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New player with a couple of questions

Hey guys, as the title obviously says I'm new around these parts, both to Roll20 specifically, but also to tabletop RPG's. I really want to find a game, but I could use some help from you more experienced people on which one. The aspects that appeal to me most are freedom and also some roleplaying. I like the idea of having to roleplay our way out of situations or being led on a very tangental path that you never expected that isn't all about combat. I know each GM will be unique, as is each game, but does anyone have any suggestions as to which game would fit this description best? Any help anyone can give is much appreciated (: P.S If you have any general suggestions about anything just directed at a new player, those are welcome too!
Sure!  There are different levels of freedom out there, and you can usually squeeze more out by knowing the system, and being willing to do more math. If you want real freedom to make a character function how you want, you could pick a universal system.   i'm a huge fan of the HERO system (formerly Champions), which was made for superhero Roleplaying.  It uses a method of reasoning from effects to let you decide how your character works, and then plug in the closest game-mechanics and define it how you want.  This means that two characters could take something similar, such as a bolt of lightning, and make it very different (player A is a robot that can shoot a huge ugly yellow thunderbolt from his chest for a bunch of damage, and player B is a mad scientist with electric fingernails who can make a horror-movie-style purple forked lightning come out of them, sith-style), and both can work and possibly even fit in the same campaign.  The downside to this system is that it is math intensive, and combat takes longer than I'd like. You also have GURPS (Generic Universal Roleplaying System) which is similar, but I've often found to be less math heavy.  It also uses a d20, which is nice. You could also achieve this in Mutants and Masterminds. But... if you don't mind a slightly more limited freedom, there are a TON of options in Pathfinder.  There are a bunch of classes, and for each class, a bunch of spells and feats and domains to choose from.  Within reason, you can make any type of character that you have in mind, but often at the limits set by the GM (i know a lot that will say no to psionics, for example).  Still, in pathfinder, I've played things like a completely insane dwarf drunken brawler, a half-elf tactician, a half-boiling-water-elemental berserker, a bull-themed minotaur shaman, a centaur sniper, a hedonistic self-absorbed and beauty-obsessed witch, and a half-vampire hybrid, among quite a few others. What I would do is join a game of 3.5 or pathfinder on roll20.  explain that you're new.  lots of people here are very helpful and many many GMs welcome new players into the hobby.  Take time to discuss your options, and read over the concepts that interest you.  Make friends, and you'll find that it won't be too long before discussions of other systems and other players' characters and games they're in come up in conversation.  Then you can ask questions.  That's how I found roll20, actually.  I was playing in a campaign on Hero-central, and one of my companions was a little 85 year old lady in powered-armor similar to Iron-Man.  Her player mentioned a pathfinder game over here, and I saw the tools, and was quite hooked.   Here are many of the rulebooks for Pathfinder..
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Take a look for fae (fate accelarated edition) games. The system is pretty free with the mechanics. I will post after I get out of class and can use my laptop. I'm using my phone at the moment.
Roll20 Team
What Metroknight said, FAE is pretty sweet! 30 pages of mechanics and that's it. You can socket it into whatever setting you want. You can pretty much get a game up and running in no time! And the digital book's only $5. Can't stop singing the praises of that system. I <3 it long time. Similarly, a lot of people really love Dungeon World. Another inexpensive digital book that you can pick up and read. It's a classic fantasy dungeon crawler with really loose mechanics.
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
The FAE book was being offered for a free download also but I don't know if it still is. FAE download page It is still available for free but if you enjoy the system then please buy it. Right now it is listed at 2.50 but in that same page you can download the pdf for free.
Both Fate Core and FAE are offered as "pay what you want" in pdf.  My impression is that Fred Hicks and the people over at Evil Hat do legitimately want you to try the game (even at zero dollars), see if its the game for you and then kick them back what you think its actually worth.  You can get both through That being said, I wouldn't worry too much over which system to use in this case and focus on finding a group and GM that is a good fit for you personally.  Regardless of system and judging by your outlook, your character is always going to be more than just numbers on a character sheet - find people who share your views and you'll be set.
Oooh, I've never heard of FAE, and will also be checking it out.  Thank you!
Thanks everyone for the replies and all the help. I've decided to look for a game of Pathfinder, since it's so common on here and I think I can grasp enough about it to jump into a game (with alot of help, I'm sure). FAE looks alot simplier and easier to grasp, but from what I can tell, there's not really any games of it on here? I could be wrong. Maybe if I get to know some people through some games, we'll decide to play some FAE later on down the line haha Again everyone, thanks for the advice, and feel free to give me more if you have a hankering to show off your knowledge :P
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Pathfinder and 4e are very common right now but there is a few FAE games around. I'm in a group that is forming up for a supers heroes campaign.