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What Campaigns are you guys running and how are they going?

Just wanted to start a discussion thread for the GMs in the group about our various campaigns to compare notes and see what cool ideas everyone has. I'm running a Forgotten Realms campaign set in a war I made up between Cormyr and Sembia filled with regicide, conspiracy and (in the style of forgotten realms) lots of devine intervention.
I'm running a campaign called Northlander using Norse, Finnish, and Celtic cultures. It's set in a wilderness area and we have mostly wilderness type characters (Rangers, Druids, Tribal Priests, Tribal Mages). We have a mix of wilderness and dungeon crawls. We are into our 8th weekly session.
Thats sounds really cool, do you have a central plot or do you just let the players actions create the story as they go
Not running AD&D but running spycraft but the players are ODST in the Halo universe. Everyone says they like it as they are working in the background of the game setting. This helps me a lot with them as they really a laid back group and when they need a little direction.
Greyhawk campaign set in southern Veluna, been playing weekly since mid-April. The PCs have thwarted a building goblin invasion force as well as uncovered a traitor in their home village who was working with the goblins. Also solved a murder-mystery type adventure within the same village. They are now out in the wilderness again, this segment will be more "sandbox" in nature. I have several encounter locations in the forest, we will see what they bump into.
Both of your campaigns sound great (Ted yours is amazing and ODSTs are my favorite soldiers in the Halo universe). Mine is Called "Blood Will Have Blood" (a quote from Macbeth), we only got through the intro section but my PCs have already gotten blasted drunk, beat up some fresh recruits, tried to steal soldiers food, yelled at a depressed noble for not supporting the mother of his child and last, but not least, have been accused or regicide by the lord commander of the Cormyren army, shot in the legs with cross bow bolts, then thrown in jail
Stephen S.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Well Stephan, you've successfully made a very horrifying dungeon
Stephen S.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Moat House lower level of TOEE
loonsun said: Thats sounds really cool, do you have a central plot or do you just let the players actions create the story as they go ATM we are creating their story. forming the group and they started at level 1 so its hard to throw too much at them, But to their credit they have rescued a Unicorn and earned the friendship of the local Elven court. avenged a tribe that was raided by slavers- hunted slavers down and returned the prisoners, and now they are on a dungeon crawl through ancient ruins- real "Old School" stuff.
yeah, so far my guys have managed to all die once. One of them decided to walk into a room filled with guard while escaping a prison, naked and covered in urine (don't ask), take one of their weapons, sit down and start polishing it. Then they tried again and one of them decided to drop kick a metal door and basically rang the dinner bell, the special that night was newb stew

Edited 1387687371
Running a hard core / iron man (Absolutely No Raise Dead, no Resurrection, and most healing rare and difficult) AD&D 2nd Edition homebrew campaign set in a land where there was a Tsunami that inundated the coasts almost 700 years ago, finishing the destruction of the Sirene Empire that was torched by Dragons 1200 years ago. The campaign will use the Birthright rules in the background to run the wars between small Dark ages Realms. One player is the regent, the rest are members of his court. The Regent player will have a backup character to go on adventures if and when the Regent doesn't want to leave the throne to deal with political issues at home. Other than that, and some class and race restrictions, a very traditional AD&D 2nd Edition campaign, which I will document on a site on Obsidian Portal, called "The Ravaged Lands." I've got 9 player so far, it starts in 6 hours here on roll 20. EDIT: Ran it for the 6 players that showed up. Good time with a meet and greet at the Tavern of the Prancing Unicorn in Oakenwald, on the Northron Frontier of "The Ravaged Lands". The Paladin Half-Brother of the Regent-to-Be had set up a table in the mostly blue collar Inn, frequented by local laborers and hire men-at-arms, engineers, stonecutters, carpenters, and others for the coming Spring season, after the town gets through the upcoming (so far seeming to be mild) winter. Lots of good in-Player-character setups, revealing who they were to each other. After a hearty meal and rest, all retired to rooms, the paladin to the keep, and one sellsword lay out in the street, drunk, just because. Come the dawn hue and cry as Orcs had snuck into town, killed two guards, raided the Temple of the Merchants, setting it aflame. Most of the PCs banded together to fight the fire, not making much progress until a Druid cast a spell and water quenched the flames enough for bucket brigades to put out. All the while, one enterprising halfling former noble's servant, now turned burglar snuck inside the burning temple through a locked back door into the basement to loot it WHILE it was burning. But the locks proved too difficult, and fearing discovery, fled into the woods, spotted but not identified, eventually joining the search party that went looking for the Orcs, who had kidnapped a Priestly leader of the Temple. The party used tracking of a friendly NPC scout who used to work for the Old Earl's army back in the day, whose son was slain in the attack. Thus sneaking up to the cave the party plans to attack the orc lair while trying to preserve the life of the Orc captive... * * * * * Further adventures will be detailed on my own forums pages, just wanted to let people know new games of 2e are being started and running on Roll20.
Stephen, what did you use to create that map?
Stephen S.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I'm having my inaugural session on Saturday. It is a Forgottean Realms AD&D 2e with some modified rules from 3e. It is set in the Dalelands and will feature the usual Zhenthish intrigues in the region. Should make for some interesting sessions, since between the 4 PCs, there is not a single cleric, and only one ftr/mage/thief. :P

