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12-5-2015: The Color Animal Inn Welcomes All! (Newbie friendly, Open-door, One-Shot Live Streaming Thing) (Pathfinder system)

So, here's what's the thing, what it is, is: The Color Animal Inn is my attempt to create a 'game' that anyone can join, on a semi-regular basis. The campaign I have set up includes a large number of complicated interactions between character sheets, macros, token actions, and API scripts. This all works together to make a very, very simple interface, suitable for even the newest newbie to use quickly, easily, and intuitively. NO GAMING KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED I will be recording these sessions and livestreaming them over YouTube, as a sort of podcast type of thing that I hope will become popular. Each session will be couched in the idea that participants are visiting a bar, where they can meet one another and discuss various topics of interest. The first part of each session will feature my making a link to the game available to the general public, through these forums. Any Roll20 member who wishes to do so may join, until the 'bar' reaches maximum capacity (I'm thinking 6-8 people.) During this period, those present are invited to discuss whatever gaming-related topics they wish. In addition, I will be doing various things to help new players, and sometimes old players. Mostly the topics will be fluid, but sometimes I'll have something special I'll wish to demonstrate. For example, I might show new players how to make their characters, or I might show experienced Roll20 GMs a method I've discovered for creating detailed macros for their game. Whatever people want to chat about, we're gonna chat about. The second part of each session will begin when there are at least 4 participants who want to play, generally one to two hours after the doors open. Using characters they've created during this session, characters they'd like to import into this game, or an ever-growing selection of pregenerated characters, everyone who wishes to will get to play. The participants will then get to do a VERY random, free-form style of role-playing and combat, with exploration, puzzles, traps, monsters, and of course treasure! Using my vast array of random tables, random dungeon generators, random treasure charts, and Roll20s own system, there's no telling what might happen. And since I encourage the participants to make up significant portions of the story, even I won't know what's going to happen! These sessions can end up being anywhere from serious to silly, depending on the moods of the participants, and every group will be different. Sound like fun? Want to be part of this? Great, here's all you have to do! Rule 1: Don't be a jerk. I'm the only jerk allowed in this particular tavern, and I've already tried kicking myself out. Don't make me boot you, too. Rule 2: If you obey Rule 1, I don't need a Rule 2. Gameplay will occur on Roll20, and will be recorded. Voice contact will take place through Skype, or possibly Google Hangouts. You do NOT need to have a microphone, although it is highly recommended. Although you do not need to talk, you DO need to be able to hear the rest of us talking; you're welcome to respond entirely in text, if needed. You are welcome to broadcast video, as long as you don't make me go back and edit anything later! You are NOT required to do so. The entire session will be recorded as well as being broadcast live across YouTube, meaning that anything done within the program needs to meet YouTube's terms of service. Vulgar language is allowed, within reason. Racism, homophobia, hate speech, and anything like that is not, and anyone displaying such actions will be lucky to get a single warning. You can find prevous episodes of The Color Animal Inn here , or by searching for Phnord Prephect on YouTube. Granted, there aren't many right now, but I'm just getting started! Links to the game will be provided openly on the day of the event, shortly before the webcast begins. These links will change on a regular basis to ensure a variety of participants get the chance to be part of the occasion. Those who post in the notification thread (ie: this one) will receive their invitations approximately one hour earlier, thus giving them priority and some time to discuss their needs with me, the GM. The next event is scheduled for: Saturday, December 5, 2015, at approximately 4pm Central. Those with VIP invitations will receive their backstage passes approximately one hour earlier. GAME LINK WILL APPEAR HERE WHEN THE EVENT BEGINS (and it will be erased when it ends) -Phnord
I'm here as usual (now) :D
I'd like to try again this week.
That's two VIP passes, who else wants one? Current Roster: Red Hedgehog Kirby V Room for plenty more; sign up now! -Phnord
Day-of-game Bump! VIP invites will go out in about an hour ; open invitation will be posted here an hour after that! VIP Invites have been sent! Open Invitation link in first post! -Phnord
cool :)
Game over! We had a full party of six tonight, and it went GREAT! Thanks to all who participated! I'll be on vacation next week, but tune in after that for more Color Animal Inn! -Phnord
Great game!  I really enjoyed it!  Thanks!