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[AD&D 2e] Auto rolling system and dynamic linking?

Hi All, Are there any tools available to use any of the methods (especially best 3 of 4d6) to roll-up 2nd addition AD&D stats?  When I manually type a number in for a stat the modifiers to the right of the core stat do not appear to populate.  There is a a format of @(attribute), is there a special way to input the number to make it dynamic or are these fields not dynamicly linked?  Thanks!!  

Edited 1447394062
Forum Champion
Hi Mike! A macro can be written for that particular Method, or probably any of the stat rolling methods from AD&D 2E. I'll see if I can help you craft the macro codes that would be of use for that.  You want to get the best 3 of 4d6?  That would be [[4d6k3]] meaning "4d6 keep the highest 3", or use [[4d6d1]] for rolling "4d6 drop the lowest one". Either way has the same result. Here's a nice macro for you to use/modify, /me Rolling Ability Scores for DM Mike's AD&D 2E game! STR: [[4d6d1]] DEX: [[4d6d1]] CON: [[4d6d1]] INT: [[4d6d1]] WIS: [[4d6d1]] CHA: [[4d6d1]] Or here's a different presentation, /me ABILITY SCORES SET Rolling 6 ability scores, arrange to taste. [[4d6d1]], [[4d6d1]], [[4d6d1]], [[4d6d1]], [[4d6d1]], [[4d6d1]] You can save either of those codes as a global macro under the settings tab, and instruct your players to each go to the Settings tab (top right of chat) and open that Macro and roll it once, or roll it 3 times if you let them roll 3 characters and choose the best. If you want any of the other dice Ability Methods from AD&D 2nd, feel free to ask. I use a modified custom ability roller in my game that I wrote, similar to the above, but with some differing dice. Basically I wanted to make sure each character had a couple scores above 15, and also I went ahead and included 1 score of just 3d6 so there is a chance of getting something as low as 3-4-5. It's fun in the games. 3d6 is legit.  With the flexibility of the Roll20 dice roller, there's no reason you can't mix several 4d6 scores with 1 score that is just 3d6, or something else whatever method your DM wants for your game. For the second question, the AD&D 2E Character Sheet you are correct it does not automatically fill-in the stat adjustments to the right of each Ability Score. The Player or DM still needs to do that.  Some other game system sheets might have it automatically filling-in but this one does not have that feature written into the code, and that might be for the best since you can sometimes have various reasons for changing those numbers.  I would just fill them in for each Character based on your Ability Score, based on the charts in the Player's Handbook. Note: Character sheets are community-created and it is possible someone may create another 2nd Edition sheet that has dynamic ability stat modifiers, or the Author-coders of the current 2E sheet may see your suggestion here.
Wow! Thanks for the time and detail of explanation- I am really encouraged that the community has such solid agency in responding to questions- major props.  This really answers my questions, the syntax for rolling is what I was looking for, I can just set that as a macro.  As for dynamic linking- no biggie. Thanks again!