Hi there, I'm a DM in training and I'm currently DMing a game with one player, a friend of mine. The reason being why its only one person is to help me with my Dming skills and be better at improvisation. Turns out i thought of quite a good story for the little game and although we had fun, the Roleplay was quite slow considering there was 1 player, so I am looking for someone interested in being in a small group, who preferably knows 5E well enough and is flexible in their play time We would most likely play Monday Thursday Saturday and Sunday. Not necessarily all 4 days in the week but that's the days you would have to have free if you're up for joining, because any one of those days (or 2 or 3 or all 4) could be the day we play. We would most likely play at 11pm GMT to 3am GMT which I know because my player who is CST is 5-9pm for him We use skype. Im only looking for 1 player