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Light and dark rooms

May 05 (12 years ago)
Abd al Rahman
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter
It would be nice to have the possibility to set an entire page as dark. This means, no one could see anything in that page.

Then, add a special aura to players and tokens as well: Light source. This aura needs a flag: Player only or everyone. This way we could manage things like lanterns and infra vision as well.

This new aura should work in combination with FOW. That means, the aura does not reveal anything that is hidden by FOW.

I know, when taking a closer look, there are many more requirements for such an aura, but I think just implementing this very basic aura will enrich the play experience much.
May 05 (12 years ago)
KS Backer
Sheet Author
This is actually a very interesting and simple bit of smoke and mirrors for a pretty significant effect. We already have the FoW, which wouldn't even need to be changed as long as its layer (in the window) was higher than the actual game layers, then under the FoW, you have a second conditional layer that is all black except where the Light Aura is occupying space. Kind of like making a negative image, or using a Layer Mask in an art program.

It -would- require a whole new layer, but not a layer anyone would have to be able to augment. Could just call it 'Darkness' or something... may or may not be easy to make work, but it is conceptually simple and clean.

You get my vote.
May 05 (12 years ago)
Interesting idea...
May 05 (12 years ago)
KS Backer
May 05 (12 years ago)
KS Backer
Adding this as another layer may be an issue as Riley has said layer additions cause major performance hits. Cool idea though.
May 05 (12 years ago)
KS Backer
Sheet Author
Well, it wouldn't really add a whole layer; right now, a layer requires we be able to edit it. This is automated from the background, and might even only be visible on the player's end, if you think about it.

I see it more of a wishful thinking, honestly. heh
May 05 (12 years ago)
KS Backer
Only problem with vision revealing FOW is then having to use vision blocking tools, which - depending on the complexity of your map - can take a long time (even worse, it's tempting to so for the effect!).

I like the idea of using this for light sources and darkness, but maybe without the option to reveal FOW.
May 06 (12 years ago)
The road map laid out by the DEV team talks about "special effects" and "dynamic lights and shadows." This might be already in the works...slated late beta June/July
May 06 (12 years ago)
KS Backer
Abd, bad ass suggestion.
May 06 (12 years ago)
Abd al Rahman
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Abd, bad ass suggestion.

Thank you :)
May 06 (12 years ago)
KS Backer
For the Line of Sight/Light-blocking tools, couldn't this be something simple as a special tool that allows you to place gm-only-visable lines/squares/circles that you could "draw over" tall walls/buildings/large natural objects etc.

It could even be a toggle in the existing drawing tools that lets you switch from normal tools to LoS blocking tools and back again (or even a 3rd option combing both for drawing a line that also blocks LOS so if you're drawing a section of map freehand you dont have to draw over it again with the LOS tool) - so you would have your Pen, Line, Box, Circle and whatever else may get added in the future, and either above or below have the LOS toggle button.

As for scripting how individual LoS would work... Quick! Somebody break open 'Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines' and steal the code!

Just my 2p thrown in. XD

Edit: Reflecting this probably belongs more with Line of Sight thread I saw a while ago... but I saw that LoS could be an issue here if the auto-reveal starts lighting up areas behind walls that should remain hidden.
May 06 (12 years ago)
Abd al Rahman
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Well, things that should stay hidden are covered by FOW. And if the light source lights a room thru a wall, which is already explored, i realy don't care.
May 06 (12 years ago)
Samael B.
KS Backer
I've proposed something similar here, I don't know if the ideas could at all be combined:
May 06 (12 years ago)
KS Backer
@Abd al Rahman Sorry Abd, misread your OP. Mia Culpa!

@Samael Butterdragon That sounds like something I could get behind, especially if combined with this. Voted up.
May 07 (12 years ago)
Riley D.
Roll20 Team
This is pretty much exactly what we're talking about when we say "dynamic lights and shadows." Not sure if we'll go as far as having you draw lines around "walls" or if it will just be a simple radius, but the general idea is almost exactly as Abd has described it. So look for that here in a month or two after we get some of the other more wide-reaching suggestions implemented.
May 07 (12 years ago)
Abd al Rahman
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Sounds great! Thank you for the information!
May 09 (12 years ago)
Ian Kennedy
KS Backer
Awesome! Hopefully the team finds an efficient way to implement this. Maptools has dynamic lighting but its way too tasking on most computers.
May 14 (12 years ago)
Riley D.
Roll20 Team
In case you don't follow us on Twitter, we are working on a prototype of this:!/roll20app/status/201034033226989569

But it's very alpha right now and will probably be a while before we're ready to release it even for beta testing. But it's in the works!
May 14 (12 years ago)
Eric D.
KS Backer
Ohhh ... that is pretty.
May 14 (12 years ago)
Abd al Rahman
KS Backer
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Sounds great :) THank you
May 14 (12 years ago)
Henry L.
KS Backer
Something feels off in that picture...

I think it is in the light adding, If I remember correctly adding them by "max(a,b)+0.85*min(a,b)" gives results that look more natural than just "a+b". "max(a,b)+min(a,b)*(1-min(a,b)/max(a,b))" might also work, but I think it requires ambient lighting, secondary sources and a hotspot enhancer to not collapse.
May 14 (12 years ago)
Riley D.
Roll20 Team
Something feels off in that picture...

I think it is in the light adding, If I remember correctly adding them by "max(a,b)+0.85*min(a,b)" gives results that look more natural than just "a+b". "max(a,b)+min(a,b)*(1-min(a,b)/max(a,b))" might also work, but I think it requires ambient lighting, secondary sources and a hotspot enhancer to not collapse.

I'm pretty constrained by what the browser will let me do. It's basically just using the addImage() function to pile shadows and lights on top of each other. I don't think I have the level of direct control over the alpha blending that you're talking about, unfortunately.

Also, I should point out that the goal here isn't to create photo-realistic amazing lighting. It's basically to let you do simple dynamic lights/shadows, with calculations for line of sight on a per-player basis.
May 14 (12 years ago)
KS Backer
Also, I should point out that the goal here isn't to create photo-realistic amazing lighting. It's basically to let you do simple dynamic lights/shadows, with calculations for line of sight on a per-player basis.

Yep. It's a diagram, a sketch map. For it to auto-reveal based on lighting and line-of-sight blocking is or would be a fantastic luxury. Natural-looking lighting, background tiles, and even to some extent character tokens are chrome.
June 05 (12 years ago)
from a certain standpoint, this Lantern-radius effect should be easier to code/process than fog of war.

Simply show a black plane with grid, and crop-display the map background region that the player token is at and the other tokens that are in radius.

Whereas a fog of war model tends to be "reveal the map as I explore it" which requires tracking every square the PC has touched, and applying that to crop-display the visible map.

Sounds like Fog is done, but if this Lantern effect had been done instead, that probably could have been good enough, and it would have put the onus on the players to actually map the dungeon, just like in old-school D&D...