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FASERIP (MSH retroclone) DC Universe Justice League game rotating with an urban fantasy game!

I am considering doing a MSH retroclone (FASERIP) game over Roll20. It is actually going to be two games in one that I will switch between at the conclusion of story arcs. Game 1) A DC Universe Justice League game focusing primarily on the main Justice League characters, such as Batman, Superman, Shazam, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, etc. Game 2) An urban fantasy game using the FASERIP Human(ish) rules. It will be similar in tone to World of Darkness where players play as vampires, werewolves, warlocks, fae, etc. If you are familiar with the rules from the legendary Marvel Superheroes RPG by TSR then you will already know how this game plays. &nbsp;FASERIP is a modern retroclone of those rules and can be downloaded for free here:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>. &nbsp;Human(ish) is an awesome urban fantasy game based on those same FASERIP rules. &nbsp;I will provide complimentary PDF copies of all needed material to all players. &nbsp;You can check out Human(ish) here:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>. &nbsp;New players are welcome as I will aid all in learning the game! Any interest out there?
Lots of characters are still free! Please post here if you are interested in playing and let me know what character(s) you wish to play.
Is there Supergirl?
Interested. &nbsp; Would you believe I still own the original Marvel Superheroes RPG? &nbsp;It's lying around in a box somewhere. &nbsp;Truth be told, I wasn't really a huge fan of it -- it never sparked me as much as say Mutants and Masterminds has -- but I'd be willing to revisit it, especially with whatever improvements the update has made. &nbsp;I also seem to remember my main issues being character creation based. &nbsp; Urban Fantasy sounds neat, too. &nbsp;I've been toying with those sorts of games for a while (Dresden Files, Wild Talents hack, Kerebos Club, etc.).&nbsp; What times are you looking at, how big is the game, etc.? &nbsp;And, if you like, I can tell you a bit about myself/gaming style. &nbsp; I'll keep an eye on this thread, or you can shoot me a PM. &nbsp; All the best.
Snorp said: Is there Supergirl? Supergirl is available, yes.
Nicholas A. said: Interested. &nbsp; Would you believe I still own the original Marvel Superheroes RPG? &nbsp;It's lying around in a box somewhere. &nbsp;Truth be told, I wasn't really a huge fan of it -- it never sparked me as much as say Mutants and Masterminds has -- but I'd be willing to revisit it, especially with whatever improvements the update has made. &nbsp;I also seem to remember my main issues being character creation based. &nbsp; Urban Fantasy sounds neat, too. &nbsp;I've been toying with those sorts of games for a while (Dresden Files, Wild Talents hack, Kerebos Club, etc.).&nbsp; What times are you looking at, how big is the game, etc.? &nbsp;And, if you like, I can tell you a bit about myself/gaming style. &nbsp; I'll keep an eye on this thread, or you can shoot me a PM. &nbsp; All the best. Sure, feel free to tell me all about yourself and your gaming style. &nbsp;I want to get the game up to 5-6 players. &nbsp;I am thinking of controlling my fave character, Batman, as an NPC, helping to guide the characters. &nbsp;I hope someone plays my other fave character, Shazam. Character creation in this version is much improved but it won't be a big deal for us since we are primarily using the main guns of the JLA/DCU. As for day of the week and time, we will decide that once we see how many are interested so we can work it out among ourselves to work for as many of us as possible. I think you all will enjoy the urban fantasy stuff too. &nbsp;It will have a feel similar to World of Darkness and The Dresden Files.
Sweet. &nbsp;Count me in. &nbsp;I know someone else who might be interested, though his schedule is a little crazy. &nbsp;I'm in CST and weekday evenings work best for me. I think Batman makes perfect sense as an NPC: &nbsp;he's got a very natural quest-giver type of role, and is a little hard to fit in as a PC. &nbsp;Funnily enough, the palette swap of Shazam/Capt. Marvel -- Black Adam -- is one of my favorite characters. &nbsp;I'd be thrilled to get a chance to play him. &nbsp;I don't think I could do Billy's sunny disposition justice. &nbsp;Martian Manhunter and Alan Scott also intrigue me, and I'm sure others do, too. &nbsp;I think I'm drawn to somewhat less well-known characters for this sort of thing; I like Superman a lot, but I hesitate to play him b/c people have pretty strong ideas of how he "should" be played. &nbsp;I think, say, Supergirl would be a lot more interesting for that reason.&nbsp; Speaking of which, are there FASERIP versions of these characters online somewhere? &nbsp;Or, will we be making some specifically for this campaign? &nbsp;Both sound fun to me. &nbsp; Generally-speaking, I'm a long-time gamer who's played a few systems (including a lot of White Wolf, back in the day). &nbsp;I think I'd say that I view RPGs as fundamentally a group-type activity, so I like to do my part to make the game run and be fun for everyone else. &nbsp;That includes creating what is hopefully an interesting and engaging character, knowing or learning the rules well enough so I don't hold things up, stuff like that. &nbsp;Along those lines, I like to make a party of PCs that fit together in interesting ways and also fit with the campaign and the game world. &nbsp;That's a thumbnail sketch of me, basically. &nbsp;For a superhero game I think I tend towards some action -- a few I've played in have been kind of boring -- but that doesn't strike me as a problem here. &nbsp;
When is this going to be run? I'm interested but my schedule is weird. I'd like Flash or Green Lantern.
