Lets discuss the possibility of creating a rotating GM Shadowrun game where players take turns running a run, then jump back in as a player. This idea was proposed by Eric W. here: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/268626/ok-this-is-what-we-need#post-275632" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/268626/ok-this-is-what-we-need#post-275632</a> First lets see how many people we have that are interested. Please post if you are interested in playing, and taking turns running. Include in you're post if you are comfortable running now or need to get a little play experience first. If we are playing 5th edition, I would probably need to get a run or 2 under my belt before GMing, I don't even have the book yet (but I can get it). If we went with 4th ed. I could potentially Gm the first Run. Interested?