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Surveillance and sousveilance or in other words, activity


Edited 1448312116
Fancy topic name for discussing a recent trend that I noticed. I hope my pattern recognition skills mislead me. Anyway, keeping somehow anarchist mindset before game, I'm almost constantly checking EP forums, and roll20 hoping that our GM would be as active while talking to us, as he is on forums. The only real things we know about our game at the point I'm writing are: mars and possible frequent resleeving.  That's it. Ok, that's really not enough to make character that would fit. However recent activity of Kevin on forums leads me to believe he is thinking of majorly fcking up the established EP setting. Things like questions about number of people in cold storage, heating Mars atmosphere using nuclear weaponry and discussion about fabrication devices lead me to believe that I need some more explanation about the tone of our game, before I try making a character. Simply put, I want to enjoy the game as well as be able to contribute to the fun factor. Currently I don't have enough info necessary in order to fit in, in that respect.  Yes, above is my late-night rambling. I do that sometimes. Occasionally it leads to nice discussions.
Oh those are one and the same Kevins?
Judging by the fact that this is that person's session...

Edited 1448488668
I'm not planning on shaking the status quo too much, I'm using the default firewall setting.  I might be leaning a little more towards automist friendly, but really anyone with skills to contribute and a vested interest in preserving transhumanity is fine.  If you want to play a Jovian or an Extropian or a Hypercapitalist, you're welcome to, but your characters are generally expected to set aside their differences and cooperate for the greater good.  Personal agendas are good, so long as they don't detract from the setting, and interpersonal conflict between players is fine so long as it doesn't get in the way of the game. Mars is as good a starting point as any, and it seems to be the default setting.  I have a few adventures in mind, but If I start running out of ideas I'll start using the premade adventures.  I like to focus a lot on what your characters do during their down time.  I have skype, I'd prefer running the native roll20 video/audio client but I run the game through chat.  (i.e. i can hear and see you, but I'd rather not deal with all my stuttering and awkwardness that comes with face to face communication.)