Edited 1390339199
Im an experienced Player and DM looking to jump in on a campain and play in a 2nd edition world preferably Forgotten Realms. New to roll 20 so want to see how others throw it together to make it better for their groups so I can do the same for mine. I am in PST but am available most anytime really, just hit me up and Ill let you know, may have a few others interested in joining if you would want, but mainly just me. We all come from a strong background in 2nd edition gaming in the 90s.
I'll be starting my 1e/2e campaign in a week. Real life /sickness /work slowed me down, but I'm finally over it and looking forward to spending more time creating for the players. I might open an alternate session in my homebrew campaign; if so the two party's would be effecting the same world, making it even more dynamic... I say this although its been 5 yrs since I DM'ed I'm not sure if I got what it takes ! Crossing my fingers for the first session, hoping it isn't a flop !! Any advice would be appreciated, any inquiries welcome.
Roll20 Production Team
I'm currently running a weekly 2nd ed Dragonlance campaign on Roll20. My style of DMing leans towards classic, mix of RP and hack and slash. I start off players at level 3 with "heroic" stats and give full exp to each player on kills. Why? I want epic level challenges for my players and I want don't them fighting goblins for 2 years. Powerful characters means I can turn up the difficulty to 11. So expect to fight dragons, vampires and perhaps the gods themselves!
Running 2 campaigns with one in the oven. A first level game with multiple options, just had 2nd game last night went fairly well, a few hiccups along the way. Other running game is 19 year game ported to Roll20 a few months ago, that is just begining an epic battle with over 200 mooks and spooks on the table at once. I love the creative freedom and pool of players we have access to. Incubating is a sidetrack campaign to the long running one, current scenario is the assassination of the reagent of Michael III of Constantinople in the Hagia Sophia, which I have built a scale representation of using all kinds of free resources.
getting a Night Below campaign running in about 2 weeks. A little anxious because its my first and alot more work on here :)
Me too, I am new to this, but th eidea appeals to me as I have not been able to bump into any players where I live. May I join as a player for your campaign? When would they meet? What is it about? Thanks.
Sorry late response Ricardo, but I'm filled up if someone drops out I will let you know.

Edited 1480492605
I'm running a campaign called Trouble in Aelhollow in my own world called Iador using 2e rules. The main part of the campaign will take place in the mainland central land which is known as, ironically, Aelhollow. So far, those involved, which has only been three out of seven, they have answered a call for help and have started their journey. This campaign was canned years ago and is no longer in play due to conflictions.
I am running an AD&D 2nd edition game 2+Friday nights a month and a B/X game on Tuesdays. Both seem to be doing well.
Any updates on anyones campaigns?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Running an AD&D 2nd ed dungeon crawl campaign, but on hold at moment as I figure out API's and building better maps for players to have fun

Edited 1446577380
I'll be running one after the holidays with a full roll20 soundtrack. It's a roll20 translation of my homebrew that I started in 2002. It has around 200 sessions of PC history. Fun stuff.
Running a 2nd ed Forgotten Realms campaign and just finished the  38th session and running strong. 

