TimeTracker.js - View Code Tracking ingame time and events like lamps, torches and long duration spells (Mage Armor). This is my first attempt on Roll20 API script. It is based on TrackerJacker.js by Ken L. Sincerely it is rip off from that script and was written in few hours for my DM. If you have any idea, bug or anything, please send me private message or reply in this topic. Your feedback is highly appreciated. Help !time -help This command displays the help. !time -setformat <timeformat> Set the show time format. This command requires 1 parameter: <timeformat> -- The numeric value of time format. Parametr must be only 12 or 24 . Default value is 24 . Example 12 . !time -set <hours>:<minutes> Set the current time. This command requires 2 parameters: <hours> -- The numeric value of hours. Must be in 24-hours time format . Example 10 . <minutes> -- The numeric value of minutes. Example 30 . !time -plus <hours>:<minutes> Add hours and minutes to current time. This ammount of time is even automatically deductive from events duration. This command requires 2 parameters: <hours> -- The numeric value of how much hours add to current time. Example 1 . <minutes> -- The numeric value of how much minutes add to current time. Example 28 . !time -show This command displays the current time. !time -addevent <name>:<hours>:<minutes> Add a event to list and automatically track it's duration if is used !time plus command. This command requires 3 parameters: <name> -- String of the event name. Example PC's Mage Armor . <hours> -- The numeric value of how much hours duration event have. Example 8 . <minutes> -- The numeric value of how much minutes duration event have. Example 0 . !time -events This command displays the active events and it's remaining duration. Macro Query dropdown If you wanna do all commands from single macro button with dropdown select use this code . Macros Time-Set !time -set ?{hours|0}:?{minutes|0} Time-Plus !time -plus ?{hours|0}:?{minutes|0} Time-AddEvent !time -addevent ?{name}:?{hours|0}:?{minutes|0} Time-Show !time -show Time-Events !time -events