I would just like to mention a tip, that the handout graphics can be placed in Roll20 Handouts under Journals, or they can be placed as tokens / objects on the map, reduced to a small footprint, and then display them with the "Z" method. Or a third way is to program the pic into a macro or write the image-code to show the pic in chat. There are 2 ways to do a cool "Z" pop-up that comes with a lightbox effect (centers your picture with shadowy background). If the GM sets the handout-object as a Token on the map and give All Players permission, then the players who find that icon-on-map can click it and press "Z" to see it full size. Or the GM can click the handout picture (which might be on-map or hidden in the margins under Fog Of War), GM can press "Shift-Z" and it will automagically popup the full-size handout image for everyone in the tabletop to see at the same time, full size.