Edited 1446405734
Forum Champion
OldSchoolChris said: Any updates on anyones campaigns? I'm DM'ing an epic AD&D 2E campaign called "Adventures In Homebrew World", mentioned here before. I'll post an update with a picture.  2E Adventures In Homebrew World: The Challengers Of Destiny have killed one dragon so far, a Pan-Lung in the swamp, at 5th-6th level. Click picture for full size. It's shaping up to be the game I always wanted to pull off, in terms of good lighthearted roleplaying, creative player-characters, epic scale, a full globe-sized map that I made myself & integrated the possibility of playing published modules. We have played for 60 consecutive weeks without canceling a single week, ever. It's over a year so far. Some of the Players were recruited here in the 2E Tavern campaign. The full party has 6 Player-Characters: Bullywug Conjurer,  Half Elf Thief safecracker,  Kenku Cleric of the Phoenix,  Norseman Priest of Thor,  Lizardman Fighter,  Dwarf Fighter Axe-For-Hire. Want to meet them? I'm thinking about opening up the 2E Tavern for a massively-multiplayer gaming day, with the Character Vault importer feature of Roll20 enabled. I'm going to let everyone import your favorite character to the Tavern game (Any Class, Any Alignment, Any Level, must be AD&D 2nd Edition), and we will have an open roleplaying day, taking turns for everyone here to introduce, RP, and explain your character concept. Watch for a separate thread about this game idea, in the coming weeks. Back to my game... the PC's have risen steadily from 1st to around 6th level and climbing. The party gained a reputation and was dubbed "The Challengers of Destiny", AKA the wandering menagerie, by the local populace. We played through 2 classic TSR-published adventure modules so far (Sinister Secret Of Saltmarsh series), into the 3rd, with many side quests and homebrew adventures along the way. I've got plans for their 7th, 8th level adventures, oh it is going to be good with some modules from 2E era. These players are hilarious and talented, by the way, and they produce drawings, pictures and written journals of their adventures every week. The Dwarf writes in actual runes. They are already saving GP and making plans for castle-and-fortress-building around 9th level. They have found a few cool magic items, such as 3 Ioun Stones, Intelligent Trident named "Fisher" (from Greyhawk), and the Apparatus Of Kwalish (submarine). We're recording for a possible podcast, and considering going live on Twitch TV soon, for people to watch the game and comment if anyone wants to.  Anyone else from the Tavern broadcasting on Twitch? Tell your channel link. Opening for a Co-GM in my game: Anyone want to NPC the bad guys in my 2E campaign? Does this campaign sound like something you want to get involved with? The party is full with 6 PC's at the moment. I have one opening for a Co-GM to join us.  You would help me stat-out some of the NPC encounters (such as evil Necromancer mage), and you would play the actions of the evil enemies when the Party reaches that encounter. You would bring more unexpected and vigorous attacks from the bad guys, using your best spells, and then, like any good DM, our monsters will go to their grave when the party gets their way by the end of the day. Your NPC-playing frees me as Dungeon Master to focus on controlling Roll20 Jukebox for sound effects, narration of the battle environment, and refereeing dice results and initiative order. The game is on Mondays or Tuesdays, afternoon USA times (2PM-??? Central Time). The ideal Co-GM would also be able to meet with me on an off-day to talk about upcoming encounters each week. This is like a twice-a-week commitment. Anyone want to play some of the bad guys in my 2E campaign? Contact me by Private Message.

Edited 1446571826
We've recently finished up Tomb of Horrors in our 2e game and are continuing the campaign with 1st level characters outside of Hochoch in Greyhawk. &nbsp;Unfortunately we've lost a couple of players and could use some more. &nbsp;If you're interested in a 2e Greyhawk game feel free to PM me. &nbsp;Here's the game link: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I should mention that we play bi-weekly for around 3.5 hours. &nbsp;Not an big time commitment.
I have a high level game that has a couple of openings.&nbsp; We are playing a kind of end of the world and the good guys are losing type thing.&nbsp; It's Homebrew world with most of 2ed material open.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1467086014
Solynod hex is going well. We've had 3 sessions so far and most people are about level 2 or 3. The rogue is almost level 4 of course :) It's been nothing but adventure hooking so far and the fishing is good. The players are interested in the vast world and enjoy role playing the characters. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Well, my AD&D2E games are running along, one started on roll 20 2 years ago, and the other started in a friend's kitchen 22 years ago. I also have a Stars Without Number game running about 10 months. All are currently on Roll20. If I look back on the early pages and compare them to now the one's from two years ago look primitive, compared to the way they look now. If I dig out some of my old, old stuff in notebooks and boxes in my basement, they look positively medieval, even the faded yellow paper notes. I still have the problems of getting steady reliable players for the SWN game, but hopefully my current group seems to be stable.

