In the early comics, the danger was filled with traps, projectile firing devices, flamethrowers, and mechanical dangers such as presses, collapsing walls and the like intended to challenge the trainee. Meanwhile, an observer is in the overhanging control booth managing the room's mechanisms to oversee the exercise while manually ensuring the subject's safety. Later the Danger Room was upgraded with machines and robots for the X-Men to fight against. Who's the trainee? You, be you a new student at the Charles Xavier Institute for Higher Learning or a already known superhero stopping by to train. The Observer in the control booth? Why that is a sophisticated home brewed software that generates the room difficulty based on your teams heroes! Ever wanted to take your favorite super hero and see if he can make it from one side of the X-men's danger room to the other? Every wanted to team up with other super heroes and try to desperately achieve a "Win" from from a program that sizes up your character and generates bad guys, traps, objectives & scenery based on your power level? Well here's your chance! Be one of the few to enter the X-man mansion's danger room! Don't worry! Professor Xavier has his medical staff standing by should you catch that laser bolt instead of dodging it! FAQ: What system is this using? Hero System 5e <a href="http://www.herogames.com/productsRulebooks.htm" rel="nofollow">http://www.herogames.com/productsRulebooks.htm</a> Which super hero may I use? Any! From any Comic Book, T.V. show, Movie, Anime, Cartoon, Book.. ect... Have your own write up? Great! use it! Just need to share it with me for approval. This is just to make sure you're not overpowering your character & it matches the power level of other players. Plus I need those stats for my program. Need a hero? Pick one! <a href="http://surbrook.devermore.com/index/archive.html" rel="nofollow">http://surbrook.devermore.com/index/archive.html</a> The only rule is that any heroic teams that enter the danger room be the same power level... For example.. No Superman cannot enter the danger room with Batman.. Anything meant to hurt Superman would Pulverize Batman. I can't change how the program works, it's cruising to hurt the biggest and baddest guy on your team. Wanna team up Nightwing and Batman? More then doable. Do I accept players without any prior experience? Yes, but please pick up on the basics quickly. I do not want to be running your hero for you. Please consider getting the book, and no.. I most likely will not build your favorite super hero for you. There are multiple resources online, someone has probably already built them on the google. I will, however, ensure that your superhero is reasonable and help you balance them. I.e. your version of Wolverine cannot beat up my version of Hulk. Hulk strongest one there is... Get over it. I'm not into over romanticizing heroes into power levels they should not be at. Please do not argue power levels of super heroes with me. I promise that my perception of it is completely grounded and reasonable. What times am I available to play? My only busy times are the weekends and every weekday from 8am-1pm CNT. Wanna arrange a danger room outside my weekly play? Get a super hero team together and send me a message! Will I be booted if I have a really annoying personality? For example- munchkin out, being incredibly rude or aggressive, ruining the game for other players . YES! My goal is to create a friendly gaming environment... Not convince the danger room that it is some sort of derogatory term. Are there any house rules? Why yes, thanks for asking. Please review them. <a href="http://home.roadrunner.com/~b.gleichman/" rel="nofollow">http://home.roadrunner.com/~b.gleichman/</a> (It is under the Hero system rules) What voice system will we be using? Skype, Please add me. Need more information? Post here! Message me! Skype Me! Skype: William.r232