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[LFP] Pathfinder Fridays: True North, high roleplay homebrew campaign


Edited 1450503129
I’ve been working on a Pathfinder game for several months now. I’m looking for two players to fill in the remaining spots in the party. This campaign is very RP heavy and min/maxing a character is heavily frowned upon. By no means does this mean most sessions will be completely void of combat. Sessions will be held every Friday at 8pm EST starting on January 15th. The average game is run for 4-6 hours. Rolls will be handled on Roll20, battlemaps will not be used, and roleplay will be over Skype - a mic is required. Below has more specific details about the story, character creation, and house rules. Story: The land of Ubiquity is a land of opposites, ever clashing yet living side by side. On one side is the Dominion of Stone, a nation populated with men and women as old as their namesake. Eldritch energies run deep in the Dominion of Stone, and with the decades and centuries to live magic has flourished under skillful hands and watchful eyes. The land is toiled by the bodies of the dead, their souls safe in what comes after and puppeteered by eldritch energies and serving honorably even after death, if you believe the Soul-Stichers. Citizens sign away their bodies to be worked until they crumble, and what is such a sacrifice after so long a life? The benefits are tangible and the land grows rich under the toils of those who dedicate their un-lives to their country and their people. Yet there are those who claim faith to holy powers who would see the creation of the undead stop completely, claiming that the souls are being tortured by the abominations that move with their corpses. The truth may never be known, but the protests become ever more violent, with the Soul-Stitchers being endangered ever more. Yet the Dominion endures as always. It is a land like its namesake: durable, stoic, and unchanging, yet strong. On the other side is the United Guild Coalition, a country of those whose lives flicker like flames, brief yet beautiful, and who burn as bright. Where the magic of the Dominion was lacking, these men and women turned to their own works for survival. Where the flames of life burn bright, so to do the lights of innovation. Marvels of technology have been made real in the United Guild Coalition, with eponymous guilds ever competing for the next great creation to make life easier for all. Mechanical beings work in the simple labor, marvels of metal given life and used for the people. Yet even as the future looks ever brighter, there is a darker side to this land of advancement. Automata have begun to show signs of life beyond what their mechanical shells should allow, and are hunted before they can escape and meet the outside world, for better and for worse. Slaves toil and make life possible for those who can afford them, yet if one were to ask the slavers they would describe them as little more than animals, and certainly not intelligent and worthy of respect. Sentiments are mixed, even as some of the “savages” begin to show signs of being more than they appear. And as faith in the gods begins to fall by the wayside in the face of technological advancement, there are questions as to whether the advancement is worth the price being paid in lives and souls, figuratively speaking. Yet the UGC is moving forward like an engine of their make, burning the fuel of competition and resources, improving the world as it moves toward a better tomorrow for all. These two nations, nations that are opposites in many ways, find themselves locked in a war older than memory, yet it is a war that costs no lives. The Dominion of Stone relies on undead soldiers and creations to wage this way, using their magicks to create facsimiles of men to die in their stead, only to be put together and sent out to fight another day. The UGC creates automata not just for labor but for war, machines that breathe black smoke and death to the necromantic foes. The war is constant, yet hollow, with neither side truly wishing to gain an edge and with the resources expended never worth stopping in comparison to what might be lost. The War of Opposites defines the world of Ubiquity, and if history is any measure the end is nowhere in sight. A disappearance in the UGC has brought together a group of individuals tasked with finding the victim. A gnomish inventor, a rare virtuoso of two fields, has gone missing in his workshop and a concerned party has tasked individuals with finding his whereabouts and determining what happened to him. It will be up to you to find out what happened to Norman Dars’fitch, and what implications his disappearance might have on the world at large. Character Creation: Backstory: As much or as little as you want, but if your first concern is, "What's the minimum?" then this might not be for you. My only stipulation is that anything you don't explain your in backstory gives me the right to fill it in with regards to plot convenience. Your character is required to be a citizen of the UGC. Starting Level: Level 1. Wealth: Will be given in accordance to backstory. Ability Scores: 20 Point Buy. Playable Races: gnome , goblin , half-orc , human , orc , and xeph . Playable Classes: Core, Base, Alternate, Hybrid, Kineticist. Some 3rd party, but must be approved by me first. Replace racial ability score adjustments with +2/+2/-2 to be distributed as you see fit. Hit Points: Max at 1st level +10. Roll or take average at subsequent levels. Alignment: This game will use the Color Wheel system. Quick reference image here with more in-depth explanation here . Although we are using the Color Wheel, evil characters are not permitted. If you have questions, feel free to ask me. Each character receives 2 traits and 1 drawback . You can choose from these lists or create your own, so long as I approve it. Each character gets 1 background . Replace class weapon proficiencies with the weapon group variant rules. If your class isn't listed, use an equivalent or ask. Use these rules in regards to feat selection to cut back on feat tax. Feats with "Greater" in their name are still taken individually. Background Skills: I am using the Background Skills System in this game. Banned Feats: Dimensional Agility, Leadership, Snake Style, and feats that replace AC with a roll. Ask permission before using third party content. House Rules & Notes: Skill Tricks are legal. Quick Draw applies to any easily accessed or reasonably sized item regardless of its status as a weapon. Exploding Dice: In combat, natural 1's and 20's explode until another number is rolled, thus increasing the failure or success of an action. Out of combat, a skill check is automatically failed or passed if two natural 1's or natural 20's are rolled in a row. Fumbles & Criticals: In combat, if a natural 1 is rolled, the character automatically misses and rolls again. If the second roll would also miss, it becomes a critical fumble. I use Paizo's GameMastery Critical Fumble and Critical Hit decks. Firearms exist and are commonplace.
