roll a raise, you still only do 1 wound. Here are the 9 macros to make your life easier: Wild Card Trait Test: /r floor({{1d?{Die Type |4}!!+1d6!!}k1+?{Modifier, include Wounds and Fatigue |0}-4}/4) This prompts the player for their die type, keeping it simple so they just have to type "6" if their skill is a d6. The field is pre-filled with a "4" to make this more apparent to players. Then it prompts them to fill out any modifiers and assumes a Target Number of 4. If the TN is 6, just apply -2 to the Modifier. I recently added the note to include Wounds and Fatigue because I often forget about those. Extra Trait Test: /r floor({1d?{Die Type |4}!!+?{Modifier, include Wounds and Fatigue |0}-4}/4) This works just as above, but doesn't include the Wild Die. Earlier in my games, I didn't even have specific macros for Extras, I just looked at the rolls and re-calculated the outcome if the Wild Die was used. Wild Card Melee Attack: /r floor({{1d?{Fighting die |4}!!+1d6!!}k1+?{Modifier |0}-?{Parry}}/4) Works just as the Trait Tests, but you have to input the enemy's Parry. The macro will error out if you don't enter a Parry value. Extra Melee Attack: /r floor({1d?{Fighting die |4}!!+?{Modifier |0}-?{Parry}}/4) As above, but without the Wild Die. Wild Card Ranged Attack: /r floor({{1d?{Shooting Die type |4}!!+1d6!!}k1- ?{Range |Short, [[0]] |Medium, [[2]] |Long, [[4]]} +?{Modifier |0}-4}/4) This works as the others, but also prompts for what Range you're firing at to help keep your mental math down as much as possible. Extra Ranged Attack: /r floor({1d?{Shooting Die type |4}!!- ?{Range |Short, [[0]] |Medium, [[2]] |Long, [[4]]} +?{Modifier |0}-4}/4) As above, but without the Wild Die. Melee Damage: /r floor({1d?{Strength die type |4}!!+1d?{Weapon die type |4}!!+ ?{Critical?| No, [[0]] |Yes,[[1d6!!]] } + ?{Damage Modifier |0}-?{Toughness}}/4) This is as simple as the other macros, and includes a drop-down for Critical damage. Beyond that, a simple Damage Modifier field is left open for any weapons such as katanas that have +2 or any modifiers from Wild Attack, or whatever else may adjust the damage dealt. Similarly, go ahead and adjust Toughness with any AP modifiers that may apply. Like Melee Attack , the macro will error out if you don't enter a Toughness value. Ranged Damage: /r floor({?{Weapon Damage| 2d6-1, [[2d6!!-1]] |2d6, [[2d6!!]] |2d6+1, [[2d6!!+1]] |2d8, [[2d8!!]] |2d8+1, [[2d8!!+1]] |2d10, [[2d10!!]] |3d6, [[3d6!!]]} + ?{Critical?|No, [[0]] |Yes, [[1d6!!]]} +?{Modifiers |0}-?{Toughness}}/4) This one can vary a lot, so the above macro just has all the common damage dice found on ranged weapons. Another way of handling it is to fill it out with weapon calibers, which is what I've done in my game, which was necessary because I replaced the vanilla SW damage dice with the dice from Spycraft Modern Arms Guide. Use Melee Damage for thrown weapons. Shotgun Damage: /r floor({?{Range |Short, [[3d6!!]] |Medium, [[2d6!!]] |Long, [[1d6!!]]}+ ?{Critical?|No, [[0]] |Yes, [[1d6!!]]}+?{Damage Modifiers |0}-?{Toughness}}/4) Shotguns needed their own macro because all 12g shotguns in SW deal 1-3d6 damage, ranging from 3d6 at short range to 1d6 at long range. And there you go- nine macros to throw into your Savage Worlds game that will cover every roll that you or your players need to make. You might find it best if you replace some of the default values with numbers your players use most often, such as changing " {1d?{Fighting die |4}!!" to " {1d?{Fighting die |8}!!" if most of your characters have a d8 in Fighting.