Hello my name is Charly and i used Roll20 for quite a while and played with my friends, never really encountered people who like the ME universe but myself. If you wish to be in a ''open world'' ME universe roleplay then you should come and try a game, i posted a game for my friends only since early 2014 and now i want to share my passion with people who like ME like me or just want to have a blast at a Sci-fi badass tabletop game! I am looking for 6 player top if possible. I will use the D6 system and we got a book : (not mine) <a href="http://masseffectd6.blogspot.ca/" rel="nofollow">http://masseffectd6.blogspot.ca/</a> BUT i heavily eddited it and added talents , weapons , factions and other various systems that make the game more fun. i use line of sight / cards (if we fancy) the first date would be : Friday December 11 7:00PM EST (1 week from now) we could make our character and discuss the team focus. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you played the game you know the game has a timeline, i respect most of it (Me1,2,3...) but the spot we would start would be right before ME2 and the good thing is that you are 100% free to do what you want, no restriction no ''protected'' characters and no borders, you can go and kill main characters or just become the new hero instead of Shepard and his team. I know the game 100% and the lore (read all the books) and i can come up with any quest or character that is needed to suit the needs of the crew, want to be neutral? Custom merc band, want to be hero and maybe join shepard ? go for it , want to help the reapers / mercs / cerberus , lets do it! i am just looking for a nice experience and alot of badass sci-fi battle awesomeness. an exemple of a map i make : <a href="http://fr.tinypic.com/r/kbsim1/9" rel="nofollow">http://fr.tinypic.com/r/kbsim1/9</a> (push ''ZOOM'' in the left corner next to ''download'')