Edited 1467083163
After my initial campaign having fallen to piece, a new rose from its ashes and has been going for a good year or two now. So, allow me indulge you a little bit about this campaign. Legends of Iador So basically, Legends of Iador is set in a homebrew world, on a continent known, ironically, as Iador. There is a large landmass to the north-west of Iador but no-one knows what could possibly be on that land, for no-one has dared adventure out that way. There are also rumours of another large land mass to the east of Iador, but again, no-one knows if such rumours are the truth or not, for no-one has dared travel out that way. The continent of Iador is split into four differing countries. The central country is known as Aelhollow takes up a good portion of the land, some of it spilling into the northern lands. Aelhollow is basically common ground for all races, however, it is primarily the home of Humans. The capital of this country is known as Darrowlight with King Lanvom Cliffripper resides, it is also the central place where trade is conducted. To the north, is frozen lands of Swavania, previously known as Northshore, where people suspect that the land that is always covered in snow is due to the Ice Queen, Valanga. This is country is covered in ice and snow all day, every day, all year round. As mentioned before, many people suspect that is the work of Valanga. To the south-west, is the Elven lands of Ebreynia, formerly known as Elfmarsh. All types and cultures of Elves live within this forested land that is the smallest country of them all, however, it is perhaps more guarded than that of the other countries. Travelers are rarely allowed into these lands unless they are accompanied by a group of Elves who watch them very closely, ready to cut them down at a moments notice. The south-east is where a place that was formerly known as something else, but has been replaced with the name Shadowwyn, meaning death and despair, for it is a place where no light shines through since its slow decline into ruin. It started in 808, the first decade of the Ecus Era, some unexplainable evil, slowly turned the land into ruin, and brought into a state disrepair. During 818 and 828, the second and third decades respectively, the land became inhospitable, forcing those within to leave and seek shelter elsewhere. The fourth decade, 838, is when a call for adventurers to clear the evil within this land was sent out, far and wide where they were to make their way to the last standing town within the foresaken land. The last standing town was Blackshadow, is a final beacon of hope in such a desecrated land and should this town fall, this country and all within, shall fall into darkness. This brings me to the next part. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Current Campaign: Shadowwyn, Land of the Unknown The plan for this is essentially four, possibly five, campaigns in one campaign that can be played through one after the other, should players decide to stay around after the completion of each campaign. It will be followed by Chaos in Aelhollow in which players shall roll up brand new characters for that campaign. A campaign within Swavania will follow after and then one where the newly rolled characters go to an unexplored and unknown land to discover what is there and if it is suitable for life. A campaign within the land of Ebreynia may or may not be done depending on whether a plot can be formed. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ The current group that is going through Shadowwyn consists of the following: Koroth, the Minotaur Berserker (Fighter Kit) Sir Elequin, the Human Militarist Knight (Paladin Kit) Magulor Goreshade, the Human Wizard who favours Illusion magic Nesros, the Gnome Thief/Illusionist There has been another addition to the group, however, he has yet to join the party for they have not met with him yet, however, he is known as Deian Liadon, the Half-Silver Fighter. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Anyone who has an interest in joining, drop a thread in the link provided and tell us about yourself. Your experience with 2e, what you'd like to play, what you hope to achieve, what you'd like to get out of playing and anything else of relevance. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... But please, I ask of you, nay, I BEG of you, make sure you can attend the time listed at the same time, every week on the same day. I have had far too many people join only to simply leave again before their first session or during their first session and I have had to kick far too many people for my liking. So please, make sure you can commit to the same time each week.
any games going on that is on the weekends and around 7 pm CST

Edited 1472746981
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Solynod Hex is still going strong. We've had 12 sessions on roll20 so far and the average level is 5 right now. I award experience for more than simply killing enemies, and the group has won the lottery on the occurrence of high XP yield encounters with friendly monsters such as guardian nagas and treants. I don't believe in only awarding XP for combat like most DMs do. When I was a player, I found it annoying to have had several long roleplaying encounters with friendly monsters like elves but earn zero XP at the end. I ask my players to maintain a high quality level of roleplay and I generously reward them for doing so. I believe that half the fun of AD&D is character development and it's impossible to do so without roleplay and XP.
I run a homebrew that is a hybrid of 1e, BECMI and 2e...i use the original 2e rules and PHBR rules that i compiled. IMHO alot of great adventures were written for 1e and BECMI that make the transition to 2e very easily. The main map is roughly similar to our Europe.

Edited 1482736933
Here is a video of the 135th session of my campaign: Solynod Hex <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Unfortunately, one of the player characters died in magical combat with the Avatar of a deity during this session. &nbsp;The player subsequently rolled up a new, more powerful character (thanks to better ability score rolls and higher hit point rolls) as a replacement.
i would love to stream/record my sessions but we don't use video...

Edited 1482778217
Mark W. said: i would love to stream/record my sessions but we don't use video... I don't use video either but I still stream/record my sessions anyways.
Gargamond said: Mark W. said: i would love to stream/record my sessions but we don't use video... I don't use video either but I still stream/record my sessions anyways. would have been interesting to share if i recorded the sessions from the very beginning, but we are 5-1/2 months in already in a weekly game its to late to start..viewers would be lost since we reference past adventures
Mark W. said: Gargamond said: Mark W. said: i would love to stream/record my sessions but we don't use video... I don't use video either but I still stream/record my sessions anyways. would have been interesting to share if i recorded the sessions from the very beginning, but we are 5-1/2 months in already in a weekly game its to late to start..viewers would be lost since we reference past adventures I didn't start recording until session 112 and it doesn't confuse my viewers at all. &nbsp;Better late than never. &nbsp;Plus, videos are WAY better than notes if you name each session like a TV show episode. :D
Stephen S. said: google how in google
Mark W. said: Stephen S. said: google how in google I think he means he used Google search and found the map pre-made.