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Pathfinder - Jade Regent AP - New players welcome (full)

When a decades-old family secret is exposed, an unassuming tavern-owner in the sleepy village of Sandpoint and her friends suddenly find themselves holding the key not only to one of Varisia's greatest mysteries but also a conspiracy spanning continents and empires. Can they piece together the puzzle that links her to the destruction of a fortress-settlement? And can they withstand the ancient forces and secret destiny that have waited for them for decades? What do I want? I want to start a Pathfinder game with the Jade Regent Adventure Path When do I want to play? I'm a bit flexible here and it will eventually decided by all players. Most likely it will be Saturday afternoon or evenings, or on a weekday evening. I'm in the GMT+1 timezone. Players from the US or other timezones are welcome, but should be aware of that. When will it start? At the very earliest this weekend. But most likely the week/weekend after that. How/where do I want to play it? I want to play using Roll20 and voice communication. Either the built-in one or Google+ Hangouts, depending on how the quality is on those. That will be decided when we meet for the first time. A little bit about me I'm 33 years old, but I've not been doing P&P RPGs for too long since I never found a group for it in my area. Once I discovered PF 3 or 4 years ago, I've been playing online, and I'm GMing a PbP game that's been running for over a year now. I believe I have a solid grip on the rules and enough common sense to make judgment calls in border cases. But this will be my first time I'm actually GMing a "real" game, so I do expect to make mistakes along the way. I should also mention that I'm from Germany and english isn't my first language, but so far I've gotten along fine with it. Who am I looking for? As mentioned, this is my first time running a game as a GM, so I don't mind players with no or little Pathfinder experience. If you have experience with D&D 3.5 for example, many things in PF will seem familiar to you. I've no experience with 4E, but I believe the core of it is similar as well. That doesn't mean experienced players aren't welcome, but you should be aware the GM and maybe a few of the players are new. However what I'm looking for are people that are more Role-players instead of Roll-players. Yes there will be stretches where one combat encounter follows the next. But even in these "dungeon crawl"-sessions RP will be possible and should be happening. If all you care about is your Damage and the highest To-Hit-Bonus, but your character background is a blank sheet, then this is most likely the wrong game for you. You should also be aware that this is an Adventure Path. It's intended to take you from level 1 to around level 16 while telling a story. While you certainly don't have to follow the plot on rails all the time - there will be sidequests and such and your decisions will matter - you also should accept the fact that there's an overarching story here and if you're hell-bend on breaking out of that, then you should find a game that's more suited to that. What I want from you? Further down you'll find the Character Creation guidelines. I don't want a finished character sheet from you yet. Instead I would like you to write me a PM here on the forum and try to answer these questions. You don't have to write a novel, just a sentence or two for each of them is enough for now. And if you don't have an answer for some of them yet, that's ok too. You can also send me an email or reach me on Skype instead (see below for contact info) 1) What's the name, class and race of the character you want to play? 2) What's the basic concept you're going for? 3) What's the gist of your character's background story? 4) Which NPC do you want to be connected to and how? Which campaign trait are do you plan on taking? 5) Do you plan to pursue a romantic relationship with one of them eventually? If so which NPC? (Hint: There will be more NPCs showing up in the game at later points that can be romanced too) Character Creation Info I don't need a full character sheet yet. - Download the Jade Regent Player's Guide (and read it) - Characters start at first level - Standard character creation with 25 point buy - Average starting gold for your class - 2 traits PLUS 1 campaign trait from the Player's Guide (so 3 total) - Max HPs at first level. At later levels you can either take the average hitpoints or roll. If you roll you have to do it where I see it and you have to accept the result even if its below the average. - No evil alignment. CN is allowed, but doesn't mean you can be a jerk. - 3.5 classes, feats, spells etc are not allowed - Third party stuff is allowed on a case-by-case basis (don't go overboard. I might allow one or two things per player but not an entire spellbook) Pathfinder Resources <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Contact info for me email: khales (dot) aoc -at- gmail [dot] com Skype: khales (dot) aoc
Hi! I'd be very interested in playing. I've been thinking about trying a RP-focused experience and the Jade Regent adventure path sounds like a great one to try. I'm located on the west coast of Canada, so Saturday evenings (GMT) would be preferable. I'll get the answer to the character creation questions up later today. Thanks!
Hey, I am interested in this, and have sent in my Character information.
Hey @Quatar, I PMed you my character's background story. If you need any clarification or need me to expand on anything, just let me know!
I'm also interested, however, I do have a regular offline group on Saturday, I'll be running an online group on Thursday 19:00-23:00 and I'm trying to join a Thursday evening group. So Monday, Wednesday and Friday are still availible. On Sundays I won't have time in the evening.
Hi, I'd be interested in playing, Saturday afternoon /evening sounds good.
Hi i would be interested i am free between 5PM-11PM GMT+0 on Wednesday and Friday. I am busy on the weekends and have games on Monday Tuesday and maybe Thursday but i think Thursday game not on anymore.
I might be interested in, the best days for me are Wednesdays and Thursdays any other days you would have to run them between 4:00 PM and 8:00 PM CST or -6 GMT (whichever you wanna go by) I also added you on skype so I could discuss this further with you.
Okay, let me arrange the times and interests, Ill give a preferred day a +1, an unliked day a -1, and no comments or maybes get a 0. Monday (1-1=0) Patrik D (+1), Kevin G. (-1) Tuesday (0-1=-1) Kevin G (-1) Wednesday (3-0=3) Patrik D. (+1), Kevin G. (+1), M@G00 (+1) Thursday (1-1=0) Patrik D. (-1), M@G00 (+1) Friday (2-0=2) Patrik D. (+1), Kevin G. (+1) Saturday (2-2=0) Ross P. (+1), Patrik D. (-1), Harry (+1), Kevin G. (-1) Sunday (0-1=-1) Kevin G. (-1) Result: Wednesday takes the lead.
Is it full yet
I have no problems bowing out if Wednesday is the ideal day for most people. If a weekend game opens up, let me know!
Hey guys, it's Ross P. Just wanted to let you know that I changed my display name. See you guys on Saturday!