If the day works out, I'd like to be Supergirl.
Depending on the time slot I'm in for the JLA game for sure.
If available, I'd give Shazam a try, or Orion, but he isn't a primary&nbsp;&nbsp;member.
I still want to do this and get this off the ground. &nbsp;I am sorry for the delay. &nbsp;I have had so much going on in my private life with work and gaming, etc. Is anyone willing to aid me in GM'ing this? Either taking this on as GM or co-GM'ing with me? If we co-GM that gives us a chance to play some too. &nbsp;I will provide you with a complementary copy of the rules.
Depending on the day of the week this game will be held, I'm interested in taking the Manhunter role. I'm way too new to the rules of this game to help gm though, unfortunately.
Anyone willing to aid me with GM'ing this? As I said, I will provide the rules and we can meet online some to review it all. &nbsp;It is an easy system.
You could just make the game biweekly (1 week play, 1 week offtime) and then have a whole week to come up with plot. From what I gather, enemy stats shouldn't be hard to devise because it's all percentile and random rolls, right?
Let me ponder this for just a tad and we should get underway soon.
Cool. &nbsp;Just let me know what you're thinking of doing. &nbsp;I could help with chargen, but I'm a bit swamped myself and don't know if I'd be able to whip up any Justice League-esque plots. &nbsp;As I mentioned above, Black Adam and Martian Manhunter appeal to me. &nbsp;I personally would like to avoid some of the most iconic characters (e.g., Superman), but there's a lot pick from. I have the M&M DC Heroes, which statted up like 600 DC characters. &nbsp;Somebody might have done FASERIP conversions online, but something like that makes conversions pretty straightforward. &nbsp;
I have writeups for almost all the main DC characters for FASERIP. &nbsp;Very minor tweaks is all that would likely be needed here and there. &nbsp;I own the M&M DCA stuff too and it is good to mine for material.
Is there any interest still in doing this Justice League game? I really still want to do this. &nbsp;I've just had a lot on my GM plate as late. &nbsp;If I could find someone willing to be a co-GM it would make things easier. &nbsp;I can provide each player a copy of the rules and we can get this going if there is still interest. Are you all still in?
Depending on the times, I am still in as a player.
Yep I'm down
I have always been a comic book fan, sounds like fun. Also familiar with FASERIP and 4C
Do you have to commit to both? I'd be more interested in the Urban Fantasy game.
I don't think you would necessarily need to commit to both. What is everyone's availability like? Currently, I play in a game Tuesday evenings and Fridays. &nbsp;&nbsp;
daddystabz said: I don't think you would necessarily need to commit to both. What is everyone's availability like? Currently, I play in a game Tuesday evenings and Fridays. &nbsp;&nbsp; I'm in pretty much the same boat. I play Tuesday and every other Friday. Wednesday is a great day for me.&nbsp;
Wednesday might work, depending on the time
I can make any weekday work if I know in advance&nbsp;
Would anyone be willing to help me co-GM this? The only reason I have not begun this yet is because I am GM'ing so many games currently. &nbsp;I could really use a hand with this. &nbsp;I really want to get it off ground. &nbsp; Anyone willing to help?
I would enjoy being part of it if theres still a spot. Would likely go for Playing Powergirl if thats still available, Failing that another if i can double check who is on the roster as available choices
What exactly do you need help with Daddystabz? Coming up with plots or stats or what?
Plots and it would be nice if someone would be willing to run it for some sessions, giving me a chance to play some too.
I wouldn't mind coming up with some plot ideas for you, although my method for coming up with plots would consist of "reading a random issue of justice league and using that as inspiration." :P
Prons P. said: I wouldn't mind coming up with some plot ideas for you, although my method for coming up with plots would consist of "reading a random issue of justice league and using that as inspiration." :P That does kinda sound like the right way to do it ...