I'm very interested, as this sounds exactly like what I'm looking for in an RPG campaign. However, even though I've played a lot of PF, I've never played on Roll20 (or online at all). I'm looking to get into it, though, so I don't know if that would be a problem. 
skype: Ginsu23 I'd rather hold off on making the character sheet until I get invited to the game. It's a lot of work, after all. I would like very much to play this game. I made a character named Brolaf. He was once a powerful wizard until he hatched a scheme to seize control of his arcane order. His plans were thwarted and he was dragged before the magistrate in chains. His punishment was much worse than mere imprisonment, however, his spell-casting abilities were stripped away by some dark and ancient ritual. His last friend in the world helped brolaf escape from prison. Now he will devote his life to the way of the sword until he is ready to carry out his vengeance. But a life of wizardry has left him ill-suited for melee combat. What's a warrior to do when cursed with puny noodle arms? Steroids, of course. He studied alchemy and learned how to mix mutagens and potions that give him the edge he needs to best his foes in combat. He burns with rage at those who stripped away his power, and has learned to harness that wrath to make him stronger still. With a fury that could drown the world in fire, and a few magickal roid potions, Brolaf goes from Bruce Banner to the Hulk in just under 12 seconds. Although he can no longer cast spells, his knowledge remains. I will be putting ranks into spellcraft, use magic device, and knowledge skills. I will have high intelligence. I plan to play him like a warrior who knows the infinite usefullness of magic, and tries his best to wield it through wands and magic items. He longs for his lost powers, and is jealous toward anyone capable of casting magic. He will not be evil, just a huge prick most of the time. He will be practical and logical. He will approach battles with cunning, strategy, and well-laid least until he gets mad and starts smashing things.
Im very interested in joinging your game, the story sounds fascinating and full of possibilities! I have a particular type of character that I would like to play in your campaign, and as such, I want to clear it with you before I go through all the motions of creating a character sheet for submission. My idea is to play a Bone Oracle, with a focus on undead minion creation, specifically a few high HD undead instead of many low HD undead. The character is a priest from a culture that worships the ancestors and calls upon their help via undead, at least, that's how they see it. He seeks to join the undead, but retain his mind so he may act as a bridge between the afterlife and his people, a role that is equivalent to High Shaman and King all in one. He is of course, not the only one from his tribe seeking the secrets of undeath, secrets which were lost when the last High King was destroyed as a result of war-related aggression and retaliation. If that's something that sounds acceptable to you, let me know and I'll create a character sheet for the campaign. Thanks.
Hi! I am a 30 year old female gamer with 15 years of experience in tabletops and I have been playing and running Pathfinder since it came out, so my rules knowledge and familiarity with roll20 are fairly solid. I have been looking for a game just like this! I am likely going to play a human or a gnome, and I'd like to do something with guns. Other than that I'd rather not generate my character sheet until I have been selected. I enjoy roleplay and prioritize character development and immersion in a world above min maxing or breaking the game, and believe it's a collaborative storytelling effort for all. Good luck and I look forward to hearing from you! :D
Are you still looking for players?
Hello there. I am interested in playing in your world. I am the type of player that usually fills in any spots that are missing. What classes are the players already in the campaign playing? With this knowledge I can be able to move forward and create my character to apply with. Thanks for your time.
I'm interested in playing, I've had 5 years of experience with the system, and have been told by multiple people that I am a very skilled roleplayer.  So if you would have me I'd be glad to play, just send me a message if you are interested.  Also if you like me to pre-make a character just so you can get a feeling of the type of player I am, or if you would like to do an interview, I would be more than willing... Incidentally  I see that a friend of mine has posted before me, if possible I'd love to get the chance to play with them again.
I'm an experienced Pathfinder player looking for a group to play with on weekends.  I would also like to know what the existing characters are like before I create a full build.  I have several character ideas in mind and can provide very detailed back stories, though I'll probably pester you for background information.  =) Would you be able to provide some more information on the guilds?  I have a rough concept for a character who is an inventor but I'd like some more background information to flesh that character out fully.  If you don't mind, I'd also like to ask you some crunch questions to help decide how to build out the character.